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kurisu1974's avatar


So watching someone send text messages does not make for a very exciting movie? Well, well.
6 years 10 months ago


This film was very different than I thought it was going to be, which was a great surprise. Stewart continues to deliver in these smaller films and I'm excited to follow her wherever she takes her career next.
7 years 1 month ago
audiopile's avatar


There is a lot of emo in this film.

At first I was not interested. Then I was intrigued. Finally I was confused. Now I'm irritated because I don't fully understand this movie.

Now on to Stewart. I suppose the same could be said about her. At times it seems like she's mailing it in and then she goes and pulls off a scene that has me scared for her.

Overall a unique viewing experience with a story that helps the actors.
6 years 11 months ago
Shingwauk's avatar


Sorry found it boring.
6 years 12 months ago
God's avatar


so many emotions coming from kstew as usual
7 years ago
Siskoid's avatar


Olivier Assayas' second project with Kristin Stewart (and again as the personal assistant of a famous person), Personal Shopper is really about dealing with the absent. See, Maureen (Stewart) is a medium and she's waiting for her dead twin brother to call out to her. She's basically living for an absent person, just like her job is buying clothes for her almost-equally absent boss. Her boyfriend is aboard and just a face on a computer screen. A strange stalker (who she uses as proxy for a voice from beyond the grave) is texting her, inviting her places, but not present. This is a lot of Maureen walking into empty rooms. The eye of the camera seems to believe in the supernatural, but is it a grand hallucination? We're free to make our minds up on the subject, but like Maureen might we not be filling in the "absence" with our own imaginations. And just because there is absence, it doesn't mean there's nothing or no one. A supernatural thriller that's really about texting and interacting with others online? Only Assayas.
4 days 1 hour ago
Mrion's avatar


I don't find this movie boring. Get an attention span.
5 months ago
Ivar's avatar


I love mystery thrillers, but this was like being stuck in a swamp for days. So slow and not a grasping plot at all. 105 minutes felt like five hours.
2 years 5 months ago
ghost of utopia's avatar

ghost of utopia

This movie sucks. Literally. Bunch of stories that never connect. Poor storytelling. It doesn't even answer it's own questions. Plus, extremely sloooooooooowwwww.
5 years 4 months ago
Duke of Omnium's avatar

Duke of Omnium

Stewart tries hard, but she lacks either the charisma or the direction to pull off so many scenes where she's alone onscreen. Other minor technical quibbles, including insufficient lighting. spoiler.
6 years 3 months ago
ikkegoemikke's avatar


“For me, Lewis was someone deeply intuitive of others.
He understood things that went unspoken.
Maybe because he knew he was going to die.”


Are you suffering from a sleep disorder lately so you always get up with giant bags under your eyes? Or are you hyperkinetic due to an overdose of cola during a night of “binge watching”? No problem. Simply start the movie “Personal shopper” and these problems have been solved without any doubt. If there would be a Oscar category called “Most boring film of the year“, this film would have won it easily. In short: The whole movie you’ll see Maureen (Kristen Stewart) do some shopping for a high-society model named Kyra (Nora von Waldstätten), driving around in Paris on her moped, meditate while smoking lots of cigarettes and sending a whole series of messages on her iPhone. And she’s also waiting for a sign of life (how ambiguous) of her recently deceased brother Lewis. Apart from some ectoplasm and flickering light phenomena, there’s nothing ghostly to see. A sleep-inducing performance. And even the few scenes in which Stewart walks around half-naked and even masturbates, won’t help. Her cup size is of the same caliber as this film. Meagre.

Maybe I’m a bit biased, because I’m immensily annoyed by the person Kristen Stewart. On the other hand. You need a film character who doesn’t feel good about herself and who’s constantly in a melancholic mood, she’s surely the right candidate. If there’s an actress you can admire a whole movie without showing one sincere smile and a face that seems to be dipped in starch, then she’s definitely the one. I still remember this quote : “Kristen Stewart is like my refrigerator, no matter what I put in it (milk, soda, eggs, vegetables, meat), it’s always a refrigerator. And so is she“. I really can’t understand why she’s being praised by everybody. And every time I read about her, superlatives like “authenticity” and “subtle” are being used. Well, you can also say that about the Scarlett Johanssons, Saoirse Ronans, Dakota Fanningsen and even the Jennifer Lawrences in Hollywood. The only difference is that these actresses show some variation in their facial expressions.

“Personal Shopper” is once again an arthouse creation. And the artificial world of fashion fits extremely well with it. Both the film and the world of fashion have the same irritating effect on me. They create an artificial product that is reasonably pretentious and targets the group of the happy few. The arthouse film lovers are those happy few who are able to see the abstract meaning and the symbolisme behind such an intellectual film. In the fashion world, the happy few are those who can afford an exclusive sewn together piece of confection. And after a certain time they’ll loudly proclaim that this expensive piece of cloth is out of fashion. By the way. Who can explain to me the usefulness of such a wire-shaped corset that Maureen wears at a certain moment? The connoisseurs will most likely scream bloody murder and call me a retard who doesn’t understand fashion. I hope for myself that that it’ll remain like that.

Which subject this film tries to tackle, is not so easy to interpret. On the one hand there’s the spiritual issue and the connection of the living with wandering souls. On the other hand there is the subject of materialistic thinking and the impersonal world in which we live. The primordial conversation between Maureen and the unknown (the bouncing dots and plopping sounds really started to get on my nerves after a while) is also a reference to the contemporary impersonal conversations among individuals. So how to interprete this movie? I guess you could explain it in many ways. Best you fill in the gaps yourself after watching this movie. Keep in mind that Maureen waits for the unknown person in a hotel room and shortly thereafter you’ll see doors open automatically without seeing anybody. That puts the whole in a completely different perspective. Or not? If not, then I think that the very last bang is a clear statement. But you had need endurance to sit out this long ride and witness this slightly intense moment. Ending with Maureen looking straight at the camera. Emotionless. Trust me. Me and Kirsten Stewart. That’ll never work out.

More reviews here : http://movie-freak.be
6 years 1 month ago
Limbesdautomne's avatar


Kiyoshi Kurosawa's silent remake of Her directed only to the Cahiers du cinéma's reviewers owning a Tinder profil.

Read more in French on La Saveur des goûts amers.
4 years 11 months ago
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