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St. Gloede's avatar

St. Gloede

This was very different from Pialat's earlier work. Gone is the more distant, semi-clinical look at life. Though our current caracter might mimic those of his earlier work in certain ways, in that they are far, far from perfect people, they do come off as more quirky, fun and loveable - though it could certainly have been played very differently. We follow the relationship of Loulou (GĂ©rard Depardieu) and Nelly (Isabelle Huppert), both actors are great like usual, Depardieu in particular brings in his loveable lifeliness, despite his pretty lowdown and dirty appearance here. Great stuff. 8/10.
11 years 4 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Though I didn't find it particularly exciting, I do respect what Maurice Pialat is doing in Loulou. He sets things into motion and there IS a script, but the actors are free to improvise to give the film a naturalistic quality that works well with its theme of the unpredictability of human behavior. Isabelle Huppert's character is especially unfathomable because she's never a single thing, and in life, there are no explanations or "written" motivations. And yet, the characters are well drawn enough that her relationship with two brutish men (Depardieu - the titular Loulou - and Marchand) feels natural no matter where her inner wind blows. You can even catch Pialat letting outtakes breathe within the film to give it more verisimilitude. But it's essentially a case of watching people live and your enjoyment may be predicated on your ability to withstand a lot of French cross-talk, an ability I have in very short supply.
1 year 1 month ago
ilBrutto's avatar


bored me to death
12 years 3 months ago
nicolaskrizan's avatar


unsettling, irritating, entertaining

12 years 10 months ago
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