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dpanter's avatar


Epic. If you ever run into Sean Connery, tell him this is your all-time favourite movie and keep a straight face.
12 years 8 months ago
RosePlantQueen's avatar


Gun good, penis bad.
12 years 9 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


This movie actually isn't bad...It's just a series of good sci-fi metaphors and honestly there's a lot being said in this movie. Obviously the 70's low budget nature is very silly to look at but I mean I don't see how that makes the content entirely bad. The ideas and themes were clear and interesting enough to keep my attention throughout. If you can't see past the silliness (which definitely does add to the entertainment value) then I think you're being immature.
6 years 1 month ago
onedarkdog's avatar


I have it on good authority that sean connery was not paid to act in this movie, because he didn't.
11 years ago
Siskoid's avatar


Though essentially best known for Sean Connery running around in a red diaper, I'll give full marks to Zardoz for its ambition, a dystopian SF film by way Jodorowsky and in the vein of 70s musicals (Tommy only comes out the next year), but this is no Holy Mountain. It LOOKS interesting, and it's obviously ABOUT something, but it's at once too opaque and personal to director John Boorman, and not enigmatic enough. On the face of it, it's Campbellian - a primitive man (Connery) discovers knowledge and kills his god, sending him spinning to "civilization". That civilization of hedonistic and effete Eternals (the satire of communes has passed its expiration date, but I think we can relate with the general feeling) is stagnating because it has lost touch with their primal selves... or something. It's just not quite clear what the film is trying to say exactly and who it is attacking. If the Wellsian Eloi, then why make the "Brutal" hero a mass murderer and rapist? And if the film is generally misanthropic, well, ouch, you hurt my innate humanism. Ultimately, while Zardoz is intriguing, it feels like a symbolism for symbolism's sake and never really comes together for me.
2 years 11 months ago
Sojourner's avatar


Don't know why, but i love this one.
11 years 2 months ago
Zeus-Incorrigible's avatar


love how bold boorman is to just sorta abandon any kind of thesis statement by the end of this movie and instead have it coast by purely on vibes.
3 months ago
El Screaming Bandito's avatar

El Screaming Bandito

What the hell did I just watch?
7 years ago
hyperform's avatar


Never mind the movie, story and etc. I was just shocked by the reality that Sean Connery looked like an old man then and he still does as if there had been no 40 years gap.
11 years 2 months ago
bklooney's avatar


It seems like they gave Sean Connery lines with a lot of "s" 's in order to accentuate his speech impediment. "Shed, for Shardoz." "Shtay closh to me. Inshide my aura." "Nietzshshe."
7 years 8 months ago
Shingwauk's avatar


It was painful to watch Sean Connery and Charlotte Rampling in this flick. I can't call it a film.
4 years 1 month ago
ExPtreize's avatar


11 years 5 months ago
withrowd's avatar


My name is Zed.
12 years 6 months ago
samoan's avatar


Wow what a bad movie. Just garbage and boring. Not worth the running time. Fun seeing Sean Connery in a very hilarious outfit and taking his role very seriously but the film is just hard to follow because of how boring it is and the acting ranges from ok to downright terrible. Most on the terrible side.
7 years 2 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Sean Connery wonders around an illogical future that looks like a 70s hippy commune, looking as bored as I felt watching it.
10 years 8 months ago
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