Order by:
  1. 20
    1001 popular movies at the 2000s box-office's icon

    1001 popular movies at the 2000s box-office

    Ranking #20
  2. 148
    101 Things to Do Before You're Old and Boring #48 - Watch These Films's icon

    101 Things to Do Before You're Old and Boring #48 - Watch These Films

    Ranking #148
  3. 2482
    21st century films on ICM official lists's icon

    21st century films on ICM official lists

    Ranking #2482
  4. 13
    50 Greatest Movie Sound Effects's icon

    50 Greatest Movie Sound Effects

    Ranking #13
  5. 8
    Bacaterus.com Best Colossal Movies of All Time's icon

    Bacaterus.com Best Colossal Movies of All Time

    Ranking #8
  6. 100
    Box Office Mojo's All Time Adjusted Box Office's icon

    Box Office Mojo's All Time Adjusted Box Office

    Ranking #100
  7. 166
    Box Office Mojo's All Time Worldwide Box Office's icon

    Box Office Mojo's All Time Worldwide Box Office

    Ranking #166
  8. 46
    Criticker's Ranking's icon

    Criticker's Ranking

    Ranking #46
  9. 37
    De Volkskrant Film of the Year 2002's icon

    De Volkskrant Film of the Year 2002

    Ranking #37
  10. 111
    DigitalDreamDoor's 200 Greatest Sci-fi Movies's icon

    DigitalDreamDoor's 200 Greatest Sci-fi Movies

    Ranking #111
  11. 487
    Disney Through the Decades: Disney+ (USA)'s icon

    Disney Through the Decades: Disney+ (USA)

    Ranking #487
  12. 44
    Empire's 33 Greatest Movie Trilogies's icon

    Empire's 33 Greatest Movie Trilogies

    Ranking #44
  13. 167
    Films Ranked's 200 Greatest Sci-Fi Films of All Time's icon

    Films Ranked's 200 Greatest Sci-Fi Films of All Time

    Ranking #167
  14. 87
    Films used in Actorle - Fill the Grid's icon

    Films used in Actorle - Fill the Grid

    Ranking #87
  15. 26
    Hollywood Highlights: 25 Movies with Real Impact's icon

    Hollywood Highlights: 25 Movies with Real Impact

    Ranking #26
  16. 235
    iCheckMovies Most Divisive's icon

    iCheckMovies Most Divisive

    Ranking #235
  17. 152
    iCheckMovies's Most Checked's icon

    iCheckMovies's Most Checked

    Ranking #152
  18. 826
    ICM Forum Sci-Fi / Fantasy Official Challenge 2024's icon

    ICM Forum Sci-Fi / Fantasy Official Challenge 2024

    Ranking #826
  19. 184
    iCM Forum's Favorite Action Movies - The Complete List's icon

    iCM Forum's Favorite Action Movies - The Complete List

    Ranking #184
  20. 805
    ICM Forum's Favorite Action Movies Complete List's icon

    ICM Forum's Favorite Action Movies Complete List

    Ranking #805
  21. 412
    ICM Forum's Favorite Sequels Complete List's icon

    ICM Forum's Favorite Sequels Complete List

    Ranking #412
  22. 329
    iCM Forum's Favourite War Movies Complete List's icon

    iCM Forum's Favourite War Movies Complete List

    Ranking #329
  23. 141
    iCM Forum's Movies With the Best Visuals's icon

    iCM Forum's Movies With the Best Visuals

    Ranking #141
  24. 182
    Letterboxd's 500 most watched movies of all time's icon

    Letterboxd's 500 most watched movies of all time

    Ranking #182
  25. 160
    Letterboxd's One Million Watched Club's icon

    Letterboxd's One Million Watched Club

    Ranking #160
  26. 1107
    List of Science Fiction Films's icon

    List of Science Fiction Films

    Ranking #1107
  27. 145
    Movieland (Tous les films)'s icon

    Movieland (Tous les films)

    Ranking #145
  28. 2021
    /r/TrueFilm Canon - All the Votes's icon

    /r/TrueFilm Canon - All the Votes

    Ranking #2021
  29. 269
    They Shoot Aliens, Don't They's icon

    They Shoot Aliens, Don't They

    Ranking #269
  30. 342
    Tim Dirks' Visual and Special Effects Milestones (Filmsite)'s icon

    Tim Dirks' Visual and Special Effects Milestones (Filmsite)

    Ranking #342
  31. 869
    TSPDT Poll: 1,005 Film Favourites's icon

    TSPDT Poll: 1,005 Film Favourites

    Ranking #869
  32. 914
    TSPDT Poll: 1,005 Film Favourites's icon

    TSPDT Poll: 1,005 Film Favourites

    Ranking #914
  33. 216
    YMDB.com Top 474's icon

    YMDB.com Top 474

    Ranking #216
Please note that number of personal lists displayed might be different from the total number of personal lists this movie is in. This is due to the fact that some of those personal lists might not be visible to you, as the user made them private or only viewable by his/her friends.