Tidorith's comments

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Tidorith's avatar


3.5 out of 5.

Very slow. But good. Very messed up.

Watching this while falling asleep is a bad idea if you want to follow it properly.

Though, watching it in a more suggestable state where you're having trouble understanding it might actually be a plus for a first viewing. I can always watch it again to spoiler
5 days 3 hours ago
Tidorith's avatar


First movie I've seen in IMAX. Good choice for it too, definitely got vertigo from a zero-gravity scene.

Pretty solid entry in the franchise. Some of the themes executed in a way that seemed a bit contrived, but eh.
3 weeks 3 days ago
Tidorith's avatar


2 months ago
Tidorith's avatar


Really liked this, fun and interesting. There was a bit near the end/showdown that I thought was a bit hamfisted, but the rest was great. Would have been 4/5 without that. As is, probably 3.75/5.
3 months ago
Tidorith's avatar


It was a mistake to shoot The Hobbit as three movies. With Dune, it turns out it was a mistake to try to do it in only two.

Dune: Part One is fantastic. There's very little I would change. Dune: Part Two feels rushed. Not in terms of production value; technically the movie is excellent. Which makes it all the more a shame that the plot feels rushed.

Little in Dune: Part Two has the gravity that it could. spoiler, Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen, and the spoiler feel like they have enough or close to enough focus allocated to them; they feel well developed.

Most of the rest is reminiscent of the complaints of the final TV season of Game Of Thrones. Everything moves in a straight line very quickly from where the first part leaves off to where the second part "needed" to finish.

Don't mistake me, I like this movie. 3.5 out of 5. Was just somewhat let down after Dune: Part 1.
4 months 1 week ago
Tidorith's avatar


Very well made and a great movie overall. But very unrealistic portrayal of war. Lots of focus on most of what makes it into video games, and with a similar level of dynamism. Almost nothing in the way of artillery, drones, or mines to be seen - which almost entirely shape real wars where people have access to those kinds of resources.
4 months 2 weeks ago
Tidorith's avatar


Outstanding. Genuinely scary in places. Hooked me immediately, didn't let go.

Probably my favourite new horror movie since M3GAN (for those who count that) and the first A Quiet Place movie.
5 months 1 week ago
Tidorith's avatar


This is a pretty stupid movie. The criticism I've seen of it is justified.

I love it.
11 months 1 week ago
Tidorith's avatar


Holy crap man. The tendons. Similarly visceral reaction to the Saw II needle pit.

Honourable mention to the needle holes waking up in this one too. Really good ick factor.

Rated this 4 out of 5 stars on Letterboxd.
11 months 2 weeks ago
Tidorith's avatar


I watched this movie one day after watching "Exorcist: The Beginning".

"The Beginning" and "Dominion" are the essentially the same movie released one year apart. Same basic plot, much of the same cast. I knew this going onto "Dominion", but not going into "The Beginning".

This is an excellent demonstration of how the less tangible aspects of film-making can completely change the end product. Despite being in some sense essentially the same, they're completely different movies.

"The Beginning" feels very much like it's shot closer to the time period in which it's set. It's a slow and reserved movie.

In "Dominion", it very much feels like it was made in the 2000-2009 decade. Themes are more on-the-nose. There are more clear-cut divisions between the "good guys" and the "bad guys". The movie is faster paced, it's never in as much danger of feeling boring. And despite the more contemporary feel, it manages to have a gravity in some scenes that makes it in some ways more compelling than the older-feeling "The Beginning". Of course, that gravity is undone several times in the movie from classic cases of earlier attempts at CGI not working well, especially to people who are used to better CGI.

In the end I like these movies about as much as each other, for very different reasons.

If you can't handle slow paced movies that feel old, skip "The Beginning". If (very noticeable) bad CGI ruins movies for you, stay away from "Dominion". Otherwise, either is fine, and if neither are ruled out, I'd recommend it as an interesting case study. The contrast was very enjoyable.

I rated both movies 3 out 5 on Letterboxd.
11 months 2 weeks ago
Tidorith's avatar


Edit: watched Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist the day after watching this. What follows is my review of "Dominion" taking the contrast into account.

"The Beginning" and "Dominion" are the essentially the same movie released one year apart. Same basic plot, much of the same cast. I knew this going onto "Dominion", but not going into "The Beginning".

This is an excellent demonstration of how the less tangible aspects of film-making can completely change the end product. Despite being in some sense essentially the same, they're completely different movies.

"The Beginning" feels very much like it's shot closer to the time period in which it's set. It's a slow and reserved movie.

In "Dominion", it very much feels like it was made in the 2000-2009 decade. Themes are more on-the-nose. There are more clear-cut divisions between the "good guys" and the "bad guys". The movie is faster paced, it's never in as much danger of feeling boring. And despite the more contemporary feel, it manages to have a gravity in some scenes that makes it in some ways more compelling than the older-feeling "The Beginning". Of course, that gravity is undone several times in the movie from classic cases of earlier attempts at CGI not working well, especially to people who are used to better CGI.

In the end I like these movies about as much as each other, for very different reasons.

If you can't handle slow paced movies that feel old, skip "The Beginning". If (very noticeable) bad CGI ruins movies for you, stay away from "Dominion". Otherwise, either is fine, and if neither are ruled out, I'd recommend it as an interesting case study. The contrast was very enjoyable.

I rated both movies 3 out 5 on Letterboxd.
11 months 2 weeks ago
Tidorith's avatar


Like a few other Saw movies, a disappointing spoiler


That quibble aside, pretty solid Saw movie. Must more what most fans have likely been after than the last two less-Sawy movies Jigsaw and Spiral. (Though I'm someone who didn't particularly mind those movies.)

Gave this 3.5 out of 5 on letterboxd. Good, I liked it.
11 months 3 weeks ago
Tidorith's avatar


Not that scary. But creepy and unsettling.
1 year 1 month ago
Tidorith's avatar


Some really good tension building moments. But the last 15 minutes or so dragged a bit, a problem one or two of the earlier Insidious movies have had too.
1 year 2 months ago
Tidorith's avatar


Very slow, and a bit weird. But good. Low 3.5.

This is in the top 100 of theyshootzombies.com greatest 1000 horror. It feels like this must be a meme, but I can't quite figure out how.
1 year 3 months ago
Tidorith's avatar


Bad. Just bad.
1 year 4 months ago
Tidorith's avatar


Nothing special, but engaging.

Fun and interesting enough that I gave it 3.5 out of 5, but not by much.
1 year 5 months ago
Tidorith's avatar


It doesn't matter how much you love Boogie Shoes, that's no excuse for taking your eyes off theĀ road.
1 year 7 months ago
Tidorith's avatar


Jump scares might be considered cheap. But even so, it's absolutely possible to do them badly even for jump scares, and, apparently, also possible to do them extremely well.

Having seen 270 of TSZDT's The 1,000 Greatest Horror Films (link below) and plenty others besides, this movie scared me with jump scares more than any other movie I've seen. Not quite the scariest movie overall I've seen, but damn close. And to do that largely with jump scares and the tension leading up to them is pretty impressive.


This movie isn't even on that list! Though, that's not surprising, because I almost never watched this movie myself due to how bored I was by Insidious 2.
1 year 8 months ago
Tidorith's avatar


Fun. Great job for a low-budget take, and lo-fi nature of the movie pairs well with the subject/theme and the time in which it's set.
3 years 8 months ago
Tidorith's avatar


Quite liked this. The background of an exorcist who is not only atheistic but in the process of openly confessing to this is a nice little twist on the exorcist genre, and it's portrayed well.

Keeps you guessing (or at least kept me guessing) as to not only whether you're watching a natural or supernatural film, but if it's a natural film, what exactly is going on and who's doing what - a lot of motivated actors who could have different ulterior motives.
3 years 8 months ago
Tidorith's avatar


Neat premise, pretty fun, decently executed. But beyond the premise, doesn't stand out as a particularly good movie. Could have had more done with it.
3 years 8 months ago
Tidorith's avatar


Agreed with Da_Vince that this is much stronger as a drama than a horror/thriller. It still very much fits in those categories, but if I was rating this as horror thriller it would get only moderate points. As a drama though, I think it is pretty outstanding, and deserves its high ratings in that respect.

But a warning then; if you're looking for horror/thriller and aren't a fan of dramas, maybe look somewhere else.
3 years 8 months ago
Tidorith's avatar


Very interesting to watch to see how what you can do with so little to work with. Things happen a little fast and can be a bit hard to follow/interpret, but a repeat watch won't cost you much time.
3 years 8 months ago
Tidorith's avatar


Very 80s. Starts off as quite a stock/unoriginal movie, but does some interesting things in the middle parts. Ends decently well.

Best not taken very seriously, like your typical 80s flicks.
3 years 8 months ago

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