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105 min.
M. Night Shyamalan
Crime, Thriller, Mystery, Horror
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1.9% (1:53)
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  1. americanadian25's avatar


    Well... I guess this is what you would call a mixed bag of a film. It's 50% a pretty good suspense/thriller and 50% a really stupid one. Josh Hartnett carries the movie nicely along with a solid supporting cast. And credit is where credit's due, there are a few effective nail biting moments of suspense. I can even mostly overlook that a good chunk of the movie is M Night Shyamalan using the film to jump start his daughter's acting career (she has a big showy part and a big heroic moment too), still she's a decent actress so whatever.
    Unfortunately, the movie frequently teeters on the line of believability and often crosses it to a point where it just gets ridiculous. Too many contrived coincidences and a few too many gaps in logic keep the screenplay from being as tight as it could've been.
    It's not all bad though, not without it's moments and considering some of M Night's previous flops, it could've been A LOT worse.
    2.5 out of 5.
    1 month 2 weeks ago
  2. KrisI's avatar


    As per usual in an M. Night movie this starts off with an interesting premise that it can't really fulfil and especially in the second half it veers off the rails completely with a mash-up of giant plot holes, deus ex machina's, people making ridiculous choices and just all around silliness. It says a lot when the mid-credit scene is, by a long mile, the best thing.

    It also leans very heavily into nepo-territory with extensive footage of his daughter performing.

    Frankly the only real pleasant surprise was Ariel Donoghue.
    1 month 2 weeks ago
  3. Siskoid's avatar


    M. Night Shyamalan's Trap would benefit greatly from not having a trailer, or else the onus is on the audience to keep mistrusting the film to amp up the tension. It's a little straightforward as is, even if it keeps changing gears on you in terms of who you care about (that's a kind of twist, isn't it?). Structurally messy, but it IS pretty fun nonetheless. Josh Harnett is evidently having a lot of fun, and we like him best as the doofy dad taking his daughter to see a big pop star's show. He can be a little over the top when things get unhinged, but that's part of the fun. The front half of the film is therefore the best, as I love claustrophobic environments (not in life, but in film) and Trap plays as a sort of reverse Sudden Death. Saleka Shyamalan's music is pleasant enough to forgive the director giving her such a career boost (though the acting is more uneven). The back half isn't as strong, but still has its pleasures. If this really is part of the "M. Night Universe", I can well believe someone's being driven to the Split asylum at the end... 1 month ago
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