Surprisingly good, considering its predecessor is my favorite Disney film. The between-segment skits are annoying, and the tone in general is lighter, but there's still a good balance. The last sequence is just breathtakingly beautiful to look at.
The best film Disney ever made (not counting the Pixar collaborations). Challenging, ambitious, creative, risky. Too bad the risk didn't pay off for them. The "sequel" Fantasia 2000 is pretty good, too.
Considering when and how this was made, it's incredible how terrific the finished product is. So influential, so ahead of its time, and it still holds up well today! Easily one of the greatest horror movies, period.
Totally nuts in the best way. Full of Argento's trademarks, and featuring a very young Jennifer Connelly. Monkeys, mind-controlled insects, mutant babies, Donald Pleasence - what more can you ask for?
Technically the "sequel" to Suspiria, which is superior, this is still one of Argento's best films, and much, much better than its own sequel, "Mother of Tears."
One of my favorites. Defies categorization - part horror, part fairytale, part romance, and chock full of symbolism. Lots of beautiful and haunting imagery.
Torgo put it well. I can't believe this isn't on a single list! Not unlike watching a moving Rorschach test for 80 minutes, it's still oddly compelling and disturbing.
One of Hitch's most underrated flicks. Contains some of the humor of his British roots (the potato sequence), and is indeed strangely disturbing as Pickman points out.
Comments 2901 - 2925 of 2944
Movie comment on Joshû sasori: Dai-41 zakkyo-bô
Meiko Kaji is so bad-ass. I was overjoyed when I heard Tarantino use her songs in the Kill Bill films.Movie comment on Fantasia 2000
Surprisingly good, considering its predecessor is my favorite Disney film. The between-segment skits are annoying, and the tone in general is lighter, but there's still a good balance. The last sequence is just breathtakingly beautiful to look at.Movie comment on Fantasia
The best film Disney ever made (not counting the Pixar collaborations). Challenging, ambitious, creative, risky. Too bad the risk didn't pay off for them. The "sequel" Fantasia 2000 is pretty good, too.Movie comment on Duel
Simple & effective story, done very well by a young and ambitious Spielberg. One of his best.Movie comment on Die Hard
Yup, still my favorite American action film.Movie comment on Night of the Living Dead
Considering when and how this was made, it's incredible how terrific the finished product is. So influential, so ahead of its time, and it still holds up well today! Easily one of the greatest horror movies, period.Movie comment on Phenomena
Totally nuts in the best way. Full of Argento's trademarks, and featuring a very young Jennifer Connelly. Monkeys, mind-controlled insects, mutant babies, Donald Pleasence - what more can you ask for?Movie comment on Inferno
Technically the "sequel" to Suspiria, which is superior, this is still one of Argento's best films, and much, much better than its own sequel, "Mother of Tears."Movie comment on Creepshow 2
While the whole film doesn't come close to the original, the "Raft" story is wonderfully gruesome and creepy. Worth watching for that alone.Movie comment on Cool Hand Luke
The part Newman was born to play.Movie comment on The Company of Wolves
One of my favorites. Defies categorization - part horror, part fairytale, part romance, and chock full of symbolism. Lots of beautiful and haunting imagery.Movie comment on Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Back when Spielberg had balls.Movie comment on Charade
The best film Hitchcock never made. I defy anyone not to be entertained by this.Movie comment on The Changeling
One of the best "haunted house" films to date. Very atmospheric.Movie comment on Carlito's Way
One of Sean Penn's greatest performances.Movie comment on The 'Burbs
One of my favorite comedies, I wish this was on a list. Bruce Dern gives a truly hilarious performance.Movie comment on Bound
I'll be crucified for saying this, but I still think this is the best film the Wachowskis have made to date.Movie comment on Black Christmas
Great slice of 70's horror, ironically directed by the same man who brought us another holiday-themed classic, A Christmas Story.Movie comment on Begotten
Torgo put it well. I can't believe this isn't on a single list! Not unlike watching a moving Rorschach test for 80 minutes, it's still oddly compelling and disturbing.Movie comment on La belle et la bête
Absolutely gorgeous. Visual poetry.Movie comment on Angel Heart
Spooky and sensuous. Lisa Bonet is sex incarnate.Movie comment on An American Werewolf in London
Manages to weave horror, humor, romance and drama together pretty deftly. Some very memorable sequences. Ignore the inane sequel.Movie comment on Altered States
I love this movie, despite (or because of?) its insanity on so many levels.Movie comment on Frenzy
One of Hitch's most underrated flicks. Contains some of the humor of his British roots (the potato sequence), and is indeed strangely disturbing as Pickman points out.Movie comment on The Ladykillers
Classic comedy, one of my favorites. Runs circles around the surprisingly lame remake by the previously infallible Coen bros.Showing items 2901 – 2925 of 2944