Plex: All movies currently on Dutch Plex for free (2)

Plex: All movies currently on Dutch Plex for free (2)'s icon

Created by joachimt.

Favorited 4 times, disliked 0 times, added to 6 watchlists.

On Plex you can stream movies for free. You'll get commercials in between, but you don't have to pay anything. This list contains all movies that are on this service in The Netherlands.

IMDb urls have been collected manually one by one. I'll update this list every few months.

Some movies are mislabeled on Plex with the information about another movie, most of those cases a movie with the same title. I've caught a few, but there might be more. If you play a movie and it appears to be something else, please let me know.

Some movies on Plex are not on IMDb, so they are not included on this list. Some series are included, but I can't promise you can watch the complete series.

I collected all movies in the categories as shown here.

This is part 2 of the list. Here is part 1. Here is part 3.

Current edition: May 20th 2024

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