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mrjellow's avatar


Absolute garbage, aside from the visuals. The fighting in this movie is extremely boring. Villains are faceless dumbasses that seem propped up to to get beaten by the 'unbeatable' John Wick. The result? A well orchestrated but obviously fake fight scene. The CGI is also terrible and fake looking and even the sounds are fake (since when does a three cilinder Triumph sound like a V twin?). But it gets worse. The dialogue is full of meaningless platitudes and the story unfolds like a bad Mario game with fights that seem like 'final boss fights' filled with over the top and unoriginal imagery.

Conclusion: don't waste your time.
4 years 7 months ago
blimpsnstuff's avatar


IMO neither sequel has managed to live up to the perfection of the first installment; however this was definitely an improvement on "Chapter 2." That said, there's a scene in this where the eponymous character murders a man using a horse, and that's the kind of trash I'll always tune in for.
4 years 8 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


John Wick has devolved into pretty much nothing more than an exhibition on stuntwork and fight choreography. In the industry, it's not uncommon for stunt actors to make their own short film to show off their skills, kind of like a celluloid business card, and that is precisely what the series has become except it's feature length and virtually no plot to be found. The second film somewhat intrigued me with where they were going with the worldbuilding but this installment just hammered it home that they don't seem to really care about all that. I get it that there's a bunch of tattooed ladies in a room somewhere processing endless paperwork regarding assassin work and acting like it's all so very, very important, but if that's the depth of it all then it stopped being interesting after the first time. It's all just a cardboard backdrop for the action.
1 year ago
chunkylefunga's avatar


The storyline is paper thin and eroding with each chapter.

Watch if you want pure action, though not as good as oriental action movies.

Worst in the trilogy, can't believe a 4th is being made.
4 years 4 months ago
bklooney's avatar


I think the John Wick series might be as close to Lone Wolf and Cub as America is going to get.
4 years 8 months ago
bathkuyp's avatar


The book of Wick is getting quite ridiculous, but its brutal choreography makes you curious for the next installment. It doesnt try to connect on an emotional level, but is has fancy knivefights and John Wick beats a giant to death with a book.
4 years 9 months ago
Earring72's avatar


Overlong by 30 minutes and getting more and more silly and over the top...….but some great action scenes in the first half hour and Reeves is still great. But it's getting a bit tired. JW is SOOOOOOOOOO indestructible that the movie is on the verge of becoming a video game of mindless shooting…….Still…….some good stuff :-)
4 years 2 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


The third week since they killed John Wick's dog - Chapter 3: Parabellum - to my mind, should have been the end of the story, no matter how fun and successful these films are. The first film was a surprise cult hit, and a very efficient film. The second expanded the world in surprising ways while keeping everything very personal. The third just keeps things going, but doesn't make the big jump we saw between Chapters 1 and 2. Sure, we learn more about John's world and origins, but not that much, and I feel like the one important decision he makes is retrograde and goes against his character just to create a complication to justify this not being the last film. That said, it's still a heck of a great time at the movies, and as a self-professed lover of Hong Kong cinema, I will never be fed up with Keanu Reeves and company successfully bringing that style of action to American movies. Chapter 3 is wall-to-wall fights, and it certainly jumps the bar I set for every action movie I watch - does it show me something new? And it certainly does. The first few fights are quite novel and fun, while later, longer fights, while more traditional, have a visceral comic touch that provides respite from the relentless brutality. Beautiful choreographies, and an underdog motif that makes you care what happens.
5 years ago
Adrian B AWESOME's avatar


Three VERY GOOD DOGS in this. It's also nothing like The Matrix. No slow motion, no sci-fi technobabble, no pseudospiritual nonsense.
5 years ago
badblokebob's avatar


Looks great; action’s great; plot ultimately feels like a 120-minute dot-join between Chapter 2 and Chapter 4.
4 years 9 months ago
karic's avatar


As much as i would love it to be just a trilogy i actually don't mind at all if they keep making more films because they just keep setting the bar higher with every sequence and you can really see how passionate they are about this series, a rare thing to find in action films of all genres. Even though Keanu is aging like fine wine i couldn't help but notice that he looks kinda slower and a little bit sloppy compared to the first one, which makes it look like his age is finally catching up to him, but it's fine because Mr. Wick has been killing bad guys for days without rest so it makes sense. I remember there weren't that many people at the theaters on release day, but i'm happy that it didn't get overshadowed too much by the marvel-disney troupe. Can't wait for the next one, be seeing you in 2021.
4 years 9 months ago
vigneshneel's avatar


The knives showdown in the beginning has to be one of the greatest action sequences I’ve ever seen. Pure destructive elegant mayhem. How does this series keep getting better?
5 years ago
Emiam's avatar


Part 2 is still the best!
4 years 1 month ago
royalspikey77's avatar


John Wick: Everything dialled up to 12

Can't wait to see what they do next...
4 years 4 months ago
danisanna's avatar


The John Wick series proves that an action movie can have content, great action sequences and be visually pleasing. Chapter 3 did not disappoint! Entertaining, funny and with the right amount of gory details.
5 years ago

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