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Comments 1 - 15 of 27

Tish418's avatar


Fantastic sequel. Some of the best action scenes I've ever seen.
10 years 2 months ago
MoutardedShroom's avatar


Best car chase I've seen in a fucking long time...

I too think this has some screenplay issues, but it also hits in the right spots sometimes. Most of Hollywood movies are incapable of telling you something relevant (plotwise) without any expositive dialogue, just through subtle actions of the characters, something that this movie accomplishes.

Fucking action masterpiece. Just like the first one.
10 years 2 months ago
Zaothus's avatar


The final fight sequence is the stuff of miracles. I don't know how the performers managed to not die.
10 years 3 months ago
mandapuspi's avatar


A love letter to violence. Different signature to the first one, but still, bloody damn good.
10 years 5 months ago
fonz's avatar


150 minutes of dudes punching and kicking other dudes in the face. Although my cinematic tastes have matured, I found myself thoroughly impressed by just about everything in this delicious romp through the underbelly of Jakarta. It knows exactly what it is, doesn't take itself seriously enough but is satisfying enough to leave you wondering "how are they going to top this one for 3?"
9 years 7 months ago
Armoreska's avatar


additional shoot-up
10 years 2 months ago
ThomasFTB's avatar


Long live Hammer Girl
10 years 4 months ago
armyofshadows's avatar


Really incredible action sequences and choreography. Very, very violent. Probably one of the most violent movies I've ever seen. It tries to be the "Godfather" of modern martial arts. Tries. Comes close. In terms of action, maybe it wins... in terms of drama, probably not.
10 years ago


Solid, but not as strong as the first film. I found the added shake to the handheld to be really unfortunate, given how restrained and easy to focus on the action photography was in the first film. The unnecessary camera vibration made it less fun for me to watch the violence. Still, a solid film, but not as good as I had hoped.
10 years 5 months ago
Armoreska's avatar


Found the mandatory plot setups hard to follow. Prefer constant action of the original.
The action itself is as IMDb rating suggests
10 years 2 months ago
Rodney Dangerfield's avatar

Rodney Dangerfield

I found it very different from the first. In terms of style it seemed similar to the Korean gangster films of the 2000s whilst also developing a good mixture of martial arts that were used so well in the first. And despite some of the sights of the first film this is even more bloodthirsty.

Although I thought it was slightly too long for a film of this kind, it definitely needed a more defined storyline and range of characters compared to the first film. Despite the first working so well because of it's simplicity I don't think audiences would have appreciated more of the same from this film.

Very impressed. But remind me to never break the law in Indonesia because I don't fancy doing a stretch in one of their prisons!
10 years 5 months ago
Musanna's avatar


Completely overwhelmed by how good this film was. Fantastic action sequences, brilliant characters, a great story and definitely better than the first film.
10 years 5 months ago
Gunness's avatar


Definitely a worthy sequel. In the plus column we have a heavily expanded playing field, which is put to good use and some amazingly choreographed fighting sequences that certainly top the ones from the first film. The thought "That's REALLY got to hurt!" passes through your head every two minutes or so.
Storywise, Gareth Evans ups the ante as well, which is both good and bad. Of course, it would be difficult to tell a simpler story than the one in the original, and the new tale of father-son relationships and gang warfare works fine.... but it's not as engaging or clever as could be hoped for, and it pads the running time to around 150 minutes, which is definitely way too much of a good thing.
If you're willing to ignore its weaknesses, there's definitely a thrill ride to go on here.
10 years 6 months ago
bionysos's avatar


Why does it snow in Jakarta at midnight?
4 years 3 months ago
aniforprez's avatar


the first movie was great but i felt the action scenes were a little sanitary and it was a little obvious that they were stuntmen and in a real fight, they would be trying to actually hurt each other more.

this movie takes it all the way up to 11 and fucking nails it completely. there were very few places where i felt that it was a fight between stuntmen and was extremely brutal, visceral and enjoyable. this movie takes all this violence and makes it an art.

all the action cannot obscure the fact that this movie is a work of true art. where the director has done an amazing job of showing details, yet not jerking off to his own skills and letting the actors shine.

the performances are great and believable though some do make it a little cheesy. i appreciate how the actors actually had some diversity, not being only indonesian, something even hollywood movies fail to even attempt. this actually adds to the scope of the movie which is FAR bigger than the last one set in a single apartment complex.

the pacing is excellent with the right pauses for tension, the right amount of build-up and a grand and well-executed finish to the fight. not once did i feel the movie was too long but when it ended, it did so with grace and at the right time.

9.5/10 one of the best action movies to grace the history of cinema. watch it!!!

spoilerrific sidenote: spoiler
8 years 7 months ago

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