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Siskoid's avatar


In 1988, four years after the original film, Full Moon came out with Pulse Pounders, an anthology release that featured 25-minute sequels to both Trancers and The Dungeonmaster. The Trancers short, City of Lost Angels, isn't really required watching going into Trancers II (1991), but it's a diverting "where are they now?" starring four members of the original cast, including Helen Hunt and Alyson "we're watching her grow up in these films" Croft (probably my favorite character). An assassin breaks out of jail in the future and goes down the line to the 80s to take revenge on Jack Deth (as you do), and it shows Jack in danger of losing his touch. He's way too trusting. Still, there's an amusing use of time travel that makes for a good punchline. I wonder, do we have this to thank for Full Moon resurrecting Trancers a few years later? If so, then it's smile-inducing fluff that will lead to more of the same. Thanks, City of Lost Angels.
4 years 10 months ago
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