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Ferneu's avatar


I've been watching all movies based on the Three Musketeers novel in the order they were made and I must say that this one, by far, has the best sword fighting scenes. At least up until this point. It was the first one where it looked like people were trying to kill each other, instead of swinging their swords with the intent of hitting the opponent swords, like we see in pretty much every single movie. And the actors did an excellent job with the choreography too.

This was also the very first time they followed the novel and made Constance the wife of the inn-keeper. I believe every single one of the movies up to this point made her a niece, a daughter, anything but the wife, so our main hero wouldn't look so bad when he tried to bang her. Not here. Here they followed the book and it shows our noble hero committing adultery right under the roof where the husband lives. And the bastard didn't even pay the rent :)
1 year 1 month ago
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