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caroll's avatar

Caroline Linkerman Orlando, FL, United States

Hi everyone! I'm a student, so a little bit experienced in essay writing.
Did you ever wondered, what does the green light at the end of The Great Gatsby signify? What does it tell us about Jay Gatsby’s relationship with Daisy, and, more broadly, about the time and place that Fitzgerald’s novel evokes?
By turning a general topic into a specific question, you’re giving yourself something to guide both your writing and your research.
Asking a question at the outset makes the entire writing process easier, since you know precisely what you are doing: you aren’t just writing in response to a general set of topics; you’re answering a specific question.
If you’d like to try this approach, here are some tips on crafting a successful question: make it specific!
The more specific your question is, as the term paper service says, the more focused your essay will be. One trick you can try is to start with a very general question, and then to qualify it until you arrive at one that works. For example:
What do quilts signify?
What doe quilts signify to women?
What do quilts signify to Canadian women?
What did quilts signify to women in nineteenth-century Canada?
What did quilts signify to women in nineteenth-century Atlantic Canada?
Answer this questions, and you'll get the best essay!

Favorite quote: “Do your best!”


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16 January 2019
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  1. American History X

    5 years 3 months ago
  2. Requiem for a Dream

    5 years 3 months ago
  3. The Godfather Part II

    5 years 3 months ago
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  1. Donnie Darko

    5 years 3 months ago
  2. The Silence of the Lambs

    5 years 3 months ago
  3. The Shining

    5 years 3 months ago
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