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106 min.
David Gordon Green
Crime, Thriller, Horror
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3.6% (1:28)
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  1. Michael12's avatar


    In a series with as many installments as Halloween its hard to have a story that is truly original or unique. Is this movie original? No, does it borrow heavily from the previous installments? Yes, but I still feel this is probably the best Halloween movie since the original. Despite some stupid scenes, the movie is enjoyable, well directed, and the little kid with the babysitter is hilarious, best part of the movie. 5 years 9 months ago
  2. Siskoid's avatar


    Halloween... I saw the original at the start of the month, and skipped to the end 30 days (and 40 years!) later, jumping over the middle films now all usefully labeled "urban legends" (that IS a fun trick to ignore pieces of a franchise yet keep them "in continuity"). Anyway, while you can't take away the iconic power of Carpenter's first opus, I think I liked 2018's just as much or more. First, it's a gorgeous-looking movie, slick and sumptuous. Second, it makes the slasher victims likable or at least interesting before they meet their untimely ends at Michael Myers' hands, and very effectively too (who knew podcasting could be so dangerous?). And third, I like that it's about a survivor's trauma. Laurie Strode hasn't come out of her brush with death unscathed. It turned her into Sarah Connor! Michael is finally back and she's going to kill him or die trying, which leads to a satisfying reversal at the end. There's a turning point nearing an act change that hinted at a sort of dead man's gun way to continue the franchise, but they back away from it. It's for the best for the Strodes story, but might still have been an intriguing avenue to explore. So good, visceral fun, both as slasher movie (a LOT of people die) and as a "badass woman takes back control of her life" revenge flick. 5 years ago
  3. helpineedsomebody's avatar


    spoiler 5 years 9 months ago
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