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Comments 1 - 15 of 42
Simply put, Kingsman is one of the best times I've had at the cinema in years.It's gloriously self-aware, gleefully violent, wickedly hilarious, and oh oh so much fun. From the moment a helicopter missile slams into a Middle Eastern palace in time with the beat of Dire Straits in the opening seconds of the movie I was on board, and from there the film goes from strength to strength in what is a truly wild ride, including an action scene for the ages featuring Colin Firth of all people kicking ass while Free Bird blares loudly in the background. And if you don't think that sounds incredible, there's probably just something fundamentally wrong with you.
All the cast are at the top of their game, none moreso than Samuel L. Jackson ("I always thought those old Bond movies were only as good as their villains") and what's more they all seem to be totally in sync with director Matthew Vaughn's insane vision of just how far you can push the tropes of spy movies into absurdity without becoming an out and out parody. He builds on much of his previous work, not only in terms of ideas but also in the development of his trademark style, which is at its brightly coloured, slow motion, pumping soundtrack peak here. If you thought the hallway scene from Kick-Ass was pretty sweet, then you ain't seen nothing yet.
My only complaint is the slightly dodgy CGI, which unfortunately is at its worst in the opening titles. Rest assured however that things get better, and when you realise that this film was made on a comparatively small budget, it really is remarkable just how slick and polished most of it looks.
All I can say is see this movie. It's a dream come true for those who grew up on a diet of classic Bond and 80s action flicks and long for a return to that level of unashamed fun and self-awareness. There's a time for Bergman and a time for ridiculously enjoyable, enjoyably ridiculous action movies, and for those who aren't predisposed against the latter, you simply can not do any better than this.
The exploding head scene may have been one of the weirdest things i've seen in a long time :-)fonz
If you think James Bond is too damn serious and too much like Jason Bourne and Jack Bauer, then this is the movie for you.Boei
Have not enjoyed myself in the cinema like this in a long time. Pure fun! Great action scenes which are beautifully choreographed and in which you can actually see what is happening. Lot's of humor and overall a great 'old school' James Bond like spy movie in a new coat of paint. Awesome!Mwuuh
That poor princess.dorkusmalorkus
Loads of fun. Joseph Campbell's hero's journey applied to a snarky youth in a James Bond-ish setting. Stylish and cool, there's more than enough innovations to keep it entertaining the whole way through while still making sure to pay its respects to the classics. Plenty of references and homages to be found by those who seek them. The cast is superbly put together, featuring polished performances by celebrated veterans and fresh-faced newcomers alike. Haven't had this much fun watching a movie in years. Deliciously enjoyable.chunkylefunga
Surprise hit of 2015.The cinema only had 10 people in it when I went to see it not long after it came out at peak time. Hopefully word of mouth will get people going.
Far better than I expected. One of the craziest action sequences ever!debora
One of the stupidest movies I've ever seen.Maxahlia
Gosh darn amazing. Made me wanna marry a few people. Beautiful action sequences, beautiful music, beautiful performances. Great suits. Loved the sky-diving scene.FameAsser
I attended the World Premiere of this film in Leicester Square and I was pleasantly surprised. It full of comedy moments and smart nods to serious spy films.There is also a lot of action...and its violent...very violent!
I absolutely loved it. Go see it
There's no happier ending thanSiskoid
Based on a Mark Millar property, Kingsman: The Secret Service is great big fun in a way the Millar original does not seem to have been (going be research as I never read it). I think I can say that because all the best things in Kingsman - the tribute to well-dressed spies like Bond and Steed, Samuel Jackson's crazy villain, the spy school, the whole concept behind the Arthurian apolitical service - aren't from Millar. And where the film makes me wince is in its Millarisms which don't mesh with the 60s-style spoof stuff at all - some of the hyperviolence (though it usually works), for example, and definitely the anal joke (which isn't in the comics, apparently, but feels very Millary). Ultimately though, we get the likes Colin Firth and Jack Davenport as elegant superspies in a cool tribute to Connery's Bond, when spy movies were allowed some levity. See it as a critique of the Bond franchise of today if you like. Shows the old ways aren't necessarily outdated.BigAwesomeBLT
This film was awesome! It's like a Bond film with everything turned up to 11. The cast were great. For fans of Kick-Ass but in a different genre. Although it follows the Spy Movie path pretty closely I still didn't know where it was going and there are a lot of surprises. Delightfully gruesome in some parts, with fight and death scenes that a Bond film would never get away with. Probably the funniest film ending I've seen in a while!Showing items 1 – 15 of 42