Order by:


  1. 1
    Pete Walker Filmography's icon

    Pete Walker Filmography

    Ranking #1
  2. 7
    Seven Keys to Baldpate Adaptations's icon

    Seven Keys to Baldpate Adaptations

    Ranking #7
  3. 7
    Vincent Price filmography's icon

    Vincent Price filmography

    Ranking #7
  4. 15
    Films Set In A Single Location's icon

    Films Set In A Single Location

    Ranking #15
  5. 40
    BIFFF 1987's icon

    BIFFF 1987

    Ranking #40
  6. 42
    BIFFF 1985's icon

    BIFFF 1985

    Ranking #42
  7. 76
    Haunted house movies's icon

    Haunted house movies

    Ranking #76
  8. 98
    Horrorshows Secondary Films's icon

    Horrorshows Secondary Films

    Ranking #98
  9. 100
    Peter Cushing Filmography's icon

    Peter Cushing Filmography

    Ranking #100
  10. 136
    Elvira's Movie Macabre's icon

    Elvira's Movie Macabre

    Ranking #136
  11. 136
    Fragments of Fear: An Illustrated History of British Horror Films's icon

    Fragments of Fear: An Illustrated History of British Horror Films

    Ranking #136
  12. 144
    Christopher Lee Filmography's icon

    Christopher Lee Filmography

    Ranking #144
  13. 168
    All Horror Movies 1980 - 1989's icon

    All Horror Movies 1980 - 1989

    Ranking #168
  14. 238
    Kim Newman's Nightmare Movies's icon

    Kim Newman's Nightmare Movies

    Ranking #238
  15. 250
    TSZDT 5000<400's icon

    TSZDT 5000<400

    Ranking #250
  16. 428
    In Competition at Gérardmer's icon

    In Competition at Gérardmer

    Ranking #428
  17. 464
    Videohound's Horror Show: 999 Hair-Raising, Hellish, and Humorous Movies's icon

    Videohound's Horror Show: 999 Hair-Raising, Hellish, and Humorous Movies

    Ranking #464
  18. 631
    Final Girl Shocktoberfest Poll's icon

    Final Girl Shocktoberfest Poll

    Ranking #631
  19. 721
    Terror on Tape - A Complete Guide to Over 2,000 Horror Movies on Video (1994)'s icon

    Terror on Tape - A Complete Guide to Over 2,000 Horror Movies on Video (1994)

    Ranking #721
  20. 727
    Musta Peili - horror film filmography's icon

    Musta Peili - horror film filmography

    Ranking #727
  21. 785
    Top 1000 Greatest Horror films, Hidden Horror Gems,  and Disturbing Films's icon

    Top 1000 Greatest Horror films, Hidden Horror Gems, and Disturbing Films

    Ranking #785
  22. 1090
    Old Official Films's icon

    Old Official Films

    Ranking #1090
  23. 1194
    Every TSZDT Top 1,000 List Combined's icon

    Every TSZDT Top 1,000 List Combined

    Ranking #1194
  24. 2093
    Film Fanatic Book Two (F-L)'s icon

    Film Fanatic Book Two (F-L)

    Ranking #2093
Please note that number of personal lists displayed might be different from the total number of personal lists this movie is in. This is due to the fact that some of those personal lists might not be visible to you, as the user made them private or only viewable by his/her friends.