This is a hot mess. Shymalan confirms that whatever he had at the beginning of his career is no longer with him. Tiny flickers of brilliant ideas show their head here and there throughout this conclusion but as a whole this is a sloppy conclusion to a sloppy attempt at creating a cinematic universe years after the fact. Split was a slightly above average thriller that was elevated immensely by its tie in with Unbreakbale however noe that this conclusion is confirmed to be a dud it lessens the notion that Split was ever a true return to form and it reveals it as more of a sad exploitation of the directors bekoved earlier work in the attempts to revive his reputation as a filmmaker.
Going through the Bergman Box and this is the first one that's really wowed me from his earlier stuff. Very compelling, great performances and camera work
Honestly one of the best sequels I've ever seen. Don't get me wrong, this movie is cheesy as hell but so is the first one and the character is really fully realized and expanded upon in his second feature. There's a few moments that are really well done, moments that tie into the first movie and show how he is developing from that younger version of the character and it's seamless in ways many other movie sequels are not (especially for it being a different director). I went in just wanting to enjoy the 80's spectacle and laugh but by the end I was pretty invested in what was happening and that was a pleasant surprise. It still has plenty of laughable moments so I must say that a good half of the enjoyment f ti smoke comes from the entertainment value of the 80's. But the characterization and performance from travolta make for a solid watch.
Beautifully shot and the music is great, it's a lot more quaint than his next few films but it showcases a lot of what Malick is known for. He hasn't perfected his style at this point though. I do like this movie but I think it's missing something; the use of multiple narrations from different characters as seen in other Malick films would have elevated the material drastically I feel.
It's a solid Woody Allen flick...but his best? Definitely not. I can understand it's impact and see why people went nuts for it at the time but with some of Allen's later works having perfected some of the things he's doing here I found it to feel average to some degree. I love Woody and I've seen about half of his films at this point, maybe it's because I'm already very familiar with how Allen portrays relationships that this one just didn't impress me as much but I still enjoyed it overall.
If you don't like it or think it's boring it just wasn't for you. This is not a film trying to entertain but a film trying to say something by making you feel. If you felt bored, well guess what? That was the point! You are supposed to feel the mundanity of this woman's life. It should have felt suffocating at times. She is trapped by her daily routine, the ending is a byproduct of this. It's pretty simple to understand, it seems so many people are caught up in this idea of what movies should be but it's much more interesting and rewarding to explore what artists think they can be.
It's pretty good but I believe I might have been spoiled by the Garry Shandling documentary. I know that's kind of silly but this one came off as a little basic idk...I still liked it but it didn't feel anywhere near as intimate, wish it had been longer. Still a good watch!
Anyone complaining about the characters not being fleshed out enough...I mean c'mon this is not a movie about characters. It's a quick, adrenaline filled glimpse into a nightmarish predicament. The scariest thing about the film is how quick it starts killing people off, removing that element to try and squeeze in some characterization would only work against the films gritty, raw style. The pace and tone of this really work wonders and I think this movie will always have an impact on people. When it was over I couldn't believe how fast the movie seemed to fly by. A horror masterpiece.
Pink Flamingos is not a movie but an exercise in the joys of being repulsed and shocked; and I say that with love! I was blessed to have seen this in a theater for the first time with a crowded house and I mean if you can't have a good time with this movie under those circumstances I don't think we can be friends. Anybody claiming this isn't a good movie needs to let go their idea of what a movie is supposed to be, that's what makes films and filmmakers like John Waters so fun! They don't care about the rules! If you can't enjoy this I really think you just be taking it and yourself too seriously.
My goodness it seems like most people here have completely avoided viewing this film under the right context. First of all this is an independent production from the early 70's so it's right in there with that first big wave of American independent filmmaking, these guys had no real idea of how to make a movie so you have to take things like the soundtrack (which is only half bad, there's some aspects of the soundtrack that are actually pretty strong) and the goofy comedic relief with a grain of salt. This movie is certainly not a masterpiece but it is definitely important and shrugging it off as a poor taste rip off of Virgin Spring is a pretty surface level criticism. This movie has an affect on people because it shows all of the graphic details of monstrous behavior without flinching. It does not give you the vice of cutting away very often and no this is does not make it pornographic or celebratory; evidence of this is after the rape of Mari you can literally feel just how conflicted the perpetrators are about their actions. There is an unspoken disgust amongst all of them for what they have done. Picking grass that has stuck to their bloody hands and just standing there not saying a word until they decide to get cleaned up and change. They have to put on new clothes to rid themselves of this disgust. There is so much power in that scene and that certainly isn't in Virgin Spring and it definitely wouldn't be as powerful or effective had the violence been depicted in a less graphic way. Appreciating this movie now is all about context and understanding that yes, it is a bit of a mess if you want to go through the boring check list of conventional craftsmanship but the movie is important because it challenged conventions so it would just be missing the point. I also kinda find the clunky soundtrack and comic relief to be kind of charming from the perspective that it's a bunch of guys who haven't learned about how to make all of those things work yet. It's obviously a huge learning experience for Craven. I get that's a lot to keep in mind while watching a movie but that's why the film is so highly regarded amongst certain people, not because it's genuinely some masterpiece but because it presented something interesting and upsetting to the established norm of the genre and it had huge impact on it.
These comments are lame, this movie is fantastic! One of Romero's best. The chaotic atmosphere is definitely present, but it's not supposed to be suspenseful or scary as much, it's a slow burn. It's also a gigantic series of metaphors for Vietnam and they are very well done, thematically this is the most consistent and the most intriguing of Romero's work that I've seen and I think anyone who fails to notice that is just not looking for what this film has to offer and is instead looking for some generic thrills. That's what makes Romero great is he has a lot to say and his early independent film style that's certainly always been rough around the edges on a technical level adds a charming quality to them, but what's impressive is his ability to create messages with horror/thriller-centric plots. Cut from a similar clothe as Cronenberg although I'd say the similarities definitely have their limits and are more apparent from a broad description. Anyways Romero is so much more than "The Zombie Guy" and it is a shame that he could not continue making more films outside of the boundaries of horror because his talents are far more reaching than the cheap thrills some audiences love him for.
Heartbreaking, and certainly not dull. A very elogant film about how the complexities of love, high society, percieved honor and how all of these things come together and create conflict for our main characters. The end of the film really hits all of these themes home.
Definitely the worst in the franchise. A downright disgrace if viewed seriously but if you can just revel in the fact that Busta Rhymes is fighting Michael Myers and making Kung Fu noises it's not a complete waste. The biggest mystery to me is why Jaime Lee came back. I mean did she need the money?? Definitely the biggest crime committed here is how they handled her death.
Look, I enjoy the Giallo genre and I like Argento obviously but the outright praise always confuses me. The best of his work, and with any of that in this sub-genre, is riddled with amateur filmmaking tropes (mostly from a story, dialogue, and character perspective). These movies are never actually truly great, but they are full of charm. There are moments of brilliance but inbetween the set pieces there's an abundance of stagnant predictability. I only choose to bring it up because as someone who only recently started delving into Giallo it took me a while to understand what to expect as everyone seems to praise these as masterpieces which to be frank is a laughable assessment. I see these as more of an oddity, a mashup of many different film elements, some of which had previously been perfected by Noir and some yet to be perfected. Argento takes the model of Hitchcock and adds his flare for gore in set pieces that predate the American Slasher wave. That's what makes them interesting and fun. Wish people would stop attributing them to be some kind of genuinely masterful works, the style is great but the writing is just not there in a lot of ways. Anyways I do love these movies but maybe in a different context than some people seem to. Great aesthetics and an awesome score from Goblin make this movie. One last note I was expecting more to come from the whole mind reading thing but nope lol this is the kind of thing I mean with Giallo there's so many odd storytelling devices that get thrown into the mix but go nowhere and it just makes me laugh.
Great movie, very funny and fast paced dialogu; the cast is great together. One small nitpick is the very end, felt a tad rushed and possibly even unnecessary but I guess they wanted some sort of happy ending, would have been pretty satisfied personally if no one ended up together but maybe that's just me.
A very hypnotic movie, but ultimately one that has too little substance for it's runtime. I feel like this could have been a pretty riveting short film, perhaps closer to a 45 minute runtime. But as is, it's too waning and with too little story to truly enjoy. I would love to see what Gosling does next but I wonder if working with another writer might help him flesh things out more. Beautifully shot, great score, some interesting dialogue...But ultimately feels empty.
Was expecting a murder mystery and got a whole hell of a lot more. There's so many layers to this, It's a film that leaves you thinking about it long after viewing and I look forward to revisiting it and mulling it over again and again. To anyone that watches this and is baffled by it's inclusion of a plot and subsequent lack of focus on that plot...Pay attention to how all of these side threads mirror the themes of reality vs interpretation and the blending of those two things by way of art. It's quite beautiful.
An interesting watch, ultimately feels kinda aimless. Takes a few sudden turns that just don't feel earned for how much of a tone shift it ends up being. Music is beyond dated, laughable at times. It's kinda like a fancy mess I mean I can't even say I didn't like it or enjoy it overall but it's definitely not a good movie. It's a flawed movie with enough good bits to stop me from feeling like I wasted my time. If a more conclusive theme could be pulled from the ending it would work better.
Jumping Elephants comment is indicative that they just didn't understand the point of the relationship between Will and Marty. Will "falls" for Marty's youth because he is fearful at the loss of his own, it's not sexually driven or portrayed in a perverse way. Anyways this movie has some interesting things going for it, structurally it starts feeling a little odd in it's second half but it's enjoyable overall and it certainly captures certain elements of lifelong friendships in an endearing way that will make you think about your own life.
Mike Mills has talent but leans on some tendencies that bring an air of pretension. It doesn't overcrowd this film or his first film, Beginners, but it is distracting when it's there. I'm referring to the use of narration and it's attempts to sometimes place the stories into some bigger, deeper context. This concept isn't pretentious in and of itself but the laziness of attempting to do something as delicate as that with outright narration is off putting and and ruins the desired effect for me. Sometimes it works and sometimes it feels contrive. Overall I really enjoy the characters, their interactions with each other and their subsequent development. There's a lot happening and it takes a little while for this one to find it's groove pacing wise but once it does it's nice. Not quite as good as Beginners but the use of the same type of narrative tropes might have undercut a little of what makes this film unique. I'm hoping his next venture won't fall back on this same narration style, it would almost certainly have become entirely stale by that point. Good performances, stellar cast, nice soundtrack. Worth your time.
Devito delivers some big laughs, they don't seem to make comedies like this anymore. Maybe it's just me but I would have liked a less happy ending. It all gets cleared up a little too fast but oh well I laughed a lot. I wish Devito still directed stuff it is always pretty solid.
Comments 26 - 50 of 87
Movie comment on Glass
This is a hot mess. Shymalan confirms that whatever he had at the beginning of his career is no longer with him. Tiny flickers of brilliant ideas show their head here and there throughout this conclusion but as a whole this is a sloppy conclusion to a sloppy attempt at creating a cinematic universe years after the fact. Split was a slightly above average thriller that was elevated immensely by its tie in with Unbreakbale however noe that this conclusion is confirmed to be a dud it lessens the notion that Split was ever a true return to form and it reveals it as more of a sad exploitation of the directors bekoved earlier work in the attempts to revive his reputation as a filmmaker.Movie comment on Till glädje
Going through the Bergman Box and this is the first one that's really wowed me from his earlier stuff. Very compelling, great performances and camera workMovie comment on The Garbage Pail Kids Movie
A very uncomfortable watch. I was disturbed and entertained and then disturbed by how entertained I was.Movie comment on Staying Alive
Honestly one of the best sequels I've ever seen. Don't get me wrong, this movie is cheesy as hell but so is the first one and the character is really fully realized and expanded upon in his second feature. There's a few moments that are really well done, moments that tie into the first movie and show how he is developing from that younger version of the character and it's seamless in ways many other movie sequels are not (especially for it being a different director). I went in just wanting to enjoy the 80's spectacle and laugh but by the end I was pretty invested in what was happening and that was a pleasant surprise. It still has plenty of laughable moments so I must say that a good half of the enjoyment f ti smoke comes from the entertainment value of the 80's. But the characterization and performance from travolta make for a solid watch.Movie comment on Days of Heaven
Beautifully shot and the music is great, it's a lot more quaint than his next few films but it showcases a lot of what Malick is known for. He hasn't perfected his style at this point though. I do like this movie but I think it's missing something; the use of multiple narrations from different characters as seen in other Malick films would have elevated the material drastically I feel.Movie comment on The Purple Rose of Cairo
Woody at his best!Movie comment on Annie Hall
It's a solid Woody Allen flick...but his best? Definitely not. I can understand it's impact and see why people went nuts for it at the time but with some of Allen's later works having perfected some of the things he's doing here I found it to feel average to some degree. I love Woody and I've seen about half of his films at this point, maybe it's because I'm already very familiar with how Allen portrays relationships that this one just didn't impress me as much but I still enjoyed it overall.Movie comment on Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du commerce, 1080 Bruxelles
If you don't like it or think it's boring it just wasn't for you. This is not a film trying to entertain but a film trying to say something by making you feel. If you felt bored, well guess what? That was the point! You are supposed to feel the mundanity of this woman's life. It should have felt suffocating at times. She is trapped by her daily routine, the ending is a byproduct of this. It's pretty simple to understand, it seems so many people are caught up in this idea of what movies should be but it's much more interesting and rewarding to explore what artists think they can be.Movie comment on Robin Williams: Come Inside My Mind
It's pretty good but I believe I might have been spoiled by the Garry Shandling documentary. I know that's kind of silly but this one came off as a little basic idk...I still liked it but it didn't feel anywhere near as intimate, wish it had been longer. Still a good watch!Movie comment on The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
Anyone complaining about the characters not being fleshed out enough...I mean c'mon this is not a movie about characters. It's a quick, adrenaline filled glimpse into a nightmarish predicament. The scariest thing about the film is how quick it starts killing people off, removing that element to try and squeeze in some characterization would only work against the films gritty, raw style. The pace and tone of this really work wonders and I think this movie will always have an impact on people. When it was over I couldn't believe how fast the movie seemed to fly by. A horror masterpiece.Movie comment on Pink Flamingos
Pink Flamingos is not a movie but an exercise in the joys of being repulsed and shocked; and I say that with love! I was blessed to have seen this in a theater for the first time with a crowded house and I mean if you can't have a good time with this movie under those circumstances I don't think we can be friends. Anybody claiming this isn't a good movie needs to let go their idea of what a movie is supposed to be, that's what makes films and filmmakers like John Waters so fun! They don't care about the rules! If you can't enjoy this I really think you just be taking it and yourself too seriously.Movie comment on The Last House on the Left
My goodness it seems like most people here have completely avoided viewing this film under the right context. First of all this is an independent production from the early 70's so it's right in there with that first big wave of American independent filmmaking, these guys had no real idea of how to make a movie so you have to take things like the soundtrack (which is only half bad, there's some aspects of the soundtrack that are actually pretty strong) and the goofy comedic relief with a grain of salt. This movie is certainly not a masterpiece but it is definitely important and shrugging it off as a poor taste rip off of Virgin Spring is a pretty surface level criticism. This movie has an affect on people because it shows all of the graphic details of monstrous behavior without flinching. It does not give you the vice of cutting away very often and no this is does not make it pornographic or celebratory; evidence of this is after the rape of Mari you can literally feel just how conflicted the perpetrators are about their actions. There is an unspoken disgust amongst all of them for what they have done. Picking grass that has stuck to their bloody hands and just standing there not saying a word until they decide to get cleaned up and change. They have to put on new clothes to rid themselves of this disgust. There is so much power in that scene and that certainly isn't in Virgin Spring and it definitely wouldn't be as powerful or effective had the violence been depicted in a less graphic way. Appreciating this movie now is all about context and understanding that yes, it is a bit of a mess if you want to go through the boring check list of conventional craftsmanship but the movie is important because it challenged conventions so it would just be missing the point. I also kinda find the clunky soundtrack and comic relief to be kind of charming from the perspective that it's a bunch of guys who haven't learned about how to make all of those things work yet. It's obviously a huge learning experience for Craven. I get that's a lot to keep in mind while watching a movie but that's why the film is so highly regarded amongst certain people, not because it's genuinely some masterpiece but because it presented something interesting and upsetting to the established norm of the genre and it had huge impact on it.Movie comment on The Crazies
These comments are lame, this movie is fantastic! One of Romero's best. The chaotic atmosphere is definitely present, but it's not supposed to be suspenseful or scary as much, it's a slow burn. It's also a gigantic series of metaphors for Vietnam and they are very well done, thematically this is the most consistent and the most intriguing of Romero's work that I've seen and I think anyone who fails to notice that is just not looking for what this film has to offer and is instead looking for some generic thrills. That's what makes Romero great is he has a lot to say and his early independent film style that's certainly always been rough around the edges on a technical level adds a charming quality to them, but what's impressive is his ability to create messages with horror/thriller-centric plots. Cut from a similar clothe as Cronenberg although I'd say the similarities definitely have their limits and are more apparent from a broad description. Anyways Romero is so much more than "The Zombie Guy" and it is a shame that he could not continue making more films outside of the boundaries of horror because his talents are far more reaching than the cheap thrills some audiences love him for.Movie comment on The Age of Innocence
Heartbreaking, and certainly not dull. A very elogant film about how the complexities of love, high society, percieved honor and how all of these things come together and create conflict for our main characters. The end of the film really hits all of these themes home.Movie comment on Halloween: Resurrection
Definitely the worst in the franchise. A downright disgrace if viewed seriously but if you can just revel in the fact that Busta Rhymes is fighting Michael Myers and making Kung Fu noises it's not a complete waste. The biggest mystery to me is why Jaime Lee came back. I mean did she need the money?? Definitely the biggest crime committed here is how they handled her death.Movie comment on Profondo rosso
Look, I enjoy the Giallo genre and I like Argento obviously but the outright praise always confuses me. The best of his work, and with any of that in this sub-genre, is riddled with amateur filmmaking tropes (mostly from a story, dialogue, and character perspective). These movies are never actually truly great, but they are full of charm. There are moments of brilliance but inbetween the set pieces there's an abundance of stagnant predictability. I only choose to bring it up because as someone who only recently started delving into Giallo it took me a while to understand what to expect as everyone seems to praise these as masterpieces which to be frank is a laughable assessment. I see these as more of an oddity, a mashup of many different film elements, some of which had previously been perfected by Noir and some yet to be perfected. Argento takes the model of Hitchcock and adds his flare for gore in set pieces that predate the American Slasher wave. That's what makes them interesting and fun. Wish people would stop attributing them to be some kind of genuinely masterful works, the style is great but the writing is just not there in a lot of ways. Anyways I do love these movies but maybe in a different context than some people seem to. Great aesthetics and an awesome score from Goblin make this movie. One last note I was expecting more to come from the whole mind reading thing but nope lol this is the kind of thing I mean with Giallo there's so many odd storytelling devices that get thrown into the mix but go nowhere and it just makes me laugh.Movie comment on The Philadelphia Story
Great movie, very funny and fast paced dialogu; the cast is great together. One small nitpick is the very end, felt a tad rushed and possibly even unnecessary but I guess they wanted some sort of happy ending, would have been pretty satisfied personally if no one ended up together but maybe that's just me.Movie comment on Babettes gæstebud
Delightful, poignant, and humble in it's achievements. This film is beautiful. Enough said.Movie comment on Lost River
A very hypnotic movie, but ultimately one that has too little substance for it's runtime. I feel like this could have been a pretty riveting short film, perhaps closer to a 45 minute runtime. But as is, it's too waning and with too little story to truly enjoy. I would love to see what Gosling does next but I wonder if working with another writer might help him flesh things out more. Beautifully shot, great score, some interesting dialogue...But ultimately feels empty.Movie comment on Blow-Up
Was expecting a murder mystery and got a whole hell of a lot more. There's so many layers to this, It's a film that leaves you thinking about it long after viewing and I look forward to revisiting it and mulling it over again and again. To anyone that watches this and is baffled by it's inclusion of a plot and subsequent lack of focus on that plot...Pay attention to how all of these side threads mirror the themes of reality vs interpretation and the blending of those two things by way of art. It's quite beautiful.Movie comment on The Beach
An interesting watch, ultimately feels kinda aimless. Takes a few sudden turns that just don't feel earned for how much of a tone shift it ends up being. Music is beyond dated, laughable at times. It's kinda like a fancy mess I mean I can't even say I didn't like it or enjoy it overall but it's definitely not a good movie. It's a flawed movie with enough good bits to stop me from feeling like I wasted my time. If a more conclusive theme could be pulled from the ending it would work better.Movie comment on Beautiful Girls
Jumping Elephants comment is indicative that they just didn't understand the point of the relationship between Will and Marty. Will "falls" for Marty's youth because he is fearful at the loss of his own, it's not sexually driven or portrayed in a perverse way. Anyways this movie has some interesting things going for it, structurally it starts feeling a little odd in it's second half but it's enjoyable overall and it certainly captures certain elements of lifelong friendships in an endearing way that will make you think about your own life.Movie comment on I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore
Nothing special. The most interesting thing about the movie is the title. Tired ideas, bland execution, meh.Movie comment on 20th Century Women
Mike Mills has talent but leans on some tendencies that bring an air of pretension. It doesn't overcrowd this film or his first film, Beginners, but it is distracting when it's there. I'm referring to the use of narration and it's attempts to sometimes place the stories into some bigger, deeper context. This concept isn't pretentious in and of itself but the laziness of attempting to do something as delicate as that with outright narration is off putting and and ruins the desired effect for me. Sometimes it works and sometimes it feels contrive. Overall I really enjoy the characters, their interactions with each other and their subsequent development. There's a lot happening and it takes a little while for this one to find it's groove pacing wise but once it does it's nice. Not quite as good as Beginners but the use of the same type of narrative tropes might have undercut a little of what makes this film unique. I'm hoping his next venture won't fall back on this same narration style, it would almost certainly have become entirely stale by that point. Good performances, stellar cast, nice soundtrack. Worth your time.Movie comment on Throw Momma from the Train
Devito delivers some big laughs, they don't seem to make comedies like this anymore. Maybe it's just me but I would have liked a less happy ending. It all gets cleared up a little too fast but oh well I laughed a lot. I wish Devito still directed stuff it is always pretty solid.Showing items 26 – 50 of 87