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satisfythecrave's avatar


I watched this movie on the day my Uncle died after I visited him a few weeks ago to say goodbye. He had cancer all over. At least he still had his mind. My Mother is also dying. Her mind has wasted away. I'm consistently saying goodbye to her, every day. This movie makes me feel okay to think of them both. Plus, this film featured the one song I remember my Mother telling me she *hated* - "Killing Me Softly" by The Fugees. Kinda serendipitous.

This is a lot of info, but yeah. Thank you, Lulu Wang.
4 years 9 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


In The Farewell, Lulu Wang tells a personal story with the always watchable Awkwafina as her stand-in, a story shades of which happened in her family, but is apparently pretty common in China. Basically, "Billi"'s grandmother is dying of cancer, but the family chooses not to tell her so as to smother up her spirits. A wedding is quickly organized (and it's still ambiguous to me if it's real or a put-on) as an excuse to see her one last time. This is an immigrant's story, as much about missing home and confronting how one's adoptive country can change a person, and of course, how immigration affects the larger family in spite of the opportunities it affords. It's also very specific about Chinese tradition, and uses Billi as a fish out of water through which differences can be explored (though this is perhaps less strange to Western audiences who've experienced a lot of Chinese cinema, as is my case), which does lead to some gentle comedy, as well as an important character turn. Feeling weepy through those chuckles is completely natural, and the film comes off as sensitive rather than flashy or clever, and that's no bad thing.
4 years 2 months ago
Esnaider's avatar


Such a great acting by Awkwafina and directing by Lulu Wang
Definitely a big snub at some awards
4 years 1 month ago
mrjeffwright's avatar


This sure drank a little from the fountain of master Kurosawa's "Ikiru" and a little bit more from my favourites of master Ozu's films, and that, coupled with the brilliant direction of Lulu Wang and the soulful acting of Awkwafina, makes this a gem to be appreciated - and felt - by anyone; especially if you have ever lost someone you deeply cared for.
(I'm giving it a 9/10 while I clean the tears that kept insisting in falling from my eyes.)
2 years 11 months ago
boulderman's avatar


Poignant and interesting, 8/10
3 years 9 months ago
jlfitz's avatar


3 years 9 months ago
chunkylefunga's avatar


I just don't get the critical acclaim for this movie.

It's a story that countless others have told before and it isn't fresh in any way shape or form.
4 years 3 months ago
wilyhawk's avatar


The movie started off kinda meh.
In the 2nd half there were a couple of good scenes.
And then in the end I felt somewhere in between.
I wouldn't say it's an award winning movie, but not terrible either.
4 years 4 months ago
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