Adam Shankman's Hairspray, based on the musical, in turn based on John Waters' comedy of the same name, brings the Broadway experience to vibrant, colorful life, with nary a bad song, and lots of fun dance choreography besides. In 60s Baltimore, a local TV station keeps its dance shows segregated, but a pleasantly plump white girl is about to change all that, the script slyly mocking institutionalized racism all the way through, and not with much subtlety. It's too boisterous and lively for that. My only problem with the film is the casting of John Travolta as the mother. He's distracting and not a good singer, and I don't think I like the idea of casting a man in a curvy fat suit in this role just because the great drag performer Divine played her in the original. On the one hand, we had some one who Waters saw as a female performer (one who starred in many of his films); on the other, someone not at all known for that sort of thing, essentially slumming it for a stunt. An irritating stain on an otherwise fun, satirical film.
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Adam Shankman's Hairspray, based on the musical, in turn based on John Waters' comedy of the same name, brings the Broadway experience to vibrant, colorful life, with nary a bad song, and lots of fun dance choreography besides. In 60s Baltimore, a local TV station keeps its dance shows segregated, but a pleasantly plump white girl is about to change all that, the script slyly mocking institutionalized racism all the way through, and not with much subtlety. It's too boisterous and lively for that. My only problem with the film is the casting of John Travolta as the mother. He's distracting and not a good singer, and I don't think I like the idea of casting a man in a curvy fat suit in this role just because the great drag performer Divine played her in the original. On the one hand, we had some one who Waters saw as a female performer (one who starred in many of his films); on the other, someone not at all known for that sort of thing, essentially slumming it for a stunt. An irritating stain on an otherwise fun, satirical film.IreneAdler
Well, partly bat-crap crazy, partly funny...moe1293
I must say I've found this movie really good.CMT
On another note John Travolta was terrible whats with that stupid southern drawl?Malena
the songs are very good ! would like to know if these are new or the same as the original movie? (I have never seen it)Reira-chan
it's a great movie - enjoyable and a lot of fun!! very positive :)I am Artemis
Funny !! : )britishben
Can't really hold a candle to the John Waters original, but a fun inoffensive romp.asiangotrice
I didn’t enjoy this film and I normally enjoy musicals. John Travolta in drag made no sense to me.DerekFME
Didn't think I would but I found this thoroughly enjoyable.CMT
@Malena None I assume, the original wasn't a musical.