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Siskoid's avatar


I watched Pumping Iron on the recommendation of the Podcasta la Vista, Baby! podcast, and I'm glad I did. The documentary follows some of the bodybuilders competing in various events in 1975, most prominently one Arnold Schwarzenegger, as he prepares for his last competition before heading to Hollywood. The up-and-comer set against him is Lou Ferrigno, so you're likely to recognize a couple people. Some insight into the sport (though the technicalities aren't too comprehensible to the outsider), but it's the culture that's really in the movie's cross hairs. At first, it seems like a very gentlemanly activity, with lots of support between practitioners (and it can be), but the movie then shows us its dark side, with winners playing mind games to ensure they keep their place. It makes Ferrigno the victim to Arnold's cocky trolling, but you can't help but feel that Lou's backstage dad is screwing with his head just as much. I came out of it with a better appreciation for the sport, if no sudden interest, but it's the people - hero, villain and neutral - who made the experience as absorbing as it was.
1 year 7 months ago
Pike's avatar


Man, Ahnuld was quite the arrogant POS in 1975. Even before being The Terminator, a multimillionnaire and governor, imagine his ego in his heyday; staggering!
He gives some fascinating insights in his interviews here and the entire subculture of competition and bodysculpting is well portrayed.
7 years 9 months ago
Stefan_Novakovic's avatar


Surprisingly engaging documentary that focuses on the mental and competitive aspects of bodybuilding. Definitely worth checking out.
9 years 9 months ago
bklooney's avatar


I love that Lou Ferigno has a lion poster in his bedroom.
1 year 1 month ago
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