dajmasta94's comments

Comments 1 - 25 of 87

dajmasta94's avatar


I highly disagree with the other comments. Why not barricade yourself in the bedroom? Well, they establish that people are in the attic which can be accessed through the bedroom so they’re already in the attic right? I mean yeah you could try that but buddy is probably bleeding out. Idk everyone is saying this is just like any home invasion movie but this feels like one of the better ones to me. It’s very grounded and doesn’t feel too unrealistic in comparison, I didn’t have a ton of moments where I was wondering why they were reacting the way they were and I genuinely liked these characters based on the few dialogue scenes that were in the film before the horror starts happening. Not sure what anyone else was expecting out do this, it’s about as cut and dry and effective as a home invasion film could be and that’s admirable in my eyes. When this is the type of movie you’re making you don’t need more than one or two well written/acted scenes to sell your victims and frankly I felt this had some of the better establishing scenes meant to endear us to the main characters. Everything about the movie is very concise and well paced, the opening establishes the threat which is necessary, the following few scenes introduce us to our main characters nicely and the rest of the film basically takes places in real time as the horror unfolds. Anyone who says it’s boring must have the attention span of a tik tok brained adolescent because it’s taken me longer to cook meals than it takes to watch this movie. Short & sweet & simple. A good horror flick with plenty of tension.
10 months 1 week ago
dajmasta94's avatar


Anyone that doesn’t see how this is satire and that much of what would be described as being in poor taste is essentially a meta element to the film must not know the directors past. Starship Troopers also gets overlooked for its satire (which is beyond me as to how that’s possible). I think the line that gives this away the most is when her former boss at the strip club comes to see her perform and has a heartfelt moment with her but ends it by turning to her as he’s walking away saying “Must be weird not getting cum on” lol. If that moment doesn’t let you know that the director is in on how ridiculous this all is idk what would.
1 year 8 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


The first one is a little boring after the first 40 minutes, but the detective character keeps it a little interesting. The second is better, but way more tasteless and hard to watch at times but my god what an opening 20 minutes. This one is the best of the 3 (not seen 4 or 5 yet). Obviously not in terms of actual quality but entertainment value wise this has the most ridiculous premise and the most interesting plot. Can’t wait to see how much more absurd this series could possibly get.
1 year 9 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


Nowhere near as bad as some state it is. It’s a fun time, not as good as the original or 3 but it’s not like crazy bad for the kind of movie it is. It’s weird that two of the main cast from the last one are in this and basically playing the same characters and the same thing happens to them again but it’s also oddly charming? Idk maybe just my extremely low expectations made the movie feel better but it has some cool gore effects and some gags that would’ve been welcomed by fans if they were in the first film. I’m also a sucker for anything with a cast member of twin peaks in it so seeing Bobby Briggs fight zombies was pretty fun for me.
1 year 11 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


A very derivative, bland movie that thinks it is way more clever than it really is. It Follows is the best of these types of movies. Someone has stated here that that film is about sexually transmitted diseases but I think it’s more about the fear of death and the sexual aspect is a way of saying our biological desire to reproduce is derived from our fear of death. Anyways, smile is a one trick pony that is incredibly predictable and at many times laughable . The last 30 minutes in particular are where many of the attempts to be scary become caricatures of modern horror tropes. I also don’t have much respect for a horror movie with as much lazy CGI use, all of the knife/stabbing stuff looked terrible and those effects aren’t even hard to do practically so idk why that’s the route they went with it. Movies like this and their abundance are what make this time one of the worst, if not the worst, ever for mainstream movies. The bar has been lowered so much for so many people it seems.
1 year 11 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


Joseph Bologna is in fact the actors name. I thought it must be fake as well but it’s not, unless the actor chose to use a fake name for every film he is in. Anyways I thought this was more fun than the first one although there’s far less alligator action. It’s obviously nothing special but it’s a fun little movie worth watching if you enjoyed the first.
2 years ago
dajmasta94's avatar


A serious drop off from the first two. Just felt like going through the motions and some of the rules established in the first two felt a little bent. The deaths weren’t as fun and the red herrings not as anxiety inducing, characters felt cardboard and really bad dialogue. Not that the others were amazing movies but they were more well crafted than this entry and it’s just not as fun as a result.
2 years 1 month ago
dajmasta94's avatar


Highly entertaining and I commend it for tying into the events of the first one as much as it does as I really was t anticipating that aspect of it. It’s not a masterpiece or anything but if you’re like me and love slashers, this gives you that same feeling but the lack of a physical killer turns every kill into a little guessing game and the kills are always satisfying because there’s a lot of red herrings to throw you off. I can’t imagine this series ever topping this entry and I think it’s one of the most fun horror films I’ve seen in a while.
2 years 1 month ago
dajmasta94's avatar


People who don’t like the end must be heartless. This movie brings me to tears every time I watch it. It’s a brilliant ode to cinema itself and how it can bring people together despite whatever may be going on in the real world around them. It’s a love letter to the escapism and connection that film can provide to us as individuals and as a community.
2 years 1 month ago
dajmasta94's avatar


This movie gave me worms
2 years 1 month ago
dajmasta94's avatar


I guessed the ending like 45 minutes in but it’s still a pretty hilarious final reveal.
2 years 1 month ago
dajmasta94's avatar


Anyone who says this movie is over the top doesn’t know how to have a good time. This movie is so much fun, if you think you’re supposed to take it seriously within the first 10 minutes you must be brain dead.
2 years 8 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


Another one I just didn’t get. This movie had lots to offer but excelled in nothing. The plot was pretty basic/not hard to figure out where it was going after a certain point but the execution of a lot of the action/horror was also kinda bland. The two main actors are good but everyone else is meh, production values felt pretty cheap as well. I don’t get the hype.
2 years 11 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


An underrated Bergman! Maybe the camera work and story are a little bare bones but I rather enjoyed this one. It is simple, yes, but it well crafted and I genuinely felt for all of the characters. It does certainly pair well with Waiting Women, the Criterion set has them together in their curated viewing order.
4 years 1 month ago
dajmasta94's avatar


The directors cut is actually a pretty good flick that is certainly much more than just an excuse for makeup. The subtext of the film is really about homosexuality. Once you key into this you see Barkers intentions are pretty clear and while it’s no masterpiece of cinema if you’re a fan of makeup and horror as a vehicle for bigger ideas this is a solid watch.
4 years 9 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


I disagree with the comments below! This one is a clever enough sequel that moves e narrative forward a bit while rehashing it enough to keep it familiar like most horror sequels do however if you’re a fan of slightly more over the top death sequences this film has that over the first in my opinion and yes the first is a much better movie overall this is a very respectable and fun sequel for anyone with the right attitude.
4 years 10 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


Blanchett gives a good performance and the child actress did a good job with what she was given. I liked the characters and the story but the execution leaves me feeling empty where I can tell I’m supposed to be feeling much more. I wanted to be feeling more, by the end I just felt kinda cheated. The movie never earns the emotional reactions it’s striving for which is unfortunate because enough talent is involved to make you think it would be. What’s going on Linklater?
5 years 3 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


Stick with this one! The first half can at times feel a bit too much like Scorsese’s other films in this same category but the back half is a real heartbreaker. I do wonder if the material might have been served even better if this was a 5 part miniseries. I think what this is missing is a little more of a look into his relationships with his family and also perhaps the luxuries of the lifestyle. I understand why these things aren’t in a movie version when there’s so much else going on but as is it’s still a great watch. Pesci kills it, so good and so glad his role is unique and not too much like the other roles he has with Scorsese. De Niro is wonderful as well and I even thought Al Pacino was good! It’s been too long! But the CG is still in my opinion distracting a lot of the time, it doesn’t ruin anything but I definitely was less engaged during the scenes with CG than not. If I know it’s a CG fave my mind immediately begins analyzing it and very rarely is it that I don’t find it to feel odd looking and then I realize I haven’t been paying attention to dialogue as much. Maybe this isn’t a problem for most people which I totally understand, it doesn’t look terrible but I bet you in 5 years it’ll look dates to a lot of eyes. I am very glad I was able to see this on the big screen, I don’t think I would have had the same amount of commitment level. Pausing would have been apart of my watch and I like that a theater forces you to commit and pay attention. A story like this requires that in order for it to hit hardest which is a plus for the decision to make a movie and not a miniseries.
5 years 3 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


I wish the entire film had been as brilliant as the open meaning credits...The use of the Beatles singing in German over footage of nazi rallies is the best tonal balance the movie really achieves in regards to tongue in cheek humor/quirkiness as a way to make a point. I wish I could get behind the silliness more but when it comes to tone the comedy is at times restrained and feels appropriate and welcome and at others it intrudes with its lack of subtlety. This shifting tonal issue matches that of the ever shifting accents from many of the ensemble cast, perhaps most blatantly on Sam Rockwell’s part. Despite these grumbles I did enjoy myself while watching and I also cried. What works best in this film is the relationship between mother and son. I think this could have been a much better film for many reasons if some of the blatant comedy was removed. It would surely trim the run time down a bit which wouldn’t hurt, it would kee the tone more consistent and allow me to invest more in the relationships which were pretty well developed and portrayed, being taken out by just barely too broad humor which sometimes seems inspired more by fun on set than as enhancing the film. This feels like a sillier cousin to The Book Thief, which is funny because the tone of THe Book Thief is much more straight however I don’t think it addresses the issues as well as this one does in moments. Somewhere between the two there’s potential for a truly great film. 6.5/10
5 years 3 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


Ehh, I honestly just don’t feel like this was very necessary. A couple of good moments, but something just felt awkward about it to me. I was pretty fine with the vagueness of jesses ending, the details were of course entertaining to watch but the basics of what we get here I really did just assume already. Not something I think I’ll ever feel the need to revisit.
5 years 4 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


This is one of the greatest cinematic achievements to date if you ask me. This film has such a powerful ending that proves challenging for some who might not understand that nobody is truly meant to be the moral compass here, with the possible exception of Da Mayor. The name of the film is Do The Right Thing, which after seeing the film you realize how genius that is because see no one doing the right thing when it matters, we see the casual prejudices that exist in the everyday lives and mentality of the characters portrayed bubble over making monsters of everyone. It attempts to objectively show the faults of all parties involved after making us fall in love with so many of them. It’s such a shame that this didn’t wake the world up more when it came out, art like this could change the world if our society gave the respect it should give to artists and art as a whole.
5 years 6 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


This show is terrible. The writing is on par with gas station romance novels. The characters that might actually have potential to be likable are not focused on enough and Nicole Kidman’s character is basically just a victim. She has no other character traits or story. Every scene she is in for the first half of the season plays out the exact same way. The way they delved out this milder mystery was incredibly cheesy, lame, and cheap as well. The constant cutting away to bystanders with their gossipy comments gets old in the first episode but doesn’t stop. I guess the big twist at the end literally within 5 seconds of the element in question being presented. I don’t get the love for this show, the characters are boring or downright gross people who I don’t care about or want to spend any time with. Another overhyped show that doesn’t deserve a lick of the praise it gets.
5 years 8 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


Underrated! Bergmans first attempt at a straightforward comedy, but it’s still got plenty of pondering on serious themes. I really enjoyed this one, lighter tone with a lot of the same Bergman wit and really great characters. Fast paced, informative dialogue and great use of flashbacks help establish a history between characters. The end was a little too cute, felt more 1940’s Hollywood than Bergman but overall this is a solid flick from him. Should be in a list or two IMO.
5 years 11 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


The most engaging film I saw from 2018. I think the ending was a little weak. Not sure how to describe why, I guess there were a lot of emotional peaks over the duration and the end didn’t have as much of an impact for me. I guess so much of the film and I suppose film in general is about showing us the themes, the end attempts to summarize them a little bit with some narration which wasn’t underwhelming to me for some reason. Overall this is a fantastic achievement, the performances are absolutely incredible, and the (IMO) slightly awkward ending is more of a nitpick only being mentioned because it was the most glaring negative aspect of the film for me.
5 years 11 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


Reminds me of early Bergman. I enjoyed this overall but I didn’t love it. The characters were lacking the initial depth needed to cater the emotional weight it tries for. The story unfolds in segments, skipping years at a time and while I think that would have worked just fine if there had been more time spent with these characters initially, and maybe really seeing why they fall for each other in the first place, but as is it just felt a little flat on an emotional front for me. Not bad by any means and it’s a treat to look at and the music and dance numbers showcased are always very engaging. Maybe I’m missing the point and the lack of characterization is because that wasn’t really the point of this film but that’s what I got out of it.
5 years 12 months ago

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