It's certainly not without its flaws, but this is the best film Anurag Kashyap has come out with since Black Friday. A very devastating story, filled with equally infuriating and amusing moments (the initial interrogation sequence at the police station) and characters who are all complete frauds and fakers.
The acting is also top-notch, with Girish Kulkarni pulling off the best performance of the group as Sub-Inspector Jadav. Probably the best Bollywood movie of the year.
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Highly recommended.Among the best crime dramas in India in the past decade.
Very Grim and perfectly apt title.
This movie is not any top list?!!! I'm surprised.Without doubt the best movie of this year. Mind blown!
It's certainly not without its flaws, but this is the best film Anurag Kashyap has come out with since Black Friday. A very devastating story, filled with equally infuriating and amusing moments (the initial interrogation sequence at the police station) and characters who are all complete frauds and fakers.The acting is also top-notch, with Girish Kulkarni pulling off the best performance of the group as Sub-Inspector Jadav. Probably the best Bollywood movie of the year.