JG94's comments - page 3

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JG94's avatar


Republican, Anti-Abortion Bullshit.
11 years 10 months ago
JG94's avatar


First Time I see it (It's 2012, like 8 days for 2013, and I'm 18), I SIMPLY LOVE IT. WHAT A MOVIE. I think that boy has more acting talent that a whole bunch movie cast.

Okay, as you can see, I feel in love whit the movie, simply amazing, this is a classic, and I start to figure it out why.
11 years 11 months ago
JG94's avatar


At first the movie is exciting (Just as what you want to see in a Superhero Movie), but the acting is horrible, and just through the movie, it simply does not entertain.

The best, Special Effects

Worst, HORRIBLE Love story.
11 years 11 months ago
JG94's avatar


Good, not amazing. Of course, The Dark Knight is much better.
12 years 3 months ago
JG94's avatar


Is not bad, it's just stupid, but COME'ON, it's Sex and the City... Even that, I think is funny at times, BUT, the end is bad, horrible bad. For me, its a 5.5/10, I recommend you to see it, but if you can stop watching, like 20 minutes before it ends, you will have a better impression of this movie.
12 years 4 months ago
JG94's avatar


Pretty big!
12 years 4 months ago
JG94's avatar


Not Bad
12 years 5 months ago
JG94's avatar


Okay... But it's not THAT much. I think if people dont make such a commotion with this movie my expectations had not been so high. Dissapointing, yes, but not a bad movie.
12 years 5 months ago
JG94's avatar


Incredible Boring. Im not the kind of person who was hoping to see a masterpiece, but laugh, and I never, even put a smile.
12 years 5 months ago
JG94's avatar


I think IMDB, method of measuring the Box Office is okay, but definitely Box-Office Mojo is much more reliable. Transformers 3 for example, is now the 4 in the All-Time Worlwide Box Office, and here is 5. Also, there are plenty of non-US movies that appear in Mojo, and not on IMDB.
12 years 9 months ago
JG94's avatar


Lovely!. A little long, I think tere are like 4-5 Minutes that dont need to be in the short. But, it gets what it wants, makes you smile.

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12 years 9 months ago
JG94's avatar


I don't think I get it. [2]
12 years 9 months ago
JG94's avatar


I hate the movies that makes me cry, and trust me, for a movie, thats pretty difficult. Amazing movie, it should be seen in every school.

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(mod-edit: dead link removed)
12 years 9 months ago
JG94's avatar


I was on school the first time I saw it. My full class was crying, I did not, but, oh god, I was so close, I like the movie, the script is a little.... Usual. But, its an incredible touching movie, with a touch of humour.

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12 years 9 months ago
JG94's avatar


Quite interesting that incredible succesfull and mainstream movies (Like Titanic) are so low.

This list is at least, curious.
12 years 9 months ago
JG94's avatar


Good but quite overrated. I was waiting the twisted ending, and believe, the end, was what I was expecting. Also, after all, darkness, mind games, and homoerotic scenes, it ends like quite a teeny movie.

Its remarcable, Bradd Pitt's mind sickness, HOLY SH*T, the best of the movie, worth a seen just for his acting. (Is a great movie, but is sooo overrated, trust me, dont hope too much and you are going to enjoy it).

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12 years 9 months ago
JG94's avatar


Another agree. Quite an underrrated movie, okay, is not a masterpiece, but is quite an interesting one.

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12 years 9 months ago
JG94's avatar


The first one, was much better. At least the first one, has amazings shots of Santiago.

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12 years 9 months ago
JG94's avatar


Im soooo dissapointed of this film. I was hoping for a masterpiece, and is far from that. But, Streep (As always), does a great job, her acting is definitely incredible.

Horrible woman or not (Im not a supporter of the British Foreign Politics in her term), the film does not uses the resources it has, too much dementia, but it lacks of Malvinas conflict, and it lacks a lot to show her popularity.

Apart from everything, I think this movie, is a, Have to seen. Not a must, but, Is quite an interesting moving to criticize.

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12 years 9 months ago
JG94's avatar


Believe me, the visual effects in some parts of the movie, are remarkable, really. Also, i have to admit, that I had some interest in this movie, at least it makes you want to see the second part.

Apart from that, the movie, is bad, not as bad as I expected anyways. For me, is the second one in the Twilight saga (Just after New Moon)
12 years 9 months ago
JG94's avatar


Nice Movie at the start, but at the End, the movie takes all the cliches, and it turns boring.

Apart from that, I laugh, it is a good movie, but is full of cliches like NY vs LA, and that kind of stuff, sometimes is funny, but (How I have just said), at the end is boring.
12 years 10 months ago
JG94's avatar


This movie is not about Baseball, is about Brad Pitt, and how he acts. I have to admit, that is acting is pretty good, you really believe is character. But I cant even imagine, how critics in Rotten Tomatoes give this movie a 95%, for me is a 60-70%. Is not such a GREAT MOVIE, is just a good one.
12 years 10 months ago
JG94's avatar


(Spanish Version Down :))

I saw this Movie when I was a Child, really. Like 8-10 Years Old, I just think this was another stupid fantastic movie.

Today I saw this movie again, Im a little older, and I have read Descartes during my life. I think this movie have lots of philosophy concepts, that many people dont even know.

Amazing movie, makes you think, maybe stupid things, but it makes you think, and not many movies can make that.

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12 years 11 months ago

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