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Comments 1 - 8 of 8

filmcave's avatar


Helpful reading material:




11 years 3 months ago
the3rdman's avatar


Commodification and objectification of the people and resources of Africa?
12 years 3 months ago
allisoncm's avatar


After reading descriptions of this film across the Internet, I've found that it's meant to be viewed without subtitles. However, if there are subtitles available one day, I'm willing to rewatch it.
12 years 4 months ago
dpka's avatar


Poor animals!
8 years ago
xianjiro's avatar


NSFP (not safe for PETA) aka includes animals being spoiler
6 months ago
Torgo's avatar


To quote again from one of filmcave's (helpful) articles: "Incidentally, Kubelka intentionally left the film unsubtitled. He believes subtitles ruin the integrity of the image. But perhaps more significantly, he seems to feel that the pure sound-and-image collisions will be strong enough to have an impact on a viewer, without her or him necessarily understanding the (mostly German) dialogue."
I'm German and find the muffled dialogue very hard to understand anyway; I also feel like it's not necessary. This is more about montage / experiment in composition.

As one of the other articles states: "While there is no definite narrative in Kubelka’s “Unsere Afrikarese” nor use of subtitles for the non-German-speaking audience, his use of non-temporal cuts in editing (i.e. no definite progression of time or any hint about when in the trip certain shots occurred) [...]"
Of course there is a difference between that and randomness. How much that will do for you as the viewer, except if you're interested in technical aspects, is another story.
2 years 10 months ago
corchap's avatar


Effective film making for those willing to look beyond the moving images to the causality between shots
5 years 12 months ago
Emiam's avatar


Thanks, Sreviko, but lousy quality!
8 years 8 months ago
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