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Armoreska's avatar


In the morning, in a Nebraska prairie, two friends, Joe Barker and Tom Burke, walk when suddenly...

Thank you for not letting me die like a dog... I do not want to die not having confided my secret... A gold deposit, six miles north of Silver City...

You seem to have forgotten our agreement, Barker... half of the fortune and the plan hidden in your wallet!

Tom Burke knows now that one of them is excessive.
And, one night...

Joe Barker does not sleep that night more than the others.

US law is relentless: a deposit belongs to the first occupant!

The only daily train already shaking Rockfield toward Silver City.

By cutting through the flooded meadow, Joe will reach the line before the train passage.

And Joe Barker unhooked the chains of the coupling.

Among the terrified travelers Tom Burke realized the situation and decided to cross the marshes no matter the cost.

At Fort William Tom knows that he can rent the only automobile in the district.

One goal: to stop the mad rush of the locomotive led by Joe!

It's been three months since Tom Burke took possession of the claim.
And, one evening...

A torch into the powder magazine.

Three spouts of fire ravaged the claim!

And Tom Burke, who is dying, can see in the palm of the already dead Joe Barker's hand some nuggets that are henceforth derisory...
8 years 11 months ago
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