TheFace78's comments

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TheFace78's avatar


As a big fan of Joel Edgerton I was looking forward to this and it did not disappoint. For me, this was one of those rare films that completely engrosses you and makes you forget you're just sitting in a cinema and watching a movie. I don't want to spoil anything about the plot so I'll just say that this is definitely worth checking out for any fans of tense, psychological horror/thrillers. It's also worth noting that Jason Bateman gives a particularly great performance here. I hope its not too long before we get to see Edgerton write and direct again.
9 years 1 month ago
TheFace78's avatar


This felt like a made-for-TV movie that someone decided to put in cinemas. The dog gave the best performance.
9 years 1 month ago
TheFace78's avatar


I don't really understand all the negative reviews of this. It was a pretty solidly entertaining movie, nothing really standout or special but enjoyable and engrossing nonetheless.
9 years 2 months ago
TheFace78's avatar


I haven't been a huge fan of Edward Norton in other films but he was fantastic here. Richard Gere was great as always. Overall I think the plot was interesting enough, with some clever twists and turns, but it was the performances that really made this great. Definitely worth checking out.
9 years 2 months ago
TheFace78's avatar


This was pure fun, Lori Petty as the title character was hilarious (although I could see how someone might find her irritating). The meshing of different styles really worked for me and I particularly loved the short animated sequences. It's such a shame then that the third act had to go and become so formulaic and cliche, you could really tell where the studio had messed with this. Oh well, still a lot of fun and it's always great to see Malcolm Mcdowell hamming it up as a villain.
9 years 2 months ago
TheFace78's avatar


This was painful. There wasn't a single intelligent or likeable character apart from Michael Biehn. Everyone is at each others throats literally less than 10 minutes into this almost 2 hour long slog, we're never given a chance to get to know anyone before they're trying to rape and kill each other. At one point I literally shouted at the screen in frustration, I don't think I've ever been that annoyed by a character in a movie. There is a brief sequence which seems to establish a somewhat intriguing sci-fi plot which is then completely abandoned and forgotten about by any of the characters which only annoyed me further. Also I don't know if it was just a problem with the version I was watching (UK Netflix) but this film looked horrible, I'd estimate almost 2/3 of the movie was plagued by awful visual noise which at times made it almost unwatchable.
9 years 2 months ago
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