Order by:
  1. 2
    The Times' The 100 Best Films of the Decade's icon

    The Times' The 100 Best Films of the Decade

    Ranking #2
  2. 21
    The Telegraph: The Films That Defined The Noughties's icon

    The Telegraph: The Films That Defined The Noughties

    Ranking #21
  3. 442
    The Telegraph 500 Must-See Films's icon

    The Telegraph 500 Must-See Films

    Ranking #442
  4. 40
    De Volkskrant Film of the Year 2004's icon

    De Volkskrant Film of the Year 2004

    Ranking #40
  5. 7
    Birmingham Post: Graham Young's Top Films of the '00s's icon

    Birmingham Post: Graham Young's Top Films of the '00s

    Ranking #7
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