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NevertrustGoogle's avatar


Stupid, boring, empty, generic, unimaginative, garbage and we could go on. There are at least 10 ways to make this series different, and it would be better than this Indian toilet. To be honest, it would not surprise me if this was entirely written by AI the same way as the opening was made in Stablefusion (or something similar). Weak conflict, it would be the same as the Jews trying to invade the US following WWII. Why is there still tension between the US and Russia? In that type of world they would bury the axis with green boys, blue boys, talking octopuses invading earth all day long.Why reveal who the crooks are at the beginning? Why is the villain some stupid cry baby? Garbage series, garbage corporate MCU, garbage Kevin Feige.
8 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Let me start by saying that the AI-generated opening for Secret Invasion was for me a non-issue. It looks like it was built from art that was generated in house by a real artist (so no worse than CGI armies in Lord of the Rings, it's just a tool) and made thematic sense. It's only real sin was being done at this moment, when AI art is getting bad press, much of it for good reasons. But this MCU series was a hard sell for me. I thought the original storyline was a joke, but it's devalued by here being made as the kind of terrorism thriller that already populates television and keeping the superheroes out. It's so insular, this war is actually fought by a handful of people on either side (one of them getting fridged early), and often devolves into boring gun fights. Olivia Coleman is a charming creep, but I do wonder why she's in this instead of Valentina, because she's essentially playing the same role. The series gets better as it goes along, I think, and I'm at least intrigued by Fury's wife, but if there's a metaphor at play, the series only really dares mention it a few minutes from the end. And then we're left more or less where we were to begin with. it's fine, but underwhelming.
10 months 2 weeks ago
Neens's avatar


Only began watching this because of the badass that is Maria Hill, played by Cobie Smulders. spoiler
4 months 1 week ago
Aeon Rio's avatar

Aeon Rio

10 months 3 weeks ago
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