Order by:
  1. 8
    Total Film 50 Most Disappointing Movies of All Time's icon

    Total Film 50 Most Disappointing Movies of All Time

    Ranking #8
  2. 9
    The Vulture's The 30 Best Superhero Movies Since Blade's icon

    The Vulture's The 30 Best Superhero Movies Since Blade

    Ranking #9
  3. 41
    FilmsRanked.com 100 Greatest Superhero Films's icon

    FilmsRanked.com 100 Greatest Superhero Films

    Ranking #41
  4. 42
    MovieMeter Film of the Year 2006's icon

    MovieMeter Film of the Year 2006

    Ranking #42
  5. 69
    1001 popular movies at the 2000s box-office's icon

    1001 popular movies at the 2000s box-office

    Ranking #69
  6. 323
    Box Office Mojo's All Time Adjusted Box Office's icon

    Box Office Mojo's All Time Adjusted Box Office

    Ranking #323
  7. 360
    Tim Dirks' Visual and Special Effects Milestones (Filmsite)'s icon

    Tim Dirks' Visual and Special Effects Milestones (Filmsite)

    Ranking #360
  8. 369
    Box Office Mojo's All Time Worldwide Box Office's icon

    Box Office Mojo's All Time Worldwide Box Office

    Ranking #369
  9. 496
    Empire's The 500 Greatest Movies of All Time's icon

    Empire's The 500 Greatest Movies of All Time

    Ranking #496
  10. 634
    ICM Forum's Favorite Sequels Complete List's icon

    ICM Forum's Favorite Sequels Complete List

    Ranking #634
  11. 652
    Wikipedia's List of Fantasy Films's icon

    Wikipedia's List of Fantasy Films

    Ranking #652
  12. 779
    They Shoot Aliens, Don't They's icon

    They Shoot Aliens, Don't They

    Ranking #779
  13. 1173
    ICM Forum's Favorite Action Movies Complete List's icon

    ICM Forum's Favorite Action Movies Complete List

    Ranking #1173
  14. 1230
    List of Science Fiction Films's icon

    List of Science Fiction Films

    Ranking #1230
  15. 1580
    21st century films on ICM official lists's icon

    21st century films on ICM official lists

    Ranking #1580
  16. 1619
    Movieland (Tous les films)'s icon

    Movieland (Tous les films)

    Ranking #1619
  17. 2558
    iCM Forum's Favourite Movies of the 2000s Complete List's icon

    iCM Forum's Favourite Movies of the 2000s Complete List

    Ranking #2558
Please note that number of personal lists displayed might be different from the total number of personal lists this movie is in. This is due to the fact that some of those personal lists might not be visible to you, as the user made them private or only viewable by his/her friends.