Charts: Lists

This page shows you the list charts. By default, the movies are ordered by how many times they have been marked as a favorite. However, you can also sort by other information, such as the total number of times it has been marked as a dislike.

  1. 6's icon


    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  2. 6's icon


    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  3. 6 Powerful Brainstorming Tools for Essay Writers's icon

    6 Powerful Brainstorming Tools for Essay Writers

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. The psyche loves conceptualizing, and you certainly love the working that emerges from it. There are subjects that run out of branches before you run out of space. While there are those where you run out of space with branches always growing outwards. [url=][/url] team is there to help students in the United Kingdom (UK), United States (US), Australia (AU), Canada (CA), and United Arab Emirates (UAE) with their academic workload and writing needs. The last option of the two is conceptualizing paradise. At the point when the subject of an exposition is wide, yet profound and wealthy in importance, the paper essayist needs in excess of a pen and a paper to conceptualize. This is where apparatuses both on versatile and work area prove to be useful. When you become acclimated to the different conceptualizing instruments, you will float towards them in any event, while composing a subject that isn't so mind boggling or expansive. These devices become your companions when a paper turns into an extended undertaking, task, or distribution. It can likewise be useful to you while composing school papers, or any exposition where you need to investigate everywhere of a subject. [url=]GradSchoolGenius[/url] can help the students in Canada (CA), United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Australia (AU) make their way through school with the best dissertations and theses. Here are a portion of the devices - liberated from cost- - that are accessible for conceptualizing. [b]XMind[/b] Xmind is one of the most amazing conceptualizing instruments with regards to client experience. Besides the fact that X Mind has an appealing User Interface, that tracks down the right harmony among text and visuals. It permits you to make mind guides and rationale graphs for your papers. For an extensive undertaking, you can likewise incorporate a venture course of events. Its top element is the manner by which its consistent mix of different designs and relations. With the free variant, one can do a ton of things that different devices need. [b] Coggle[/b] Coggle is a straightforward yet strong planning instrument. It has Realtime coordinated effort, so in the event that you are dealing with a gathering, everybody can try out their thoughts all at once. You can fan out from your fundamental theme, adding thoughts and further branches as you go on. Each branch will be put in an ideal spatial position. You can likewise begin different branches on various subjects or portions of it and join to make circles and cycle streams. It is outwardly engaging and you can finish the majority of your work through the free form. [b]Text2mindmap[/b] This is a free internet based instrument that works the same way as list items. It is straightforward and quick: You enter the text to make a guide and utilize indented text to stretch out of the principal point to Use the device. The adjustment of the course of action will be considered experience the guide while permitting you to drag the hubs to organize the space as you like. [b]FreeMind[/b] An opensource instrument that gets the best out of a combination of psyche planning and bulleting. A basic UI that takes care of business through a couple of snaps and adding a 'youngster' and 'parent' hubs. One more appealing element of this apparatus is collapsing and unfurling highlight permits one to clean up the space while chipping away at explicit pieces of the guide. It additionally considers different paper mind guides to be overseen in similar space with its element of article status letting you know which exposition is dynamic, fragmented, or not began. [b]MindMap[/b] One of many Google Chrome augmentations can be utilized to play out your paper conceptualizing. It is easy to utilize and permits the client to remember media for the guides, which makes it engaging. It has likewise the choice to be put away and recovered from Cloud, Dropbox, and Google Drive. The [url=][/url] team is dedicated to helping students in the United States (US), Canada (CA), Australia (AU), Cyprus (CY), United Arab Emirates (UAE) and United Kingdom (UK) reach their academic goals and succeed in the classroom. [b]Mind42[/b] Mind42 is a web-based mind planning device that can be utilized for conceptualizing from your web program. It is conveniently coordinated utilizing just flat and vertical lines, that can implode and grow with only a tick. It's an extraordinary method for picturing the size of the subject. You can likewise impart a meeting to generate new ideas to your friends through the site. The writers at [url=][/url] are professional, experienced and well-versed in essay writing to help students from the United Kingdom (UK), United States ( US), Australia (AU), Canada (CA), and United Arab Emirates (UAE).
  4. 60 < 50's icon

    60 < 50

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. My list of candidates for the iCM Forum's Favourite Under 50 iCM Checks Movies list... On June 8th 2023, 14 of these film already received 50 checks or more...
  5. 60 favorite movies ever's icon

    60 favorite movies ever

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. 60 of my favorite movies
  6. 60s's icon


    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  7. 60s Ranked's icon

    60s Ranked

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  8. 60th International Film Festival of Mexico Cinematheque's icon

    60th International Film Festival of Mexico Cinematheque

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. Since its inception the International Film Festival of Mexico Cinematheque presents a selection of internationally renowned films.
  9. 61th International Film Festival of Mexico Cinematheque's icon

    61th International Film Festival of Mexico Cinematheque

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. Since its inception the International Film Festival of Mexico Cinematheque presents a selection of internationally renowned films.
  10. 64a's icon


    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  11. 68 Essential Films's icon

    68 Essential Films

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. All the films from my personal top 300 that also appear in the top 300 of Mubi's Top 1000 films, in the top 300 of RYM's All Time Film charts and in the IMDb's Top 300.
  12. 69th Golden Globe Awards Nominees's icon

    69th Golden Globe Awards Nominees

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. All the movies nominated for the 69th Golden Globe awards. It includes any movie that's nominated for any of the Golden Globes categories.
  13. 6Altı's icon


    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. CS ile CS'nin 6Altı programında incelediği filmler sıralı tam liste
  14. 6/10 (Fine)'s icon

    6/10 (Fine)

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  15. 6th Golden Globe Awards (1949)'s icon

    6th Golden Globe Awards (1949)

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  16. 7's icon


    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  17. 7 Hitchcock vs 7 Buñuel ~ranked~'s icon

    7 Hitchcock vs 7 Buñuel ~ranked~

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. Not a big fan of Rear Window and Vertigo (mostly because boring Jimmy Stewart is in those), just like i am not a big fan of other good/great filmmakers' more acclaimed ones like Taxi Driver, Suspiria, Space Odyssey, El Topo...
  18. 7 Tips for a Stand-Out College Essay's icon

    7 Tips for a Stand-Out College Essay

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. School papers are a vital piece of the school application. Understudies, in this way, begin with their articles a very long time ahead of time, to get the best result. It's an overwhelming errand to compose a school paper because of either a wealth of material to compose from or because of absence of it. The school paper is definitely not a one-individual work; sooner or later recorded as a hard copy the exposition anticipates your companions, family, and paper composing experts to partake in it as well. [url=][/url] offers professional writing services at reasonable prices to students in the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Canada, and United Arab Emirates. Here are a few valuable tips and deceives that you can utilize while composing your exposition: [list=1] [*][b] Make the article about you[/b] [/list] Its more straightforward to escape track while composing the paper with the end goal that the exposition becomes about a thing or an individual that you are attempting to relate. For instance, an exposition about what is your inspiration or motivation can turn out to be about an individual; and in no time you are an optional in your own paper. [url=]MyPerfectPaper[/url] provides flawless papers to students from United Arab Emirates (UAE), United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), Australia (AU) and Canada (CA) in need of writing help. [list=1] [*][b] Go for phenomenal subjects and remarkable associations[/b] [/list] To stand apart among the plenty of articles - both great and terrible - you should get into the eyes of individuals at affirmations. This should be possible by discussing an exceptional point that they have not gone over and expand upon that uniqueness by making remarkable associations with different encounters and articles. [list=1] [*][b] Clich&eacute;d points need more consideration[/b] [/list] To compose on a typical theme as it best depicts your personality like so many others than you are in for a test. Subjects that are a banality incorporate the passing of an individual near you, your father being your motivation, your excursion abroad that showed you significant illustrations, and so on. While there is no immovable rule to not compose on such points, it is better not to. Such themes drive you into a pool of papers that came to fruition through hesitation and an absence of exertion. In any case, on the off chance that you continue composing on the subject, you should manage the mammoth errand with making your paper one of a kind and energizing with each sentence of your exposition. [list=1] [*][b] Essay topic[/b] [/list] A subject interfaces and presents the items in an exposition to sound good to the perusers and to convey a message. The subject can be achronological one, where occasions are given in understanding the moving time. The subject can likewise be free of time, and rotate around an overall class like games, culture, a thing, and so on. Subjects that are autonomous of sequence are best held for the articles that are not excessively reliant upon the account style. All things considered, they discuss a subject and interface it with their encounters. [list=1] [*][b] Don't attempt to cover heaps of thoughts[/b] [/list] Keep in mind, that rotating around several your most grounded focuses than totally dominate a lot of fair points is better. Try not to allow your exposition to be a straightforward rundown of things that educate nothing concerning you. [list=1] [*][b] Guys at confirmations love a decent story[/b] [/list] Stories produce the absolute best articles. It inundates the peruser into the author's viewpoint and assists them with understanding the encounters and the individual better. A story all in all can impart a lot hidden therein - something different types of composing can't. [url=]MyPerfectWords[/url] has been reviewed to be the best essay writing service by students from United Kingdom (UK), United States (US), United Arab Emirates (UAE), Canada (CA), Cyprus (CY) and Australia (AU). [list=1] [*][b] Show the college that you have done all necessary investigation[/b] [/list] While discussing your field of interest, your energy, or experience, associating it with the connected divisions and open doors that the college being referred to will provide is significant. You can discuss your advantage in working with a specific scholarly of the college or you can discuss a custom of the college that you love. This lets the evaluators know that you have investigated the college and don't generally mess around with it. [url=]5StarEssays[/url] provides the best essays and papers to students in United Kingdom (UK), United States (US), Cyprus (CY), Canada (CA), Australia (AU) and United Arab Emirates (UAE).
  19. 70ies's icon


    Favs/dislikes: 0:1.
  20. 70s faves's icon

    70s faves

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  21. 70s favourites's icon

    70s favourites

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  22. 70/30 katt/hund's icon

    70/30 katt/hund

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  23. 73rd Golden Globe Nominees (2016)'s icon

    73rd Golden Globe Nominees (2016)

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  24. 74th BAFTA Awards (2020)'s icon

    74th BAFTA Awards (2020)

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  25. 75th BAFTA Awards (2021)'s icon

    75th BAFTA Awards (2021)

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
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Showing items 11901 – 11925 of 23468