Self/Less has a very interesting idea - that for a price you could transfer your mind from your dying body to a fresh one, but what happens when you discover the truth of where those bodies come from? - but then devolves into a not very memorable action thriller starring Ryan Reynolds. Plenty of missed opportunities here seeing as he had the comedy chops to make the transition from an old body to a new one much funnier, but I also can't understand why his older self, Ben Kingsley, affected such a strong accent only for Reynolds not to then have it. It's already pretty difficult to recognize Kingsley's character in Reynolds' (would a hard one-percenter have any of the opinions he has as a young man?), and they go and create a discrepancy like that. I do appreciate how the title is a four-way pun that encapsulates the film's themes, but Self/Less is just too badly thought-out to really gives those themes their due.
I don't really understand all the negative reviews of this. It was a pretty solidly entertaining movie, nothing really standout or special but enjoyable and engrossing nonetheless.
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Comments 1 - 9 of 9
Not bad, only checked it out to compare to the original which is great!Earring72
Predictable but entertaining sci/fi action movie. Starts out really good, but falls flat after 45 minute. Forgettable but ok.Siskoid
Self/Less has a very interesting idea - that for a price you could transfer your mind from your dying body to a fresh one, but what happens when you discover the truth of where those bodies come from? - but then devolves into a not very memorable action thriller starring Ryan Reynolds. Plenty of missed opportunities here seeing as he had the comedy chops to make the transition from an old body to a new one much funnier, but I also can't understand why his older self, Ben Kingsley, affected such a strong accent only for Reynolds not to then have it. It's already pretty difficult to recognize Kingsley's character in Reynolds' (would a hard one-percenter have any of the opinions he has as a young man?), and they go and create a discrepancy like that. I do appreciate how the title is a four-way pun that encapsulates the film's themes, but Self/Less is just too badly thought-out to really gives those themes their due.Houdini
I see it this way, the first 30+ minutes is in the trailer, the rest is a version of Bourne Identity.chunkylefunga
I agree (for once) with the critics. This film is a let down.Completely predictable and just generally blah.
Too predictable. But not a bad movie with a very good cast.nawi
Yup, a rather average but enjoyable scifi. However, it does have at least two outstanding scenes which stood out and made the movie worth the watch.MrDoog
A bit of a shame really, it had the potential to be something.Nowhere near as bad as critics and reviews made out, just an entertaining but predictable movie with very little to distinguish it from the crowd.
I don't really understand all the negative reviews of this. It was a pretty solidly entertaining movie, nothing really standout or special but enjoyable and engrossing nonetheless.