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palefire's avatar


How refreshing it is to watch a film with an introverted protagonist. Chiron is struggling with a lot. It's complex. He's passive and a victim of his environment, but you can feel him trying to fight against it. There is a lot to identify with in this film. Yes, being gay is a big part of it, but there's a purity to it that makes it one of cinema's more understated, yet iconic romances.
7 years 4 months ago
The_Comatorium's avatar


Intimate as hell. My god. I had to compose myself afterward.
7 years 4 months ago
catherinefrances's avatar


The film has strong content and themes, and I respect that people are loving that and speaking about it. However, the film was pretty average, despite all its praise and I was expecting more for such a highly regarded Oscar nominated film.

The colour grading was amazing and you really feel immersed in the film at times, but it just wasn't enough. It was at times, a bland film.
7 years 3 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Moonlight is the story of Chiron AKA "Little", who is both gay and black, growing up in Florida. Each of the three acts covers a different period in his life (ages so different, three actors are necessary). The film was sold on the idea that while there are films that present the black experience or the gay experience, the combination is pretty rare and deserves its own feature. And I will agree, the reality is distinct. Chiron exists in a culture where "manhood" and "swagger" are overwhelmingly important, and even though homosexuality seems to be broadly accepted in his world, copping to it seems entirely dangerous. The film's backgrounds are always in extremely soft focus, like Chiron's options. What should he do, how much should he reveal, what does he keep to himself, and is self-denial healthy? The film is in its protagonist's image, extremely timid. Things are inferred more than said or seen, sexual and emotional awakenings are discreetly presented as if not to intrude, and the visuals and sound design are thematically coherent with that idea. And of course, lovely acting across the board.
7 years 5 months ago
flaiky's avatar


This film does everything cinema is supposed to do <3
7 years 7 months ago
AdGuzman's avatar


It was an arresting ride, it took me by surprise as I didn't read anything about the plot before watching the film, Barry Jenkins did an exceptional job with the pacing of the story, it was so intuitive to the different storylines, the interaction between characters is a result of that pacing, and for me the acting felt real, organic, it seemed muted at times but I think it was part of telling a story that resonated with that particular community.

Moonlight reminded me of In the Mood for Love a lot, that pacing, that stepping almost quietly between scenes, between storylines, it was glorious to watch. And the fact that the story is relevant more than ever makes it a huge achievement too.

Love and praises and I truly hope that Moonlight catches the eyes of more people, this is the type of cinema the industry has to rescue and encourage. These type of stories, honest and humble ones.
7 years 3 months ago
George Bailey's avatar

George Bailey

I wish the film was longer because I never really got to care about the characters. It just seemed empty to me..
6 years 3 months ago
TommyVF's avatar


To me, this was very close to a perfect film. Portraying drama and people's relationships are very often solved through dialogue and clear depictions of heavy emotion. Not here! Not that there's no heavy emotion, there's just such a rich way of conveying the characters' inner processes. The way the shots are built, sometimes spinning around several times, following a character or place. Sometimes taking away the sound, sometimes cutting at the right moment, when there's not much more to be told, or you know what's about to happen. So much effective storytelling is shown in this, it feels like the director's short film experience has really paid off. Incredibly poetic at times, then suddenly extremely up close and down to earth. Great visual and physical drama, instead of pure conversation. Playing, walking, swimming, fighting, hiding, running, driving, getting up and going down again. Beautiful is all I can say :)
7 years 3 months ago
mrjellow's avatar


A black 'ghetto' version of Boyhood with good cinematography, decent acting (part II was a letdown in this department) with a Brokeback Mountainesque layer on top. The film was moving but suffers from timing issues which do not allow the characters to really develop (dividing the story in three parts bears the grunt of the responsibility here) and believability (for instance: spoiler).

In the end this is a good film, but seemingly bumped up to a godlike status by a guilty Academy who wants to right all wrongs of yesteryear cinema.
7 years 4 months ago
Phillipe Marlowe's avatar

Phillipe Marlowe

Wong Kar Wai all over the film, but I'm sorry, not as good though.
6 years 2 months ago
gerryt's avatar


I wonder why this one made best movie at the oscars? What would have been the grades if the story would have played in hillbilly country? The story is not that special, the acting is not that special. So what is?
7 years 3 months ago
Emiam's avatar


Important movie. Beautiful movie. Good photo, good acting, good layout - especially if you do not read the plot before! Stylish movie poster (three-part face). Don't know if you watch the movie several times. Won 3 Oscar. 99/100 in metascore on IMDb!
5 years 4 months ago
Klondike Bongo's avatar

Klondike Bongo

6 years 3 months ago
Dawizz's avatar


The pity Oscars are strong with this one, yes they are!
6 years 5 months ago
fonz's avatar



To me cinema should at times transport you to another world, one that is different from your own. As a straight white male living among sickening displays of white privilege, this film is as removed from my personal experience as it can possibly be yet that did not stop me from being completely absorbed by the universal theme that life is a journey of self-discovery. See this because it is well-acted and the world needs more stories like this rather than white-washed fan-boy crap.

(The acting from the entire cast deserves a shout-out because it certainly is the finest exhibition I have seen all year)
7 years 6 months ago

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