Mugstain's comments

Comments 1 - 5 of 5

Mugstain's avatar


It's Ben Wheatley, not Ben Wheatly.

Tough shit Tommy. I ain't going to correct it now because you pointed it out and I'm arrogant. Kiss my Timmy Testicles.
10 years 11 months ago
Mugstain's avatar


Was this rubbish made with Go!Animate!?
11 years 7 months ago
Mugstain's avatar


Would Confessions of a Dangerous Mind count?

No it wouldn't, not at all! Why do you want it to? You think you're better than everyone because you saw a cameo appearance from Brad Pitt for a second. Get out of here with your nonsense. What an utterly obscure request.

Someone talk some sense into that boy.
11 years 9 months ago
Mugstain's avatar


Where's Moonrise Kingdom at? We need an update fella!
11 years 11 months ago
Mugstain's avatar


I wouldn't mind if the stream was neatly placed beneath the old layout, it informs me of some interesting updates, but having it take over completely from the nice neat layout prior is disappointing. As much as I like seeing Captain Spaulding's cheery little face, it's not very nice seeing my profile spammed with my display picture and it's uncomfortable having the image slowly burned into my retina. It was wonderfully tidy before and now it's just messy and less handy, it feels like a downgrade. I second the notion that we should have an option to disable the stream. I don't want to sound like a miserable bastard, and I still like the site, just very much preferred the way it was before! :)
12 years ago
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