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Siskoid's avatar


When Joe Morton's mark on science-fiction is discussed, it's usually Terminator and sometimes Eureka, but no one seems to mention The Brother from Another Planet (1984 - the same year that gave us Starman), in which he plays a mute alien who ends up in Harlem. Perhaps it's because the film seems to panic in its third act, realizing it doesn't really have a plot, and shoehorns one in. Strongest are the alien's early and rather sweet connections with people, and his story's mirroring of various immigrant experiences. The odd space calypso music definitely fits that theme. There might have been something to be done with the (white) aliens tracking him, as their inability to fit makes for an intriguing contrast to explore, but their final confrontation with "the Brother" is odd and confusing, coming on the heels of the plug-in drug plot, and followed by... what exactly? But Morton himself gathers a lot of good will with his silent yet engaging performance.
3 years 5 months ago
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