Updated TSPDT 21st century list and new spanish movies list

A lot of people asked us to update the The 21st Century's Most Acclaimed Films list, so naturally we complied. Thanks to the huge efforts of sortile9io we have also added a list dedicated to spanish movies: A Taste of Spain.

This is not the only thing that is new, check out the full list of changes:

  • Improved: viewing a movie's history now shows the data in a fancy chart format and allows one to see the full history (a link to the history page has been added to the movie's context menu when viewing a top list)
  • Improved: moved sub navigation to a drop-down menu
  • Improved: FAQ page is updated
  • Improved: roadmap page is updated
  • Bugfix: last checks by geography and users by geography made browser crash due to too many items being shown
  • Bugfix: when re-ordering the favorites/wishlist/didn't like lists, the changes were not stored


1 February, 2010