Charts: Lists

This page shows you the list charts. By default, the movies are ordered by how many times they have been marked as a favorite. However, you can also sort by other information, such as the total number of times it has been marked as a dislike.

  1. Rosenbaum Shorts's icon

    Rosenbaum Shorts

    Favs/dislikes: 6:1. All of the short films featured in Jonathon Rosenbaum’s book, Essential Cinema.
  2. Rotten Tomatoes: Best Christmas Movies's icon

    Rotten Tomatoes: Best Christmas Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0.
  3. Rotten Tomatoes's 60 Best Black Comedies's icon

    Rotten Tomatoes's 60 Best Black Comedies

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0. Let’s say you’re the type to laugh while handling the darkest subject matters: Murder, doomsday, blackmail, and maybe even a lil’ tasty cannibalism. If so, twisted friend, you sure have arrived at the right spot to get your gallows guffaws: The 60 Best Dark Comedies, Ranked by Tomatometer! The emergence of the black comedy movie seemed to come around in the 1940s, when filmmaking had evolved enough to artistically interpret real-world horrors (e.g. World War II) with mordant humor, as seen in To Be or Not to Be and Arsenic and Old Lace. Of course, how would they have known their groundbreaking path through the dark side would eventually come to the taboo of cannibalism, as seen in appetizing films like Delicatessen and Eating Raoul? And lest you assume we’re not in touch with our more subtle side when it comes to comedy of the damned, we’ve included philosophical destroyers Who’s Afraid of Virgina Woolf?, Carnage, and the brilliant Withnail and I. Our final stipulation for their movies and everything else on the list is that each had to be rated Fresh, and have at least 20 reviews, to ensure enough critics have shared in the gleeful discomfort. --Rotten Tomatoes
  4. r/TrueFilm's icon


    Favs/dislikes: 6:0.
  5. Sally Field Filmography's icon

    Sally Field Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 6:1.
  6. Samurai Films's icon

    Samurai Films

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0. A list featuring samurai themed films.
  7. San Francisco Chronicle Film Critics' Hot 100 Films From the Past's icon

    San Francisco Chronicle Film Critics' Hot 100 Films From the Past

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0.
  8. SCFZ Top 250 6th Edition (2020)'s icon

    SCFZ Top 250 6th Edition (2020)

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0. To celebrate the sixth anniversary of the SCFZ film forum, we held a poll to discover SCFZ members' favourite films of all time. 1337 different films received at least one vote in the poll, and the top 250 films appear below. We have held five previous top 100 polls -- the first anniversary (2015) poll is here: The second anniversary (2016) poll is here: The third anniversary (2017) poll is here: The fourth anniversary (2018) poll is here: The fifth anniversary (2019) poll is here: The Super Champion Film Zone forum is here, new members welcome!
  9. SCFZ's 100 Favorite Wuxia! Films's icon

    SCFZ's 100 Favorite Wuxia! Films

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0. Your friends at SCFZ held a poll to determine our site's favorite wuxia! films. You can view the thread with the individual ballots [url=]here[/url]. Determination as to what qualified as a wuxia! film was left to the discretion of each voter, so if you think something on this list shouldn't qualify, well, tough luck. Close to 200 films received votes, and the top 100 films appear below.
  10. SCFZ's Top 250 Films of the 2010's's icon

    SCFZ's Top 250 Films of the 2010's

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0. the outcome of a poll held on the scfz forum:
  11. Schizophrenia in Film's icon

    Schizophrenia in Film

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0. As someone who is a diagnosed schizophrenic, I wanted to make a (one day, hopefully) complete list of films depicting either the lives of individuals with schizophrenia (Shine; Adele H.), or films which explicitly depict individuals with a schizophrenia spectrum disorder. I'm sure you could read thousands of films as having a schizophrenic character (e.g. Christopher Robin in Winnie the Pooh), but this is for actual depictions of individuals with schizophrenia. Do note: Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly Multiple Personality Disorder) is a completely separate diagnosis than schizophrenia. Here is the clinical definition of Schizophrenia: DSM-V Diagnostic Criteria of Schizophrenia 295.90 (F20.9) A. Two (or more) of the following, each present for a significant portion of time during a 1 -month period (or less if successfully treated). At least one of these must be (1 ), (2), or (3): 1. Delusions. 2. Hallucinations. 3. Disorganised speech (e.g., frequent derailment or incoherence). 4. Grossly disorganised or catatonic behaviour. 5. Negative symptoms (i.e., diminished emotional expression or avolition). B. For a significant portion of the time since the onset of the disturbance, level of functioning in one or more major areas, such as work, interpersonal relations, or self-care, is markedly below the level achieved prior to the onset (or when the onset is in childhood or adolescence, there is a failure to achieve expected level of interpersonal, academic, or occupational functioning). C. Continuous signs of the disturbance persist for at least 6 months. This 6-month period must include at least 1 month of symptoms (or less if successfully treated) that meet Criterion A (i.e., active-phase symptoms) and may include periods of prodromal or residual symptoms. During these prodromal or residual periods, the signs of the disturbance may be manifested by only negative symptoms or by two or more symptoms listed in Criterion A present in an attenuated form (e.g., odd beliefs, unusual perceptual experiences). As this is a forever work in progress, all suggestions are welcome. Although I only plan on adding films which are actually available to watch - so no obscure unwatchable lost films please. Also note, films listed prior to Il colore dei suoi occhi (1991) are "reasonably confident" to have a schizo presence, and Il colore dei suoi occhi and after - I am less confident about there being a schizo aspect. If I ever finish this project, I want to turn it into a book: a schizo guide to schizo films. Films will be added and some might disappear as I watch them and make the final call of whether its schizo enough to make the cut. Again, this needs to be explicit, as I can read schizo traits in every single film - (Im currently developing a schizo reading of literature/film; currently working on a schizo reading of Star Trek Deep Space 9) as most humans have some of these qualities to them, but not to the extreme that schizo folks suffer with. Unless you know the torture of having no control over reality - you won't know why its important to have (positive) representation - so that maybe one day you too can feel the agony of existence as a schizo person - through the medium of film - and maybe then, hopefully one day, we can be celebrated for our divine perspective - for we know experiences that the rest of humanity can only guess at. So I want film to be the basis of respect, even when the film approaches us with hatred. For we know that all too well - as most of us die by our own hand, or on the streets - wandering a world we don't understand, with reality itself being something you never take for granted. So be glad you don't have our experience - for you will know that reality itself is sacred. Do note: -Everything prior to 15 Park Ave has been personally vetted and approved by me to be media with schizophrenia -This is primarily a list of ALL possibilities - so some titles may be removed if, after scrutiny, I find they don't contain schizophrenia. I have two companion lists to this one: 1) Schizophrenia in Film that I have personally vetted and approved. 2) Replications of psychosis in film - aka films that reproduce the experience of psychosis (hallucinations / delusions / disorganized speech)
  12. Scholastic's 100 Greatest Movies for Kids's icon

    Scholastic's 100 Greatest Movies for Kids

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0.
  13. Sharon Stone Filmography's icon

    Sharon Stone Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0.
  14. Short Film Palme d'Or's icon

    Short Film Palme d'Or

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0. Missing from IMDb and unavailable 1951: L'Eruption de l'Etna 1964: Le Prix de la Victoire
  15. Sight & Sound 1962 top 10 poll's icon

    Sight & Sound 1962 top 10 poll

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0. Second of the top ten polls
  16. Sight & Sound 1992 Critics' Top Ten Poll's icon

    Sight & Sound 1992 Critics' Top Ten Poll

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0. From 1992 the list was split into a directors and critics poll. This is the critics poll.
  17. Sight & Sound 2014 Greatest Documentaries: Critics' Top 50's icon

    Sight & Sound 2014 Greatest Documentaries: Critics' Top 50

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0.
  18. Sight & Sound 2022 Poll - Films on all ballots's icon

    Sight & Sound 2022 Poll - Films on all ballots

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0. Temporary list, the title of which may also change Eventually this list will be composed of every single film appearing on a ballot for Sight & Sound's The Greatest Films of All Time 2022 poll. Still to be done: rectifying entries for trilogies and multiple films, the mess that is Twin Peaks nominations, and add missing films to imdb so they can be imported to icm. For official list determining purposes... Films on 5+ ballots: 1-833 (up to Zabriskie Point) Films on 4+ ballots: 1-1022 (up to Zimna wojna [Cold War]) Films on 3+ ballots: 1-1344 ( up to Zui hao de shi guang [Three Times]) Films on 2+ ballots: 1-1976 ( up to Ze soboty na neděli [From Saturday to Sunday]) Two 2-vote films are not yet on imdb: Fatima's Letter (1992 Alia Syed) Hayachine no fu [Ode to Mount Hayachine/The Poem of Hayachine Valley] (1983 Sumiko Haneda) Video games nominated so cannot be imported to icm (all with only 1 vote): Bioshock (2007) Home - A VR Spacewalk (2016) Notes on Blindness (2016) More data and statistics are available in a [url=]Google Spreadsheet[/url], including male/female divide, country representation, and more (also a work in progress). Also taking requests for stats. Send a PM or comment on the [url=]ICM Forum Thread about this poll[/url]
  19. Sight & Sound: Anime 50 Essential Films's icon

    Sight & Sound: Anime 50 Essential Films

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0. From the breakthrough of Akira in 1988, through the exquisite films of Miyazaki Hayao and others, Japanese animation has captivated audiences around the world. But anime’s history runs deeper still. Here we select 50 titles that celebrate its full, fascinating riches.
  20. Sight & Sound's Best Films of 2013's icon

    Sight & Sound's Best Films of 2013

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0. Norte, hangganan ng kasaysayan and L’Inconnu du lac share the 9th place.
  21. Sight & Sound's best films of 2015's icon

    Sight & Sound's best films of 2015

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0. All movies in the Sight & Sound's best films of 2015 top list are listed below.
  22. Sight & Sound's Films of the 2000s's icon

    Sight & Sound's Films of the 2000s

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0. Published in the February 2010 issue, as stated in the article this list represents "not a 'top 30', but the films that in our opinion best represent the decade's most distinctive oeuvres and movements". The full article introducing the list can be read at the source link.
  23. Silent Britain's icon

    Silent Britain

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0. All films mentioned by name in the 2006 documentary directed by David Thompson called _Silent Britain_, in the order in which they are mentioned. Not found on iCM or imdb: Train Entering Hove Station (1897), which the documentary describes as a response to the famous 1896 Lumiere film, L'arrivée d'un train à La Ciotat. I am guessing that this movie by George Albert Smith is the film imdb calls Passenger Train (1897): Edit: I've now added the latter film to iCM and to this list.
  24. Silver Screen Riot's The 100 Greatest Horror Films of the 2010s (2019)'s icon

    Silver Screen Riot's The 100 Greatest Horror Films of the 2010s (2019)

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0. Compiled by Matt Oakes. A ranked list of the greatest horror films released in the 2010s.
  25. "Single Set Production" Movies's icon

    "Single Set Production" Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0. Movies that are predominantly or entirely set in a single location (e.g. one room). List may be expanded.
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