goldan's comments

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goldan's avatar


From IMDB: The only movie that has always been in the top 10 of Sight & Sound recurring poll "The Greatest Films of All Time": #10 (1952), #3 (1962), #2 (1972), #2 (1982), #2 (1992), #3 (2002), #4 (2012). Citizen Kane (1941) for instance, was #11 in 1952, though it was consistently #1 from 1962 to 2002, and #2 in 2012.
1 year 8 months ago
goldan's avatar


4 years 10 months ago
goldan's avatar


4 years 10 months ago
goldan's avatar


Some food for thought.
4 years 10 months ago
goldan's avatar


Fred Quimby produced of this short, which is centered around the musical piece "Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2" by Franz Liszt. Quimby was born on the very same day that Liszt died: July 31, 1886. (c) imdb
4 years 10 months ago
goldan's avatar


Working link as of Oct 2019:
4 years 10 months ago
goldan's avatar


Good quality, working link as of October 2019:
4 years 10 months ago
goldan's avatar


This is a very helpful list, thank you. Could you update it?
4 years 10 months ago
goldan's avatar


It's an interesting movie that shows the fall of the samurai culture. spoiler
Overall, it's a good movie but I felt it was a bit too long.
4 years 10 months ago
goldan's avatar


Saw it at Sundance 2019. There is no plot, and it's all about water in different aspects. I don't have anything against plotless films, as long as they are engaging and interesting. This film definitely has beautiful cinematography and some interesting scenes, but there is too many similar frames with water, so that after some point it becomes boring. Some narration or story would help. It started with scenes on Lake Baikal that involved humans and some stories. That part was great. But then it dies out and transforms into pure water scenes.
5 years 7 months ago
goldan's avatar


It's a great movie. I usually rate 10/10 only a couple movies per year. This is one of them. It's just mind-blowing how dangerous and hard what's he's done. And what's important, it's not one of the things that seems hard for outsiders, but is actually not hard when you have a lot of experience in the subject. This achievement is unbelieveably hard even for the best professional climbers, as you can hear from Alex's friend's words, who is one of the best climbers in the world.
But I wouldn't rate it 10 just for climbing achievement. I was impressed by the Alex's general attitude to life. His passage about happiness in life is remarkable. "Nothing great is achieved when people are happy and cozy. Life is not about happiness, it's about performance." I feel this is so wise and true.
The movie itself is beautifully shot. The cinematography is amazing. It gives a very pleasant feeling when you see the gorgeous views of Yosemite, especially when you live in San Francisco and actually go to Yosemite a few times a year.
The pace of the movie is nice, and it gains more and more suspense over time. When you watch Alex actually climbing El Capitan free solo, you're on the edge of the seat. You see how small the holds are and the feeling of excitement and anxiety overwhelms you (some people were even lightly moaning in the theater). You already know the outcome, but you still can't believe he will make it.
But he does.
5 years 7 months ago
goldan's avatar


It is a nice movie that made me think about what my life is about, whether I made wrong turns or not, and so forth. It's good if a movie makes you think like that. Some movies just blow your mind (like Fight Club), and this movie is more calm and slow, even though it provokes emotions too.
I found the following topics/ideas in the movie:
1. Life of the rich vs life of the poor. spoiler.
2. Some things are common regardless of wealth. spoiler
3. spoiler

The movie doesn't have any pathos. It just portrays real life. And it does that beautifully.
5 years 8 months ago
goldan's avatar


Great movie.
I love how the idea of diversity and tolerance is conveyed through the animal characters.
Key ideas:
Dream big. Try everything. Everyone can become anything. Let's make world a better place. Courage, friendship.
8 years 5 months ago
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