LostOverThere's comments

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LostOverThere's avatar


Nothing like a film called "IT" to really demonstrate how truly terrible icheckmovies search is :P
7 years 4 months ago
LostOverThere's avatar


7 years 6 months ago
LostOverThere's avatar


Some of Orson's films are really hard to find (or find good copies of).

To help anyone interested, I've compiled a small list of the best quality versions of each film (as of April 2012):

Citizen Kane (1941):
Warner Bros' "70th Anniversary" Blu-Ray: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0050G3NWG/

The Magnificent Ambersons (1942):
Warner Bros 2012 DVD Release: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00005JKGX/

The Stranger (1946):
Debatable. There's a Blu-Ray out, but it's incredibly soft. Your best bet is probably the MGM DVD Release.

Lady from Shanghai (1947):
Columbia Classics DVD: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00004W229/

Macbeth (1948):
There's a 3-Disc DVD Edition from Wild Side Vidéo (a French company). The transfer seems okay but there's a wealth of extras. A Region 1 edition from Olive is coming soon.

Othello (1952):
Uh, nothing? I'm actually not sure.

Mr. Arkadin (aka Confidential Report) (1955):
Criterion Collection (3-Disc Package with Novel): http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000E1OI80/

Touch of Evil (1958):
Masters of Cinema Blu-Ray. I highly recommend this one. The film looks absolutely spectacular and it contains a huge wealth of extras. Region-B locked: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B005DDIUYM/

The Trial (1962):
Studio Canal DVD. Warner Bros also did a pretty good DVD release too, however it's missing the "Before the Law" opening!

Chimes at Midnight (1965):
Due to rights legal issues regarding ownership, this one is next to impossible to find in good condition. It's very sad. There was once a Studio Canal version that looked great, but other than that, Nostalgia Home Video put out a pretty good DVD-R release of it recently. Be very careful when finding copies of this film - many of them appear like a poor VHS in quality with out of sync audio and such. Bleh. With that being said, Nostalgia Home Video actually uploaded their release in 360p on YouTube: (mod-edit: dead link removed)

The Immortal Story (1968):
Criterion did an alright restoration of this which is exclusively available via Hulu. Other than that, Madman did a Region 4 DVD of it which apparently is pretty nice.

F for Fake (1974):
Both Masters of Cinema (PAL) and Criterion (NTSC) did fantastic DVD releases of this. Both use the same great transfer and come with a wealth of extras, so you can't really go wrong with either of them.



The Hearts of Age (1934):
There's a few copies on YouTube. Here's one with a decent enough score: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXKIMag5hHE

The Fountain of Youth (1958):
Never seen a DVD release of this. Someone did a disgusting 240p upload of it on YouTube which you can find here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2F9B6462E7ECE8EF&feature=mh_lolz

Filming Othello (1978):
Good Luck finding this as well. There's no DVD releases. Someone did an incredibly low quality transfer of it and threw it up on Archive.org: http://archive.org/details/FilmingOtheloByOrsonWelles
12 years 10 months ago
LostOverThere's avatar


12 years 11 months ago
LostOverThere's avatar


A wonderful, feature-length documentary on the making of The Birds, which examines every aspect of the film from its original conception to technical feats. Absolutely fascinating!
12 years 11 months ago
LostOverThere's avatar


A thoroughly underrated Hitchcock film. If you're reading this and haven't seen the film, drop what you're doing, and go find a copy of Frenzy. It's just *lovely*.
13 years ago
LostOverThere's avatar


The only place I could find this was on YouTube in terrible, terrible 240p. Does anyone know where else it can be found?
13 years 1 month ago
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