Charts: Lists

This page shows you the list charts. By default, the movies are ordered by how many times they have been marked as a favorite. However, you can also sort by other information, such as the total number of times it has been marked as a dislike.

  1. The 25 Most Disturbing Horror Movies of All Time's icon

    The 25 Most Disturbing Horror Movies of All Time

    Favs/dislikes: 8:0. The term disturbing is defined as something that can be troubling mentally or emotionally. It is something that is upsetting and may even make you physically ill. That being said, the term can be considered rather subjective. As human beings, we all have had our own unique experiences that over time have molded our characteristics, behavior, feelings, and personal judgments. So something that is disturbing to one person may not be disturbing to another. That being said, this is list of twenty five films from the horror genre that are disturbing or could be considered to be disturbing. The horror genre is the most likely place that we are going to find imagery that will shock and disturb the audience, featuring tales of true crime, serial killers, slashers, rape and revenge, torture, scenes of horrific gore, and the list can go on forever. Within the genre and its many subgenres, they can take us into the deepest and darkest corridors of humanity. Places that we hope to never witness or become a part of. It is those types of events that can be potentially disturbing. This list contains a little bit of everything, with at least one film from every decade between 1966 and 2016 and at least one from America, Serbia, Germany, Austria, Italy, Mexico, Hong Kong, Japan, Spain, China, France, Sweden and Argentina. It is a varied collection of horror pictures; with some between being critically hailed, many being labeled as exploitative and controversial, and some being banned in various parts of the world. [Author’s Note: This list is not meant to be an all inclusive list or a best of list; it is simply twenty five horror movies that may be disturbing.]
  2. The Athletic's Top 100 Sports Movies's icon

    The Athletic's Top 100 Sports Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 8:0.
  3. The Bad Movie Bible's icon

    The Bad Movie Bible

    Favs/dislikes: 8:0. Based on the book by Rob Hill, it seeks to catalog the best of the worst films of all time. It's comprised of four sections: #1 - #25: Action #26 - #51: Sci-Fi/Fantasy #52 - #76: Horror #77 - #102: The Rest
  4. The Bondo Collection's icon

    The Bondo Collection

    Favs/dislikes: 8:2. This list highlights films that I personally feel the need to advocate because they are overlooked and/or grossly underrated. The default ordering is not meaningful so feel free to sort as suits your needs.
  5. The Dissolve: Essential Viewing 2013-2015's icon

    The Dissolve: Essential Viewing 2013-2015

    Favs/dislikes: 8:0. Every film chosen as Essential Viewing (for new theatrical releases) or Essential Retro (for new home-video releases) by The Dissolve from July 2013 to July 2015. (Note: rather than include all 50 films from "The Mack Sennett Collection, Volume 1," I stuck to the seven titles specifically mentioned in The Dissolve's review.)
  6. The Films of World War II's icon

    The Films of World War II

    Favs/dislikes: 8:0. All of the movies featured in the book The Films of World War II: A Pictorial Treasury of Hollywood's War Years.
  7. The Guardian's Greatest Films of All Time: The Crime 25's icon

    The Guardian's Greatest Films of All Time: The Crime 25

    Favs/dislikes: 8:1. From 2010
  8. The IMDb's Classic Film Board's 142 portraits of complex children under the age of 16's icon

    The IMDb's Classic Film Board's 142 portraits of complex children under the age of 16

    Favs/dislikes: 8:0. This list dates to the first half of the 2000s
  9. The Playlist 50 best films of the decade so far's icon

    The Playlist 50 best films of the decade so far

    Favs/dislikes: 8:1. Top 50 of 2010-2014 by the playlist staff. Some movies are actually from 2009, but they went by the American release date.
  10. The Popdose 100: The Best Movies of the 2000s's icon

    The Popdose 100: The Best Movies of the 2000s

    Favs/dislikes: 8:0. Last year’s Thanksgiving-timed Popdose 100 proved so popular that this season we’ve compiled three critical-consensus lists for your reading (and arguing) pleasure — documenting our choices for the best films, albums and songs of the 21st century’s first decade. In fact, we’ve become so enamored of building these lists that it wouldn’t be surprising, a couple years from now, to find us offering one every day from Thanksgiving to Christmas. (Nah … that might detract from Mellowmas.) What can we say? We just love to quantify what we like, using elaborate point systems. We begin with the decade’s best movies — and, if nothing else, our list is certainly genre-film-friendly: Somewhere in the middle, Let the Right One In, Hellboy, Hot Fuzz and Mulholland Drive sit proudly side by side. Because our crew of participants isn’t all that big (11 of Popdose’s writers contributed), a few personal favorites that one might not expect somehow earned enough votes to make the cut (hello, Dodgeball!); nonetheless, we were all pleasantly surprised to see that our compiled Top 100 offers such a nice balance of prestige films and high-quality popcorn fare. Of course, since this list is being posted before Thanksgiving, 2009’s holiday films (and likely Oscar bait) aren’t represented; over the coming months we’ll no doubt be kicking ourselves that we didn’t yet know the quality of films like Up in the Air, Invictus, The Lovely Bones, Nine … Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel… With that caveat in mind, away we go!
  11. The Spectator Magazine's 50 Essential Films's icon

    The Spectator Magazine's 50 Essential Films

    Favs/dislikes: 8:0. The Spectator magazine's official 50 essential films as chosen by Peter Hoskin and Matthew D'Ancona (NOTE: The original list groups "Parts 1 & 2" of the Godfather, hence 51 titles where there should be 50)
  12. They Shoot Pictures Don't They 2017 1001-2000 (unranked)'s icon

    They Shoot Pictures Don't They 2017 1001-2000 (unranked)

    Favs/dislikes: 8:0. "Listed below, are the films currently ranked from 1,001 to 2,000. The list below is in alphabetical order and is unranked. Many of these films are ex-members of the 1,000 Greatest Films listing." This film project is missing because it has no IMDB page: ENIAIOS (Gregory J. Markopoulos, 1990, USA, Col). It is an 80-hour experimental film cycle that has never been completely shown. To make the list look better, only the first episode of FANTOMAS (Louis Feuillade, 1913, France, 314m, BW) and SCENES FROM UNDER CHILDHOOD (Stan Brakhage, 1967-1970, USA, 135m, Col) were shown here but they are intended to represent the entire film cycles. Fantomas was a serial with five episodes and Scenes from Under Childhood was a series of experimental films in four parts or sections.
  13. Thomas Leitch's Crime Films's icon

    Thomas Leitch's Crime Films

    Favs/dislikes: 8:0. "This chronological list of one hundred crime films aims to strike a balance among a greatest-hits list, a list of especially influential crime films, a list of films that exemplify the leading subgenres this book considers, and a list of films analyzed in particular detail in the preceding chapters." from Genres in American Cinema series
  14. Thou Shalt Not: Sex, Sin and Censorship in Pre-code Hollywood's icon

    Thou Shalt Not: Sex, Sin and Censorship in Pre-code Hollywood

    Favs/dislikes: 8:0. Films mentioned in the documentary. 1-54: Clips 55-117: Referenced in the doc
  15. Time Out New York 50 Sports Films's icon

    Time Out New York 50 Sports Films

    Favs/dislikes: 8:0. "Get into the game with our definitive list of the best sports movies: inspirational dramas, rude comedies and classic documentaries celebrating the real thing."
  16. Tom Cruise filmography's icon

    Tom Cruise filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 8:0.
  17. Top 50 Films About Conspiracy (Theories)'s icon

    Top 50 Films About Conspiracy (Theories)

    Favs/dislikes: 8:0. Based on several lists available on Internet. Methodology: Eligibility: Lists with 10 to 30 entries. Not eligible: too specific lists such as "available on Netflix", documentaries only, "best of the decade", etc. and lists made by users in imdb, mubi, icm, etc Distribution of points: For ranked lists: #1: 20 points #2: 18 points and so on until #10: 2 points #11 or lower: 1 point Not ranked lists: points are splitted equally. For instance: lists with 15 entries: 20+18+...+2+1+1+1+1+1=115 / 15 = 7.67 => 8 points for each film. Tied films split the points Bonus for each additional entry: 2 points Tie-brake rules: #1: Total of points #2: Number of entries #3: Year of release #4: Alphabetical order About this list: Lists used: 57 Nominated films: 169 My Top 10 (based on nominated films) (in alphabetical order) Blowup (1966) Cabinet des Dr. Caligari, Das (1920) Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler (1922) Fight Club (1999) JFK (1991) L.A. Confidential (1997) Manchurian Candidate, The (1962) Pi (1998) Wicker Man, The (1973) Z (1969) Others lists with the same methodology: Top 50 Business Films Top 50 Rock'n Roll Films Top 50 Car Movies Top 50 Films About Films Top 50 Films About Arts and Artists Top 50 Dystopian Films Top 50 Films About Politics Top 50 Plot Twist Films Top 50 Surrealistic Films Top 50 Disturbing Films Top 50 Films About Media Top 50 Films About Law Top 50 Films About Writers and Writing Top 50 Films About Mental Illness Top 50 Films About Serial Killers Top 50 Pandemic Movies Top 50 Films about Drugs
  18. Top 50 Films About Mental Illness's icon

    Top 50 Films About Mental Illness

    Favs/dislikes: 8:0. Based on several lists available on Internet. Methodology: Eligibility: Lists with 10 to 30 entries. Not eligible: too specific lists such as "available on Netflix", documentaries only, "best of the decade", etc. and lists made by users in imdb, mubi, icm, etc Distribution of points: For ranked lists: #1: 20 points #2: 18 points and so on until #10: 2 points #11 or lower: 1 point Not ranked lists: points are splitted equally. For instance: lists with 15 entries: 20+18+...+2+1+1+1+1+1=115 / 15 = 7.67 => 8 points for each film. Tied films split the points Bonus for each additional entry: 2 points Tie-brake rules: #1: Total of points #2: Number of entries #3: Year of release #4: Alphabetical order About this list: Lists used: 60 Nominated films: 320 My Top 10 (based on nominated films) (in alphabetical order) Clockwork Orange, A (1971) Donnie Darko (2001) Estamira (2004) Leaving Las Vegas (1995) M (1931) Ordet (1955) Såsom i en Spegel (1961) Silence of the Lambs, The (1991) Splendor in the Grass (1961) Sunset Blvd. (1950) Others lists with the same methodology: Top 50 Business Films Top 50 Rock'n Roll Films Top 50 Car Movies Top 50 Films About Films Top 50 Films About Arts and Artists Top 50 Dystopian Films Top 50 Films About Politics Top 50 Plot Twist Films Top 50 Surrealistic Films Top 50 Disturbing Films Top 50 Films About Media Top 50 Films About Law Top 50 Films About Writers and Writing Top 50 Films About Conspiracy (Theories) Top 50 Films About Mental Illness Top 50 Films About Serial Killers Top 50 Pandemic Movies Top 50 Films about Drugs
  19. Total Film's 25 Most Disturbing Movies Ever's icon

    Total Film's 25 Most Disturbing Movies Ever

    Favs/dislikes: 8:0. A list of mondo bloodbaths and savage satires, presented by Total Film.
  20. Trans and non-binary portrayals's icon

    Trans and non-binary portrayals

    Favs/dislikes: 8:0. This is my personal list of movies I've seen that include trans characters or subjects that feel like an attempt at an honest representation rather than a cisgender person's sensationalization. The higher I put them, the more genuine they seem to me, with the highest ones being created by and/or starring trans people. This list over-represents white and binary identified trans women, because unfortunately the movie industry does too.
  21. TSPDT films ranked 2001-3000 (2021 edition)'s icon

    TSPDT films ranked 2001-3000 (2021 edition)

    Favs/dislikes: 8:0. Missing: #2994 My Hand Outstretched to the Winged Distance and Sightless Measure (18 film cycle) Robert Beavers 1967-2002
  22. TSPDT Non-American Noir Films (1940-1965)'s icon

    TSPDT Non-American Noir Films (1940-1965)

    Favs/dislikes: 8:0. The Non-American Noir Films (1940-1964) section lists 93 Non-American films (mainly British, plus twelve French films, three Japanese, one Mexican, one Austrian, and one Italian) from 'the golden period' that are either fully-fledged noir or have strong noir elements.
  23. TSPDT Top 25 Films per Year: 1960s's icon

    TSPDT Top 25 Films per Year: 1960s

    Favs/dislikes: 8:0. From They Shoot Pictures Don't They, 2015 edition. Top 25 films from each year 1960-69. Note that the years don't always correlate exactly with IMDB's years. Dog Star Man is in five parts on IMDB, listed as one film on TSPDT.
  24. TSPDT Top 25 Films per Year: 1970s's icon

    TSPDT Top 25 Films per Year: 1970s

    Favs/dislikes: 8:0. From They Shoot Pictures Don't They, 2015 edition. Top 25 films from each year 1970-79. Note that the years don't always correlate exactly with IMDB's years.
  25. TSZDT 5000<400's icon

    TSZDT 5000<400

    Favs/dislikes: 8:0. The top 5000 movies nominated for TSZDT with less than 400 checks on iCheckMovies.
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Showing items 2701 – 2725 of 23491