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Siskoid's avatar


I have to wonder if 1959's The Angry Red Planet wasn't an inspiration for Stan Lee and Jack Kirby when they created the Fantastic Four (perhaps even more finding that one of the movie's alternate titles was Journey to Planet Four). The crew of the rocket is very similar indeed, and as the story begins in medias res, one of the crew members is transforming into something. But largely, this is about a mission to Mars - a very very red Mars, strikingly imagined - with lots of giant monsters (usually, posters for these kinds of movies are pretty symbolic, but not this one) and absurd science. Whereas I find a lot of science-fiction B-pictures of the era rather talky and dull, this one has a lot of incident and charming effects, the flaws kind of papered over by the so-called Cinemagic process that posterizes everything in that red filter. The monsters are a little goofy, but imaginative, so again, charming. No prizes to hand out for scientific accuracy to be sure, but in terms of its genre, you could do a lot worse.
3 years 7 months ago
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