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Siskoid's avatar


My Young Auntie ("the comic tour de force of Hong Kong cinema") - At times, this is an outright bizarre movie with its mish-mash of Chinese and American culture, and clash of styles. Kept comparing it to Grease, and it seemed like they were always going to break out into song. At one point, they do, and Gordon Liu's musical number has to be seen to be believed. But of course, there's great action as well. This was directed by Lau Kar-Lung, my favorite action director, and never mind choreographing 8-16 moves in a single shot: He himself performs more than 30 in a single shot in the climax of the movie! And a lovely, staid performance by Kara Hui in the lead role.
7 years 4 months ago
jlfitz's avatar


aka My Young Auntie
8 years 1 month ago
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