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Siskoid's avatar


1986's Martial Arts of Shaolin (AKA Shaolin Temple 3) is pretty much at the crossroads of the old Shaw Brothers era (and so directed by my favorite, Lau Kar-Leung) and the new school of martial arts (as typified by Jet Li's starring role). This historical context is evident everywhere you look. Jet and female co-star Wong Chau-yin are quite good, but many of the other actors are using a jarring "mwaa-ha-ha" style of acting. There is modern shaky cam, but also the weird bubble effect that Shaw-Vision sometimes produces. The revenge story set against the Shaolin temple backdrop is right out of a dozen Shaw Brothers films, but it's all done in beautiful locations in mainland China. The fights are universally excellent, of course, and the film looks great and has memorable scenes (the riverboat fight, the sheep escape), but it's got problems that keep it from being a great martial arts film. Chief among these is the soundtrack. Terrible and intrusive 80s synth music playing out the same themes over and over again at different tempos. And where Lau Kar-Leung's usual cultural asides are usually fascinating and informative, here they feel like padding. The birthday celebration at Court lasts entirely too long, for example. So mixed reviews, and no extras to boost the score.
8 years 8 months ago
nbats's avatar


1 year 8 months ago
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