Charts: Lists

This page shows you the list charts. By default, the movies are ordered by how many times they have been marked as a favorite. However, you can also sort by other information, such as the total number of times it has been marked as a dislike.

  1. The Best Films According to Andrew Sarris's The American Cinema's icon

    The Best Films According to Andrew Sarris's The American Cinema

    Favs/dislikes: 11:0. In Andrew Sarris's The American Cinema, every director in the book has their full filmography listed, and Sarris italicizes the best films of each director. Here is the full collection of every film italicized in the book (with the exception of Out of the Past, which remains unitalicized likely as an error as he calls it Jacques Torneur's masterpiece). The book has multiple sections, with who Sarris viewed as the pantheon directors at the top, and slowly dwindling in quality as the list goes down. However, there is merit to be found towards the bottom, as he lists a series of oddities, one-shots, and, at the time, newcomers, as well as subjects for further research.
  2. The Best of World Cinema's icon

    The Best of World Cinema

    Favs/dislikes: 11:2. The best non-English movies, as picked entirely subjectively by an appreciator.
  3. The Diabolical Diagram of Movie Monsters's icon

    The Diabolical Diagram of Movie Monsters

    Favs/dislikes: 11:0. All the films found on [url=]The Diabolical Diagram of Movie Monsters[/url] in alphabetical order. Notes: I'm not sure what film "Mutant Creatures" is. "Werewolf Women of the SS" is one of the [url=]Grindhouse[/url] trailers
  4. The Eye of Cinema: Stunning B&W Cinematography's icon

    The Eye of Cinema: Stunning B&W Cinematography

    Favs/dislikes: 11:0. Cinema is a visual medium, therefore it should be regarded as such. But against popular belief, cinematography is not simply about capturing great-looking images, it's an understanding of framing, movement, angles, light, and space, and knowing how to compose these elements throughout the film. It’s an art of observation and perception. It takes a great eye to be a great photographer. However, it takes both a great eye and a great mind to be a great cinematographer. Great cinematography isn't merely about knowing how to compose an image, it's knowing how to compose an entire scene, an entire film, not merely for the sake of bringing the script to the screen, but also to visually draw the viewer in, and to further convey the filmmaker's vision.
  5. The Iranian Film 50's icon

    The Iranian Film 50

    Favs/dislikes: 11:0. Fifty films essential to understanding Iranian cinema by Houshang Golmakani, editor-in-chief of the Iranian Film Monthly. Not on imdb: Reza Chelcheleh (Mehdi Mirsamadzadeh, 1971)
  6. The Most Disturbing Movies Ever (as listed by Horrible Reviews)'s icon

    The Most Disturbing Movies Ever (as listed by Horrible Reviews)

    Favs/dislikes: 11:0.
  7. They Draw Anime, Don't They?'s icon

    They Draw Anime, Don't They?

    Favs/dislikes: 11:0. The most acclaimed anime series of all time, compiled from 57 lists. Last updated: October 2022
  8. Time Out's 25 Best Shakespeare-To-Screen Adaptations's icon

    Time Out's 25 Best Shakespeare-To-Screen Adaptations

    Favs/dislikes: 11:0. It would seem a no-brainer: Combine the world's most revered dramatist with today's most popular medium. Alas, translating the Bard to the big screen has proved trickier than anyone ever thought. In ranking the 25 most successful attempts, TONY tapped its Film and Theater experts. Their only ground rule: No plots about the playwright himself would be eligible. (Sorry, Shakespeare in Love fans). But any adaptations of the plays themselves, loose or faithful, were fair game. So if top-25 lists be the food of love, read on.
  9. Titles featured in DVD Delirium Volume 1's icon

    Titles featured in DVD Delirium Volume 1

    Favs/dislikes: 11:0.
  10. Tobe Hooper Filmography's icon

    Tobe Hooper Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 11:0. Tobe Hooper is best knowed for his horror masterpiece The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. This is his filmography over movies he has directed. TV series and movies he was replaced from are not included.
  11. Top 100 French movies since 1990 according to a French guy's icon

    Top 100 French movies since 1990 according to a French guy

    Favs/dislikes: 11:1. Top French movies since 1990. you will find a very eclectic choice of movies in terms of genre, success or not at the box-office, well known or quite anonymous. I have to admit you can find it popular but that's my tastes. Cinema is a popular and entertaining art the 50 first movies are my favorites and are sorted by release date
  12. Total Film 50 Most Disappointing Movies of All Time's icon

    Total Film 50 Most Disappointing Movies of All Time

    Favs/dislikes: 11:0. Great expectations.
  13. Val Lewton filmography's icon

    Val Lewton filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 11:0. All films produced by Val Lewton.
  14. Visual History of Brazilian Cinema's icon

    Visual History of Brazilian Cinema

    Favs/dislikes: 11:0. "Is it possible to outline the face and ideas of a truly Brazilian cinema? Yes, it may be possible if we examine the vigorous and original image of the country formed by the films in almost a century of Brazilian movie existence. In different times and under various perspectives, the screen portrayed contrasts and complexities, contradictions and perplexities of the people and the nation." Lost films: O Guarani (1926) Barro Humano (1929) Acabaram-se os Otários (1929) Favela do Meus Amores (1935) Cidade-Mulher (1936) Noites Cariocas (1936) O Bobo do Rei (1937) Banana-da-Terra (1939) O Brasileiro João de Souza (1944) Moleque Tião (1943) Samba em Berlim (1943) Este Mundo É um Pandeiro (1947) Inconfidência Mineira (1948)
  15. WGA 101 Funniest Screenplays's icon

    WGA 101 Funniest Screenplays

    Favs/dislikes: 11:0. The Writers Guild of America selected the 101 Funniest Screenplays
  16. William Friedkin filmography's icon

    William Friedkin filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 11:0.
  17. Xavier Dolan Filmography's icon

    Xavier Dolan Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 11:0. Xavier Dolan's feature filmography. No shortfilms.
  18. Your Movie Sucks: Top 10 Films's icon

    Your Movie Sucks: Top 10 Films

    Favs/dislikes: 11:0. A list of all the films recommended by Adam Johnston AKA Your Movie Sucks in his "Top 10 Films Of The Year" videos. Currently spans the years 2008-2012 and will be updated as new videos are released. Grouped as follows: 2009: 1-16. 2010: 17-33. 2011: 34-48. 2012: 49-63. 2008: 64-81.
  19. 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die (All Editions Combined)'s icon

    1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die (All Editions Combined)

    Favs/dislikes: 10:0. The movies from every "1001 Movies to See Before You Die" editions from 2003 to the last update in 2021. This list includes 1245 movies from 1902 to 2020.
  20. 20 Eastern European Sci-fi Movies's icon

    20 Eastern European Sci-fi Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 10:0. From the Soviet era and after, eastern Europe has provided countless narratives about possible futures, from the political to the comical, to the downright horrifying. While the communist project faltered and ultimately failed, a sense of excitement or fear about change (revolution) has always been intrinsic to the ideological landscape. Below is just a small selection of the futures that have been imagined by film-makers in the region. The movies on the list are ranked in no particular order.
  21. 2000s's icon


    Favs/dislikes: 10:1. The top 250 films of the 2000s with a minimum rating of 7.0, sorted by number of votes.
  22. 500 Essential Anime Movies's icon

    500 Essential Anime Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 10:0. The Ultimate Guide [Helen McCarthy]
  23. A Century of Cinema's icon

    A Century of Cinema

    Favs/dislikes: 10:0. 100 best short films of all times as selected by the Clermont-Ferrand Festival in 1995 Siamo donne - segment "Anna Magnani" by Luchino Visconti 4 x 4 - segment "Uppehåll i myrlandet" by Jan Troell Not on IMDb: L' Obstacle by Mohamed Bouamari Algeria / 1966 / Fiction / 17'00 Tervanpolttoa Lapissa by author unknown Finland / 1916 / Documentary / 05'00 El Tragico final de Gardel by Gonzalo Et Alvaro Acevedo Colombia / 1935 / Documentary / 11'00
  24. A Dream Guide by Yuri Gladilshchikov's icon

    A Dream Guide by Yuri Gladilshchikov

    Favs/dislikes: 10:0. "Справочник грез" - сборник рассказов и путеводитель под одной обложкой. В фокусе внимания 240 фильмов, которые определили лицо кинематографа последних 12 лет (1996 - 2007 г.). Одни фильмы широко известны, другие - подарок любителям хорошего кино от знатока. Автор - один из наиболее именитых и авторитетных российских кинокритиков - Юрий Гладильщиков. Статьи Юрия Гладильщикова в "Ведомостях", журналах "Русский Newsweek", "Playboy" - всегда заметное событие. Гладильщиков пишет точно, честно и ярко, соединяя в тексте несомненный литературный дар с экспертной четкостью знатока. Книга является синтезом справочника и развлекательного чтения о кино, а главное - мощным стимулом для того, чтобы посмотреть картину впервые или заново.
  25. A Story of Children and Film's icon

    A Story of Children and Film

    Favs/dislikes: 10:0.
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Showing items 2051 – 2075 of 23494