nubbi's comments

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nubbi's avatar


If anything it makes you appreciate the stellar writing of the games more.
1 year 10 months ago
nubbi's avatar


I feel like this movie was made for straight couples that hate each other, so they could have a movie they can watch together.
The director of this movie must have based it on these terrible ads you get online for stupid browser games. Say what you will about Ready Player One (which was bad as well) but at least they had more video game references than film references.
The movie could have had an interesting conversation about AI and what it means to be conscious, but completely blow last it. Granted that wouldn't have saved the wreck of a plot, but sure.

It really makes me wonder how many NPCs must have watched this movie for it being even half way relevant.
2 years 8 months ago
nubbi's avatar


We had huge nostalgia watching this.
Looking back at it as an adult now I find much of the horses' facial animations irritating, but the animation is superb. Especially how dream works managed to seamlessly blend 3D rendered shots into traditional 2D animation was impressive, especially considering the time it was made in.
Some background shots looks a bit dated, and overly smooth like much 3D animation does.
I've noticed the movie utilizes the Arc Shot quite a bit but does so flawlessly. Usually in 2D animation these types of shots aren't as smooth, but dream works must have found a way to make them smooth. (I'm assuming rotoscoping)
Overall we really enjoyed it even though the American patriotism is really strong in this one.
3 years 2 months ago
nubbi's avatar


We thought it was better than the original, but we also thought that the original was particularly bad and plagued with bad character decisions and plot convenience.
3 years 6 months ago
nubbi's avatar


Amazing visuals let down by mediocre writing. Most of the conflict arose because characters were written to be stupid not because it made sense for them.
In addition, the acting was a bit off at times.
However, I found it to be expertly animated. Even the more action-heavy scenes were animated well and felt weighty.
I can't say that the movie was strictly bad though. Nothing I would watch again unless I had children over but it was fine.
3 years 6 months ago
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