dajmasta94's comments - page 3

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dajmasta94's avatar


Don't pay attention to the other comments on here, there's only one reason to watch this or any of the other countless Halloween ripoffs and that is to laugh any how bad they are. This is a great watch if you understand that this is just a product of the slasher fad at the time and it's fun to see the tropes of the genre carried out in such a lazy fashion. Though there is one genuinely horrifying scene in the movie and that is the disco dance sequence lol. It's fun for a watch if you aren't actually looking for a good horror flick...at this point I feel like it's kinda your fault if that's what you're looking to get out of it.
6 years 7 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


Look, it's a perfectly fine coming of age story and I mean if you happen to like Greta Gerwig it's definitely an interesting and entertaining enough watch...However why some people went head over heels for it as if they haven't seen a coming of age story before I don't particularly understand. More curious to see where she goes next as a director, minor pacing issues and a few instances of slightly over the top comedy (the football coach who directs the school play felt like an SNL bit). But other than that it was definitely solid...But nominated for Best Picture? Uhhh yeah that's a little much.
6 years 7 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


Sofia Coppola...I like her more and more with each film I see of hers. Often classified as boring or too slow and while I can't say that's not valid to some degree, I think there's just a lot of subtext that goes largely unnoticed by those that feel that way; or perhaps they simply find the subtext boring and slow as well. This film looks great and it's got a lot in common with Picnic at Hanging Rock on those terms. But this film tackles different ideas, the power of women in many forms, how this power can cause them internal struggle or bring them together. We see them compete and cut each other down in the presence of a new potential mate, each using their sexual power to try to distinguish themselves from the others. However when they become threatened they come back together to eliminate their threat. It's a wonderful showcasing of the complex nature of femininity. Another solid effort from Sofia Coppola IMO.
6 years 7 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


Disagree with Swift Variation...You end up knowing just as much as anybody seems to know. The things you don't know aren't because they neglected to delve this information out...It's because they cannot be known conclusively at all at this point. There's a clear enough picture painted here. It's pretty well done, definitely worth a watch.
6 years 7 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


Wow all of the Nolan fanboys who think things like Interstellar and Inception are his best really don't like this one huh? Makes sense I guess but this is a very solid movie. Very simple but that's when Nolan is best. His more epic efforts always fall apart in the third act, however admirable the ambition and effort, Nolan shines when his stories are fairly simple and his style can elevate that simplicity to make it as effective as possible.
6 years 7 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


So good. The way Coppola handles this is a perfect example of playing on expectations in order to make you think deeper about things we think we already know. Every choice she makes that seems off putting at first has a genuine role in getting her point across. It's very cinematic in that way and it does not mind breaking rules or potentially alienating certain people. I've been pretty mixed about how I feel about Coppola's work but this one really worked for me.
6 years 7 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


Wow what an ending. A film that I can easily see frustrating many however what's funny is that would only solidify the point of the film. It leaves you with the same feeling of existential dread that the main character is struggling with throughout. Very powerful. Also one of the funniest dark comedies you'll see.
6 years 7 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


A truly cinematic experience. Hits a lot of emotions throughout; sort of crescendoing in a way and the tones are bouncing around very nicely and subtly and sometimes even on top of one another. Some breathtaking cinematography that captures some amazing performances. Great music as well a for anyone who has an eye for this sort of thing the continuity between shots was nearly flawless in this.
6 years 8 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


So good. Woody Allen really captures the restless nature of the search for love. The seemingly never ending collage of desires and the tiring of those desires. The familiarity of an old love can be at once inticing to want to return to but is also the very same thing that creates the urge to seek new relationships. Many films seek to say something along these lines but this is a standout.
6 years 9 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


Once again Jackson overcrowds his film with flashy CGI that ultimately ends up feeling like style over substance. Not a terrible film by any means but Jackson seems stuck in a fog of reliance on post production visuals that keep his work from transcending into something more cohesive and effective. Performances vary and there are entire sequences that feel completely out of place and unnecessary. Ultimately the things it gets right are slightly overshadowed by the perpetual amateur nature of Jackson's sensibilities as a filmmaker.
6 years 10 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


A true gem. Fellini creates an everlasting, breathing representation of how reality, fantasy, and memory make up what we are and how eventually those lines can become blurred in our minds.
6 years 10 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


This movie actually isn't bad...It's just a series of good sci-fi metaphors and honestly there's a lot being said in this movie. Obviously the 70's low budget nature is very silly to look at but I mean I don't see how that makes the content entirely bad. The ideas and themes were clear and interesting enough to keep my attention throughout. If you can't see past the silliness (which definitely does add to the entertainment value) then I think you're being immature.
6 years 10 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


I think this is Kubrick's most widely misunderstood film. So many cite the clunky structure as a flaw when I feel that Kubrick's intent was to use a messy structure to make you feel how chaotic and all over the place war is after boot camp. We see Joker encounter all kinds of killers throughout the film, many killing for different reasons and Joker is very torn as to how he feels about it all. Not sure where he fits in, until the last scene where he finds out what kind of killer he is. Surrounded by a crowd of way more focused Vietnam films, this does seem a little shaky at first glance but I feel Kubrick made a really unique piece here.
6 years 10 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


Quite terrible. Not enough style or cleverness to pull off the twist it goes for at the end.
6 years 11 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


I thought this was terrible
7 years ago
dajmasta94's avatar


A guilty pleasure of mine. There's a charming quality to the shortcomings that isn't endearing and holds my attention. Also the cast is odd and it amuses me.
7 years 5 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


I am so surprised by the comments on here. It's really not a bad movie at all...There's 4 or 5 times that I thought something really dumb happened but those were all tiny moments. My only other complaint is that it's too long. The celebrity cutaways should have been cut out. But like I said this movie is actually pretty good for what it is. It's not trying to be anything it isn't and Sandler is good in it. There's more heart in it than a lot of his other more recent movies.
7 years 5 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


With this and Boyhood, it's safe for me to say that Linklater has lost whatever it was that made him genuinely great. His character's have always been similarly minded and vocalize a lot of what I'm sure are viewpoints Linklater himself holds...But with his last two entries there's not even an attempt to make the transition from cool, laid back banter to deeper, more thought provoking ideological ramblings smooth. There's also issues with the time frame here, it feels like Linklater tried to cram a whole coming of age movie into a movie that takes place in three days simply because that time constriction makes it easier for him to make a hangout movie. But it makes for a weird clashing.
7 years 5 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


This movie is worth watching once for the first battle sequence...But overall it's borderline laughable. It's a shame Gibson was behind the camera here, his inability to draw sincere emotions from his actors and his dependence on dated, on the nose storytelling techniques left me feeling I would have enjoyed an hour long special on tv about Doss rather than this film. It's right on the cusp of being a complete mess.
7 years 5 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


I avoided seeing this movie for a while. I've seen Donnie Darko countless times...I adore that film and had heard that Kelly was a one hit wonder. I heard nothing but bad things about this movie, which might be why I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I had only seen the trailer and that was years ago, I don't remember the trailers giving away any of the sci fi elements and so when the story took that time turn I was genuinely amused. It's not without flaws (Cameron Diaz) and it's not unlikely other things I've seen but did I think live up to the overwhelming hate it gets? Not even close. During the film she highest points I was incredibly engaged and unsure what I might see next and after I've seen it I wouldn't mid seeing it again to pick up some finer details. Underrated movie.
7 years 5 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


Nothing will ever beat Spinal Tap but Christopher Guest really steals the show here. His performance makes it worth at least one watch, I was in tears during his final scene. The problem with the rest of the movie is that it's a little too repetitive, at times it feel so like Fred Willard is simply padding out the run time, and the mockumentary style is executed poorly (meaning that the constant angle changes and the way it's edited ruin that illusion pretty consistently).
7 years 6 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


To say this movie has an incredibly niche audience is putting it mildly. This movie is certainly not wholly triumphant, but the narrative style is far bolder and riskier than most films I've seen, including the true greats that surrealism has produced and for that reason when this movie occasionally finds it's stride it really soars. It is something I look forward to revisiting, as I suspect the more I do the more I will fall in love with just how daring it is; and that perhaps the technically faulty acting and overtly melodramatic dialogue will become slightly more charming.
7 years 7 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


Fantastic! Villeneuve does it again. REAL sci-fi that is interesting and profoundly beautiful.
8 years 2 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


It's good, but nothing amazing. It's a movie that suffers from the already extensive amount of coverage this topic has received but at the same time its strength is that it does a great job of making you feel what it must have been like to be one of the Beatles during this time more than any of the other movies or documentaries/TV specials about this topic. It spans a pretty long period of time and it maintains focus well, if you're like me though you'll only wish they would have made this a two-parter where the second half covers the strictly studio years because when they briefly touch on that it was a lot more interesting than a lot of what was covered in the rest of the film. Worth a watch from anyone from Beatles expert to casual fan to someone who knows nothing about them...But at the same time it's not something I could see myself ever feeling the need to see again.
8 years 4 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


Terribly over-rated...I found it cheesy and the ending was heavy handed and pretentious. Incredibly distracting music choices, definitely falls into the category of style over substance and some of the performances were downright awful. Heard such good things about this...I don't get it.
8 years 4 months ago

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