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havrasador's avatar


11 years 2 months ago
MrDoog's avatar


7.7 on imdb
84% on Rotten Tomatoes

I must be going mad.
11 years ago
Saniss's avatar


Some funny moments, and the actors didn't take themselves seriously... but everything else was boring.

Dick jokes. I expected more.
11 years ago
the3rdman's avatar


I don't think this film is really the place to look for dignity and respect. It was exactly what I expected, and for the most part utterly absurd and fun. Could have used some more cameos but otherwise hard to complain about if you maintain realistic expectations.
11 years 3 months ago
firewordsparkler's avatar


Great to watch with friends. Mindless entertainment. James Franco is hilarious. I loved all the foreshadowing, and the final scene was cinematic masterpiece
10 years 10 months ago
JasperN's avatar


With a 7.7 on imdb I expected more. A lot more.
11 years ago
frankqb's avatar


"This is the End" is a stoner's tripped out, wet dream of a movie come to life. If that sounds like what you're looking for, you might enjoy this.

"This is the End" is low-brow, gratuitous, raunchy and yet strangely entertaining, in a way that is both actually funny and a fascinating sociological study of hateful people. While it starts out like a firecracker, the film is dragged downhill by the supremely unlikeable Danny McBride. Soon it devolves into an apocalyptic nightmare version of every Seth Rogen movie ever made: Weed, homophobia, rape jokes and more sexual humour than you've ever wanted to hear. Everything comes back to a penis joke.

Somehow the thread of a plot is surprisingly well maintained through all this phallic carnage (though I think the story is irrelevant to the film's real goal of new lows in human discourse), but the fact remains that "This is the End" only has a few intelligent moments, is probably offensive to women or anyone with a brain, and only has a few real laughs.

Stoners will love it though, unfortunately.

2 stars out of 4.
11 years 3 months ago
palefire's avatar


This film is a pleasure to watch not just from its guffaw-inducing comedy, but also because it so inventive and non-conventional in its design. Highly recommended.
10 years 5 months ago
NourNasreldin's avatar


One of my favourite comedies, that's for sure! Cracks me up every time I watch it!

I was waiting for Danny McBride to be killed the first second he showed up on screen. Just wish Jason Segel and Paul Rudd were part of the main cast so that the gang would've been complete.

If you like this kind of humour, I recommend you watch Pineapple Express, 21 Jump Street and Superbad
10 years 9 months ago
Unfortunate Synopsis's avatar

Unfortunate Synopsis

A bit over-hyped. There were two things that made it worthwhile: (1) spoiler, and (2) spoiler.
10 years 7 months ago
Kinchski's avatar


6 years 2 months ago
PrincessConsuela's avatar


Terrible movie but it did have its funny moments. Emma Watson was the highlight of the movie and she didn't really hang around. I have never been a huge fan of this "group" but I did make me feel like I could sit through some of their other movies.
So yes, terrible movie but hey it was funny and I actually kind of enjoyed watching it.
10 years 7 months ago
sillysausage's avatar


I shouldn't have watched this
10 years 9 months ago
Youssef Y.'s avatar

Youssef Y.

it's a good movie to laugh at the crazy stuffs with your buddy.
10 years 11 months ago
meysam_a's avatar


Could've been a lot better, but still funny.
11 years ago

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