Charts: Lists

This page shows you the list charts. By default, the movies are ordered by how many times they have been marked as a favorite. However, you can also sort by other information, such as the total number of times it has been marked as a dislike.

  1. Owned Not Seen's icon

    Owned Not Seen

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  2. exclude400500_3's icon


    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  3. TSPDT Top 250 Directors Filmographies Part I's icon

    TSPDT Top 250 Directors Filmographies Part I

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. (Almost) everything directed by the directors in the [url=]TSPDT Top 250 Directors [/url], Part I: #1-101 [url=]Part II[/url] [url=]Part III[/url] 1. Alfred Hitchcock 2. Orson Welles 3. Stanley Kubrick 4. Federico Fellini 5. Jean-Luc Godard 6. Francis Ford Coppola 7. Ingmar Bergman 8. Akira Kurosawa 9. Jean Renoir 10. John Ford 11. Yasujiro Ozu 12. Martin Scorsese 13. Andrei Tarkovsky 14. Luis Buñuel 15. Charles Chaplin 16. Robert Bresson 17. Billy Wilder 18. Carl Theodor Dreyer 19. F.W. Murnau 20. Michelangelo Antonioni 21. Howard Hawks 22. David Lynch 23. Fritz Lang 24. Kenji Mizoguchi 25. François Truffaut 26. Roberto Rossellini 27. Sergei Eisenstein 28. Steven Spielberg 29. Chantal Akerman 30. Wong Kar-wai 31. Abbas Kiarostami 32. Luchino Visconti 33. Vittorio De Sica 34. Satyajit Ray 35. Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger 36. John Cassavetes 37. Woody Allen 38. Ernst Lubitsch 39. Alain Resnais 40. David Lean 41. Sergio Leone 42. Stanley Donen & Gene Kelly 43. Jean Vigo 44. Max Ophüls 45. Roman Polanski 46. Ridley Scott 47. Rainer Werner Fassbinder 48. Buster Keaton 49. Robert Altman 50. Agnès Varda 51. Jacques Tati 52. Terrence Malick 53. Pier Paolo Pasolini 54. Werner Herzog 55. Hou Hsiao-hsien 56. Krzysztof Kieslowski 57. Dziga Vertov 58. Chris Marker 59. D.W. Griffith 60. Claire Denis 61. Edward Yang 62. Bernardo Bertolucci 63. John Huston 64. Quentin Tarantino 65. Paul Thomas Anderson 66. Joel Coen & Ethan Coen 67. Michael Curtiz 68. Nicholas Ray 69. Vincente Minnelli 70. Sam Peckinpah 71. Douglas Sirk 72. Frank Capra 73. Wim Wenders 74. Hayao Miyazaki 75. Carol Reed 76. Béla Tarr 77. Spike Lee 78. Apichatpong Weerasethakul 79. Lars von Trier 80. Leo McCarey 81. Jacques Rivette 82. Preston Sturges 83. Eric Rohmer 84. Marcel Carné 85. Michael Haneke 86. Jane Campion 87. Victor Fleming 88. Erich von Stroheim 89. Elia Kazan 90. Nicolas Roeg 91. Gillo Pontecorvo 92. Milos Forman 93. David Cronenberg 94. Jacques Demy 95. Jean-Pierre Melville 96. Victor Erice 97. Josef von Sternberg 98. Claude Lanzmann 99. Pedro Almodóvar 100. Jacques Tourneur 101. Joseph L. Mankiewicz
  4. TSPDT Top 250 Directors Filmographies Part II's icon

    TSPDT Top 250 Directors Filmographies Part II

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. (Almost) everything directed by the directors in the [url=]TSPDT Top 250 Directors [/url], Part II: #102-211. [url=]Part I[/url] [url=]Part III[/url] 102. Brian De Palma 103. Theo Angelopoulos 104. Glauber Rocha 105. George Cukor 106. Jean Eustache 107. Clint Eastwood 108. King Vidor 109. James Cameron 110. Sidney Lumet 111. John Carpenter 112. William Wyler 113. Jean-Marie Straub & Danièle Huillet 114. Tsai Ming-liang 115. Ousmane Sembene 116. Michael Cimino 117. Ken Loach 118. Lucrecia Martel 119. Mikio Naruse 120. Stan Brakhage 121. Jim Jarmusch 122. Elem Klimov 123. Sergei Parajanov 124. Michael Snow 125. Mike Leigh 126. David Fincher 127. Bong Joon-ho 128. Charles Burnett 129. Andrzej Wajda 130. Céline Sciamma 131. Alexander Dovzhenko 132. Djibril Diop Mambéty 133. William Friedkin 134. Richard Linklater 135. George Lucas 136. Věra Chytilová 137. Michael Mann 138. Robert Flaherty 139. Maurice Pialat 140. Jean Cocteau 141. Peter Weir 142. Raoul Walsh 143. Robert Zemeckis 144. Terry Gilliam 145. Nagisa Oshima 146. Abel Gance 147. Otto Preminger 148. George A. Romero 149. Zhang Yimou 150. Robert Aldrich 151. Todd Haynes 152. Ang Lee 153. Andy Warhol 154. Hal Ashby 155. Samuel Fuller 156. Rob Reiner 157. Bob Fosse 158. Manoel de Oliveira 159. Emir Kusturica 160. Aleksandr Sokurov 161. Tobe Hooper 162. Jia Zhangke 163. Mikhail Kalatozov 164. Maya Deren 165. Ritwik Ghatak 166. Terence Davies 167. Christopher Nolan 168. Victor Sjöström 169. Pedro Costa 170. Michael Powell 171. Henri-Georges Clouzot 172. Wes Anderson 173. Louis Malle 174. Mike Nichols 175. Gus Van Sant 176. Fei Mu 177. Arthur Penn 178. Frederick Wiseman 179. Alexander Mackendrick 180. Shohei Imamura 181. John Boorman 182. G.W. Pabst 183. Luis García Berlanga 184. Ermanno Olmi 185. Alfonso Cuarón 186. Peter Bogdanovich 187. Lana Wachowski & Lilly Wachowski 188. Marguerite Duras 189. Leos Carax 190. George Miller 191. Paul Verhoeven 192. James Whale 193. Joseph Losey 194. George Stevens 195. Robert Wise 196. Tod Browning 197. Merian C. Cooper & Ernest B. Schoedsack 198. Barry Jenkins 199. Hirokazu Koreeda 200. Jean-Pierre Dardenne & Luc Dardenne 201. Frank Borzage 202. Tim Burton 203. Jonas Mekas 204. Larisa Shepitko 205. Lynne Ramsay 206. Tomás Gutiérrez Alea 207. King Hu 208. Peter Jackson 209. Anthony Mann 210. Aki Kaurismäki 211. Louis Feuillade
  5. Directed by women (part 1)'s icon

    Directed by women (part 1)

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0.
  6. Directed by women (part 2)'s icon

    Directed by women (part 2)

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0.
  7. Plex: All movies currently on Dutch Plex for free (2)'s icon

    Plex: All movies currently on Dutch Plex for free (2)

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. On Plex you can stream movies for free. You'll get commercials in between, but you don't have to pay anything. This list contains all movies that are on this service in The Netherlands. IMDb urls have been collected manually one by one. I'll update this list every few months. Some movies are mislabeled on Plex with the information about another movie, most of those cases a movie with the same title. I've caught a few, but there might be more. If you play a movie and it appears to be something else, please let me know. Some movies on Plex are not on IMDb, so they are not included on this list. Some series are included, but I can't promise you can watch the complete series. I collected all movies in the categories as shown [url=!/media/tv.plex.provider.vod?source=movies&pivot=vod.categories]here[/url]. This is part 2 of the list. [url=]Here[/url] is part 1. [url=]Here[/url] is part 3. Current edition: May 20th 2024
  8. iCM Forum's Favourite Under 50 iCM Checks Movies Full List's icon

    iCM Forum's Favourite Under 50 iCM Checks Movies Full List

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. The Full List 4800+
  9. Watchlist X's icon

    Watchlist X

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  10. Kim Newman's Nightmare Movies's icon

    Kim Newman's Nightmare Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 39:1. This list contains all movies mentioned in Kim Newman's "Nightmare Movies: Horror on Screen Since the 1960s"; an encycopaedic critical reference guide to modern horror, taking Night of the Living Dead (1968) as its starting point, and continuing to the publication date of the second edition in 2011. While chiefly concerned with the evolution of the horror film, the book will occasionally mention non-horror to compare and contrast. #1-119: Chapter 1 - Shoot 'Em in the Head! or The Birth of the Hate Generation #120-273: Chapter 2 - The Indian Summer of the British Horror Film #274-396: Chapter 3 - The Changing Face of Classical Gothic: #397-563: Chapter 4 - Devil Movies or: "If the mousse tastes chalky, don't eat it." #564-687: Chapter 5 - Deep in the Heart of Texas or: The Down-Home, Up-Country, Multi-Implement Massacre Movie #688-1245: Chapter 6 - Paranoia Paradise or: Five Things to Worry About #1246-1460: Chapter 7 - Tales of Ordinary Madness or: The Close-Up Crazies #1461-1595: Chapter 8 - Auteurs #1596-1764: Chapter 9 - The Weirdo Horror Film or: Cult, Kitsch, Camp, Sick, Punk and Pornography #1765-1889: Chapter 10 - Psycho Movies or: "I didn't Raise my Girl to be a Severed Head" #1890-1977: Chapter 11 - Ghost Stories #1978-2162: Chapter 12 - Return to the past #2163-2331: Chapter 13 - Cannibal Zombie Gut-Crunchers - Italian Style! #2332-2398: Chapter 14 - Fun with the Living Dead #2399-2428: Postscript: The Post-Modern Horror Film #2429-2723: Chapter 2.1 - The Lecter Variations #2724-3133: Chapter 2.2 - Vampires and Other Stereotypes #3134-3604: Chapter 2.3 - Scream and Scream Again: Franchises, Post-Modernism, Remakes #3605-3973: Chapter 2.4 - At First Just Ghostly #3974-4151: Chapter 2.5 - Virtual Realities and Imaginary Friends #4152-4351: Chapter 2.6 - Why Are Your Doing This to Me? #4352-4439: Chapter 2.7 - More Auteurs #4440-4720: Chapter 2.8 - Zombie Apocalypse Now! #4721-4725: Postscript: There will still be blood
  11. Unwatched Movies on 2+ Lists's icon

    Unwatched Movies on 2+ Lists

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0.
  12. ICM Forum Lists Challenge All Lists Combined's icon

    ICM Forum Lists Challenge All Lists Combined

    Favs/dislikes: 7:0.
  13. iCM Forum's Favorite Comedies Complete List (3rd edition)'s icon

    iCM Forum's Favorite Comedies Complete List (3rd edition)

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. All movies voted for at the poll for favorite Comedies at Top 300:
  14. List of directorial debut features's icon

    List of directorial debut features

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. An incomplete, expanding, improving list of debuts features.
  15. Films on 1 official list Part2's icon

    Films on 1 official list Part2

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. Following an idea suggested by [url=]wowwee123[/url] This is part 2 of a list of every film one official list. I was hoping to make a list of every official check, but such a list is too large for the site, so we'll have to settle for multiple lists: [url=]Films on at least 3 official lists[/url] [url=]Films on exactly 2 official lists[/url] [url=]Films on 1 official list Part1[/url] [url=]Films on 1 official list Part2[/url]
  16. Films on at least 03 official lists's icon

    Films on at least 03 official lists

    Favs/dislikes: 33:0. Following an idea suggested by wowwee123 and Peacefull Anarchy, this is a list of every film on at least 03 official lists. (214 Lists). For the other Lists see
  17. Films on 1 official list Part1's icon

    Films on 1 official list Part1

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. Following an idea suggested by [url=]wowwee123[/url] This is part 1 of a list of every film one official list. I was hoping to make a list of every official check, but such a list is too large for the site, so we'll have to settle for multiple lists: [url=]Films on at least 3 official lists[/url] [url=]Films on exactly 2 official lists[/url] [url=]Films on 1 official list Part1[/url] [url=]Films on 1 official list Part2[/url]
  18. Sight & Sound 2022 Poll - Films on all ballots's icon

    Sight & Sound 2022 Poll - Films on all ballots

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0. Temporary list, the title of which may also change Eventually this list will be composed of every single film appearing on a ballot for Sight & Sound's The Greatest Films of All Time 2022 poll. Still to be done: rectifying entries for trilogies and multiple films, the mess that is Twin Peaks nominations, and add missing films to imdb so they can be imported to icm. For official list determining purposes... Films on 5+ ballots: 1-833 (up to Zabriskie Point) Films on 4+ ballots: 1-1022 (up to Zimna wojna [Cold War]) Films on 3+ ballots: 1-1344 ( up to Zui hao de shi guang [Three Times]) Films on 2+ ballots: 1-1976 ( up to Ze soboty na neděli [From Saturday to Sunday]) Two 2-vote films are not yet on imdb: Fatima's Letter (1992 Alia Syed) Hayachine no fu [Ode to Mount Hayachine/The Poem of Hayachine Valley] (1983 Sumiko Haneda) Video games nominated so cannot be imported to icm (all with only 1 vote): Bioshock (2007) Home - A VR Spacewalk (2016) Notes on Blindness (2016) More data and statistics are available in a [url=]Google Spreadsheet[/url], including male/female divide, country representation, and more (also a work in progress). Also taking requests for stats. Send a PM or comment on the [url=]ICM Forum Thread about this poll[/url]
  19. Available online without English subtitles: France's icon

    Available online without English subtitles: France

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0.
  20. Netflix: All movies currently on Dutch Netflix's icon

    Netflix: All movies currently on Dutch Netflix

    Favs/dislikes: 50:0. These are all movies currently on Dutch Netflix. I use the [url=]list on MovieMeter[/url] as source, so it doesn't include titles that aren't on MM. I'll update the list once a month. Current edition: Jun 1st 2024
  21. December 2022 Cult Challenge Part 2's icon

    December 2022 Cult Challenge Part 2

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. Second part of compiled lists from the challenge OP
  22. Guide For The Film Fanatic (Complete)'s icon

    Guide For The Film Fanatic (Complete)

    Favs/dislikes: 39:0. Guide For The Film Fanatic (Core/Addendum)
  23. Non-English films's icon

    Non-English films

    Favs/dislikes: 7:3.
  24. 400_400_List3's icon


    Favs/dislikes: 1:0.
  25. Films on 1 official list Part 1/3's icon

    Films on 1 official list Part 1/3

    Favs/dislikes: 13:0. Following an idea suggested by wowwee123 This is part 1 of a list of every film on one and only official list. For the other Lists see
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Showing items 26 – 50 of 23474