Order by:
  1. 13
    Time Out London: The 50 best Christmas Movies's icon

    Time Out London: The 50 best Christmas Movies

    Ranking #13
  2. 17
    The Playlist: The 20 Best Fantasy Films of the 21st Century So Far's icon

    The Playlist: The 20 Best Fantasy Films of the 21st Century So Far

    Ranking #17
  3. 17
    50 Best Conservative Films's icon

    50 Best Conservative Films

    Ranking #17
  4. 19
    National Review's The Best Conservative Movies's icon

    National Review's The Best Conservative Movies

    Ranking #19
  5. 25
    101 Things to Do Before You're Old and Boring #48 - Watch These Films's icon

    101 Things to Do Before You're Old and Boring #48 - Watch These Films

    Ranking #25
  6. 27
    1001 popular movies at the 2000s box-office's icon

    1001 popular movies at the 2000s box-office

    Ranking #27
  7. 32
    Fantasy 100 Movies's icon

    Fantasy 100 Movies

    Ranking #32
  8. 59
    Fatherly's The 100 Greatest Kids Movies Of All Time, According to Movie Critic Dads's icon

    Fatherly's The 100 Greatest Kids Movies Of All Time, According to Movie Critic Dads

    Ranking #59
  9. 83
    iCM Forum's Favourite Fantasy Movies Complete List's icon

    iCM Forum's Favourite Fantasy Movies Complete List

    Ranking #83
  10. 83
    iCM Forum's Favourite Fantasy Movies Top 150's icon

    iCM Forum's Favourite Fantasy Movies Top 150

    Ranking #83
  11. 83
    Red Tricycle's 100 Top Movies to See with Kids Before They're 12's icon

    Red Tricycle's 100 Top Movies to See with Kids Before They're 12

    Ranking #83
  12. 130
    Box Office Mojo's All Time Worldwide Box Office's icon

    Box Office Mojo's All Time Worldwide Box Office

    Ranking #130
  13. 133
    Highest Grossing Films (Monthly)'s icon

    Highest Grossing Films (Monthly)

    Ranking #133
  14. 144
    Box Office Mojo's All Time Adjusted Box Office's icon

    Box Office Mojo's All Time Adjusted Box Office

    Ranking #144
  15. 150
    iCheckMovies's Most Checked's icon

    iCheckMovies's Most Checked

    Ranking #150
  16. 182
    Films used in Actorle - Fill the Grid's icon

    Films used in Actorle - Fill the Grid

    Ranking #182
  17. 201
    Movies where (weighted) average age of actors is below 30's icon

    Movies where (weighted) average age of actors is below 30

    Ranking #201
  18. 203
    Movies with the least dialogue's icon

    Movies with the least dialogue

    Ranking #203
  19. 291
    Letterboxd's 500 most watched movies of all time's icon

    Letterboxd's 500 most watched movies of all time

    Ranking #291
  20. 293
    Letterboxd's One Million Watched Club's icon

    Letterboxd's One Million Watched Club

    Ranking #293
  21. 302
    iCM Forum's Favorite Underrated Movies Complete List's icon

    iCM Forum's Favorite Underrated Movies Complete List

    Ranking #302
  22. 366
    iCM Forum's Favourite Movies of the 2000s Complete List's icon

    iCM Forum's Favourite Movies of the 2000s Complete List

    Ranking #366
  23. 423
    I Capture the Period Pieces's icon

    I Capture the Period Pieces

    Ranking #423
  24. 583
    Disney Through the Decades: Disney+ (USA)'s icon

    Disney Through the Decades: Disney+ (USA)

    Ranking #583
  25. 616
    Wikipedia's List of Fantasy Films's icon

    Wikipedia's List of Fantasy Films

    Ranking #616
  26. 688
    iCM Forum's Favorite Movies of the 21st Century 1-5000's icon

    iCM Forum's Favorite Movies of the 21st Century 1-5000

    Ranking #688
  27. 688
    iCM Forum's Favorite Movies of the 21st Century 2 votes or more's icon

    iCM Forum's Favorite Movies of the 21st Century 2 votes or more

    Ranking #688
  28. 1765
    21st century films on ICM official lists's icon

    21st century films on ICM official lists

    Ranking #1765
Please note that number of personal lists displayed might be different from the total number of personal lists this movie is in. This is due to the fact that some of those personal lists might not be visible to you, as the user made them private or only viewable by his/her friends.