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Juan of God's avatar

Juan-Carlos Arias, Miami, United States

"The eternal created the world as it is: he would show much wisdom if, during the time strictly necessary to smash a woman's skull with a hammerblow, he were to forget his sidereal majesty and reveal to us the mysteries in whose midst our life chokes like a fish at the bottom of a boat. But he is great and stately; by power of his conceptions he gets the better of us; were he able to parley with men, every disgrace would gush up to his face.... Yet--wretch that you are!--why do you not blush? It is not enough for the army of physical and spiritual sufferings that surround us to have been born: the secret of out tattered destiny has been vouchsafed us. I know him, the Omnipresent... and he should know me too. If by chance we walk the same path, his piercing eye sees me approach from afar: he takes a short-cut to avoid the triple prong of platinum that nature gave me for a tongue! It would please me, O Creator, if you let me vent my feelings. Plying terrible ironies with a cool, firm hand, I warn you that heart holds enough of them to make an attack on you till the end of my days. I shall hit your hollow carcass--so hard that I guarantee to rout out the remaining scraps of intelligence which you did not want to give to man, because you would have been jealous had you made him your equal, and which you had brazenly hidden in your bowels, wily villain, as though you did not know I would eventually have espied them with my ever-open eye, filched them from you, and shared them with my fellow men. I have done as I said, and now they fear you no more, they treat you as one power does another...." - C. de Lautréamont

Favorite quote: “"The cinema implies a total inversion of values, a complete upheaval of optics, of perspective and logic. It is more exciting than phosphorus, more captivating than love." - A. Artaud”


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29 December 2009
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