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Comments 1 - 15 of 33

Gary OldMan's avatar

Gary OldMan

I hope JJ comes back to direct the next film.
6 years 5 months ago
otoemec's avatar


best star wars yet. by far. don't be afraid to accept it.
6 years 4 months ago


Second worst Star Wars film. What a travesty. What a waste.
6 years 5 months ago
palefire's avatar


The Last Jedi does a great job at exploring the complexity of the light, grey and dark sides of the force with a nuanced Kyo Red and Luke Skywalker, but otherwise lacks creativity and imagination. An interesting contrast to this film is Valerian and the City of A Thousand Planets- which does a much more creative and fleshed out world but lacks the wish-fulfillment of seeing jedis and sith.
6 years 4 months ago
Paravail's avatar


I didn't like this film. I think I hated it. It had this "out with the old, in with the new" mentality that seemed to express itself as "screw everything the fans like." There's a lot of rather nasty subversion of expectation. I get that the director wanted to keep things from getting stale, but this movie seems to really despise what Star Wars is about. It does away with chosen-one narratives, the duality of good and evil, and the nobility of sacrifice. It's a much more modern and less traditional film than what Star Wars usually is. And that's the problem. Star Wars isn't about moral grayness and how crappy reality can be. People forget this, but the first Star Wars came about at the tail end of almost two decades of constantly social and cultural upheaval. It was an intentionally old-school film mimicking the techniques of 1930's action serials. It succeeded because it gave people an escapist fantasy of unambiguous good and evil. It was a comforting movie, one that gave people hope and optimism. It wasn't some innovative deconstruction with social commentary shoehorned in. I really liked The Force Awakens because it understood what Star Wars is and why people like. This movie seems to want to pretend like the Force Awakens didn't happen. I'm sure plenty of critics and intellectuals will praise this movie for its "boldness" and "innovation." I'm just left wondering why Rian Johnson wanted to make Star Wars into something it's not.
6 years 5 months ago
Base994's avatar


Better than the last one, still not so good
6 years 5 months ago
Emiam's avatar



Thus, the movie was about to get a straight four, but the fact that this "saga" never ends and becomes a new boxing cow, lowers the score! When. Ever. Should the rebels be those who are strong? Who chases? Who wins fight afterfight and destroy the evil? In every movie at the end, the hope is that more rebels will join and THEN, at least, the final fight will be... I'm more and more tired of every good-looking movie like this.
In spite of all above, it's good CGI and as good as Rogue One, and yes - a bit unpredictable. Still want it in the movie collection.
5 years 8 months ago
atomicelmo's avatar


6 years 4 months ago
chunkylefunga's avatar


Average film.

Where the originals actually had a decent plot the new star wars has become part of the generic superhero franchise.

Forced romance, forced humour, not subtlety at all.

Sure the last 30 minutes was good but the other 2 hours were very slow. Might have been decent if it were 90 minutes long.

There's a reason why Mark Hamill publically stated that he disagreed with the direction the movie takes Luke to.
6 years 1 month ago
danisanna's avatar


6 years 3 months ago
Dawizz's avatar


Calling this "movie" a train wreck is insulting to train wrecks. The last act is trying very, very hard to be an Empire Strikes Back, that is laughable. Why is Rose here? Oh yeah the Chinese market... Oh and spoiler. Long live the Republic!
5 years 5 months ago
eumer's avatar


Boring.... can’t believe that these kind of movies are made nowadays... especially with the budget they have.

- standard movie formula
- too long
- bad script

+ the humor

Skip if you want to save time ;)
6 years 4 months ago
armyofshadows's avatar


6 years 4 months ago
BenShee's avatar


Themes of this movie:

1. More "diversity", both in cutesy animals (both CG and puppetlike), worlds spoiler and characters spoiler.
2. Epic space battles, with ships that get bigger and bigger. spoiler
3. Somewhat shoehorned romance. spoiler
4. Mark Hamill being awesome. spoiler bringing a bit of awesome.
5. Quite a fair amount of philosophical navel gazing...
6. Rey and Kylo Ren's arcs developing well.
7. Animal activism. spoiler
8. Rian Johnson throwing away a bunch mysteries JJ Abrams put in. spoiler
9. Humour that was usually funny.
10. Hope for the future of the series.
6 years 4 months ago
kaaaaaro's avatar


This film has 3rd to 8th act problems but themewise it's definitely a step up from the previous one (which was devoid of all meaning, if you ask me). So maybe Episode IX can actually be a good movie. We'll see...
5 years 7 months ago

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